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Hey guys

Its time for me to get a skyline I have Sold my Trusty Silvia that i had on my L plates Due to me Going onto P's Next Week

I have Droped the silvia Range Due to them Being to SLIDE HAPPY i not into drifting think its a bit dumb i don't like even getting Slides too much Risk to my car

I am going with a Gts-t S1 r33 skyline it will be my P plater car

Only thing Due to my bad luck with Mum and Dad both having Autos and making me get a Auto Silvia i havn't driven 5 Speed much

I can Past my Auto P's with a easy i have done like over 250 hours most likey heaps more i Drive more then most P platers :wassup:

I ain't no Hoon i just love jap cars

i don't do burnouts or non of that shit i jsut wanta be the Best Driver i can and start goning to track days and shit

Ok my Question is Do u think i will b Right Learning Manual on a Turbo Skyline

I will be really careful I will go with my mates at times no one is out till i get used to it and drive it on my Auto P's till i am ready to past manual P's then i will change over

If anyone wants to teach me to drive for Money PM me :wassup:

not worried about the power i am used to silvia sliding out and shit but its just getting used to the clutch i think it will only take me a few weeks if i get onto it

What do u think

shouldnt be a problem, getting used to the clutch is dependant on the clutch whatever car you buy has. ie the last car i had had an easy clutch got used to it in no time, whereas in the car i drive now the clutch is not easy to use, so took a lot more getting used to...

ie general driving, dont worry about it, take it to a skidpan day as soon as you can and you will get used to it quick :rolleyes: but on the road no problem as long as you take it easy and realise there are others sharing the road and know your limits.

hmmm, took me awhile to get used to driving with boost, but you do get used to it, be especially careful when it's raining if you're still getting used to driving the car.

I didn't get my r33 until after I got my manual P's, before that I drove the good old Corolla, so it was a big step up in power terms.

other things to consider....

U say you not a hoon, but others on the road are and will try to drag you if you in a nice superior skyline, don't give in to peer pressure, if u have a skyline even people who know jack all about cars can look at a skyline an know it's fast, so there's no need to prove it on the street :wassup:

INSURANCE is a bi@tch, but if your parents are willing to fork out the dosh than it should be alright, my folks pay some of it for me :rolleyes:

I will be really careful I will go with my mates at times no one is out till i get used to it and drive it on my Auto P's till i am ready to past manual P's then i will change over

Just to clear something up, are u saying you will learn manual on a friend's skyline? are they on unrestricted license

Don't wanna sound like yo Grandma but if you do drive around make sure it's with a licensed driver coz my g/f is on her L's still an she got done in the other day driving with her friends an no parents, so be careful

Buy one with a stuffed clutch. Heaps easy to learn in!!!!No bunnyhops/no wheelspin easy.

Then fix the clutch after you get used to it.

There should be heaps of 33's getting around with stuffed clutches.

Alternatively just ride the clutch heaps on the first few days and presto stuffed clutch. easy to drive!!!

I am going with a Gts-t S1 r33 skyline it will be my P plater car  

Only thing Due to my bad luck with Mum and Dad both having Autos and making me get a Auto Silvia i havn't driven 5 Speed much  

I can Past my Auto P's with a easy i have done like over 250 hours most likey heaps more i Drive more then most P platers  :wassup:  

What do u think

i sorta learnt manual on a turbo skyline (having hardly driven manual prior to it) :(

easy cars to drive and learn on. just do your inital learning in dry days coz the car has a tendancy to slip in the rain

i found a skyline today at a Deal $15500 with FmiC bov Pod and exhaust

white 120000k little wear on gear boot and hand brake so not sure about k's

but it pretty clean

Insurances is the same as my old Non turbo silvia cause i am only getting 3rd party

cause if i crash with Full comp i have to be doing something Dumb most likey that they won't pay out on anyway

Personally my thoughts are it doesn't make a huge difference what car you learn to drive a manual on.

The main thing to remember is what car your in and what power it has when you take off..

Don't mash the pedal, just take it easy, keep it off boost.. practice some changes.. get the feel of everything.. practice stopping quickly and remembering not to stall..

From the sounds of it you'll be fine.. just get the foundations going first.. than start to ease it in a bit more..

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