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Need Another Translation!! Two Sentences!!

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I'm back again :rofl: I have more text that needs a translation. I am working on COMPLETE R33 HICAS pinouts, wire colors, functions, and system diagrams...somewhat of an offshoot from my own personal project, but it should benefit the Skyline community when I am done.

This is the ONLY wire I cannot verify...the schematic shows a really odd symbol for a switch, and I have no clue as to where the wire goes. It does define the wire's function, but I can't read Japanese lol...so I need your help!


Thanks! And if you can't see the picture and are willing to help, send me an email at: [email protected] and I'll send you the pics...I really appreciate it!



`parking brake's SW (What that means I don't know) number, parking brake state (on or off??) imputted into the C/U.'

hope it helped


Actually that does make sense..."SW" refers to a switch. This must be the parking brake switch input. Actually, I thought I had already found that but I guess I was wrong. Now I need to figure out what the other switch was that I thought was the parking brake switch lol



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