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How, if you had the power, would you put an end to "hoons"?

every few days i seem to read something, here and there, about hoons of all ages. if you were abel, how would you end this stero type??

are we talking driver training, state funded events, more power to the police???

what can WE do to fix this?

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dont let p platers drive turbo cars?

man not every1 will be that crazy behind the wheel of a fast car

i would personally make the punishments of offenses very very VERY harsh, to discourage ppl from driving like lunatics

if they so cherish the thing they love (as in the car) they will not by any chance f*** themselves in the a** by driving so recklessly that one time which can end their or any1 else's lives

confiscate the car

terminate their licence and ban them from taking the test for a LONG LONG time ie (5 yrs)

let them take public transport, until they come to their senses and realise the responsibilities of driving

let it be known that driving is a 'privilege not a right' as stated in the Learner licence book!

Driver Training

Make it seriously difficult to get a licence in the first place & then send EVERY ONE OF US back every 5yrs to do a refresher course & re-do the testing, regardless of age or "supposed" experience etc. No Pass, No Drive. Come back next mth.....

I DO NOT agree with making existing penalties harsher, just fairer. Barely a week goes by without someone posting here about being f**ked-over un-justly, just imagine how it would be if they were given MORE power to abuse at will?? If they're gonna hassle Import drivers, do the same to the suits & the blue-rinse set on an equal basis, which clearly does not happen currently.

I'm 18; I've lost my licence for a few months - for speeding, I was emotionally influenced at the time, and it's not something I plan to repeat... and I know how much of a pain in the arse it is taking public transport (i live 3km from the bus stop, and travel an hour and a half to uni, one way!) - I realise how much of a privelidge having a licence is... however, that said...

I feel that the government isn't hearing us, and isn't doing squat about the problem of "hoons", people who repeatedly break the law and have no regard for others lives - thus I think a system should be brought in - whereby you can take a special licence test, maybe in sync with CAMS, and that after taking this test - you are given a special licence.

This licence would allow you to attend track events a certain number of times a year, for free.

Also, up the fines for certain offences - and then use the "new money" to build tracks in various major cities around the nation. Have a track on the north side of sydney, say between the central coast and sydney - up in the bush somewhere up near peats ridge/mooney mooney... whatever!

It's not hard, it'll give people an incentive to take it off the street - and those who dont use the system, and continue to break the law - fund those people who want to do the right thing.

Ultimately it'll never happen - because the government sucks, the way the law is enforced sucks (not always, but majority of the time), and the law itself sucks (famous guy drink drives... gets suspended a few months, slap on the wrist... rich guy knocks someone off a bike and kills him, big fine, suspension, slap on the wrist... utter..... crap.....!)

Drip feed heavy sedetives to everyone in the popuplation for ultimate control.


Its an attitude thing, some like being hoons. The more the powers that be want to stop it the cooler it becomes..rebels wihtout a clue:(

I cant see it ever changing...if your an enthisiast all you can do is join a car club and enjoy your car as bet you can...in the event you are pulled over (like i was the other night) you have to hope your attitude and driving record sets you apart.

As for penalties...rather then a $140 whatever fine and 3 points, you should get 1 strike for 0-15km/h. If within 3 months you get another 0-15km/h then you lose your licence for a calender month. If you are caught driving without court approval then you face larger fines and community service. How about working in a rehabilitation centre helping occupational therapists in their quests to help ppl walk again, write etc again.

If you get another 0-15km/h in 6 months then you lose your licence for two weeks. etc etc...a system like this. I know being without a licence hurts my earning power and i coudlnt afford to be regulary without my licence.

Obviously the higher the speed the higher suspension, with only a small fine associate dwith the same loss of points.

The system will get more credibility this way as it will no longer be about revenue etc.

Now how do you address ppls driving attitudes?...i like the idea of heavy medications whilst we sleep:)

I don't think banning turbo cars will do much. People can get around that by getting a Lotus 7 kit car fitted with a 4AGE 16v motor that will smoke any stock Skyline. Power to weight restriction would work better.

I agree with taking their car away with long term suspension. It'll make people think hard before they do anything, and it's a good wake up call when they get busted. Driver training doesn't change people's perceptions. It improves their driving skills.

i think confiscating peoples licence is a good idea with large penalties for driving without a lisence.

my opinion is that police should focus more on dangerous driving(which would include speeding) then just speeding though, there are a lot of people that drive within the speed limit dangerously (changing lane to lane continually and going up on medium strips before realising there all over the road) although it would be harder to dectect/inforce dangerous driving then speeding.

Police should also think to themselves weather there actually helping keeping people safe or just trying to make revenue or discriminate before pulling someone over.

I wouldn't worry about it..

This sort of thing has been going on for 40 years, maybe more. Now there is just a media fascination about it, so all of a sudden these hoons are "taking over the streets". When probably its no worse than before.

Simply put, other more important issues in society people have got bored of try to solve, as there are no real solutions, this seems like the latest obsession to be "fixed".

When it comes down to it, I'd say a massive percentage still live at home, sponging off their parents, spending their money on cars rather than rent, bills, etc which most others have to pay. How many hoons live out of home, have real responsilities, real bills to take care of, etc?? Not that many. Most are spoilt little overaged kids, bored senseless, and without any sense of respect for others, having not lived with others, and while probably working a well paid job, still get all the more difficult things provided for them at home.

Parents should kick em out of home I reckon, not let them leech on till age 25, etc simply so they can have the good things in life, which they probably don't appreciate anyhow.

Of course not many on here would be a "hoon", but how many still live at home? Over the years I reckon its close to about 75% (over 50% anyhow).. I am sure this is maybe controvercial, but is it true? :wassup:

i think confiscating peoples licence is a good idea with large penalties for driving without a lisence.

my opinion is that police should focus more on dangerous driving(which would include speeding) then just speeding though, there are a lot of people that drive within the speed limit dangerously (changing lane to lane continually and going up on medium strips before realising there all over the road) although it would be harder to dectect/inforce dangerous driving then speeding.  

Police should also think to themselves weather there actually helping keeping people safe or just trying to make revenue or discriminate before pulling someone over.

And if we are talking reform, the biggest thing we coulg do, is take away any traffic/road policing duties from Police. Give it to the RTA.

If there is a fatality or damage to property then the police can get involved, otherwise its up to the RTA.

Training, and locations to safely do the socially unacceptable things. Much like a footy field except tarmac and crash barriers.

Take the stigma --> coolness factor out of the equation and allow people to do stuff like a burnout or a handbrake/j turn in an area where they are soley responsible for their own damage. Can be used for basic loss of control training in obtaining a license and parking training.

Cars are a way of life, Bathurst is a nationally cherished event and they won't stop the behaviour, but just cater for the ones who want to do it in a safe location. Cops can swing by in the busy times and say hello and offer advice etc.

Guide to the solution, not bludgeon.

i agree with the power to weight ratio limitations.

but people who are like 'its the sports cars fault they died' are stupid and ignorant. 'rollas can still go fast enough to crash and die. hell, minis are too. beleive it or not, you are usually safer in a sports car with better tyres brakes suspension ect which makes you less likely to get into a sticky situation (gasp! really!?)

you could say 'you are more likely to drive a sportscar fast', but then again, wouldnt you want to thrash a $500 shitbox?

I wouldn't worry about it..  

This sort of thing has been going on for 40 years, maybe more. Now there is just a media fascination about it, so all of a sudden these hoons are "taking over the streets". When probably its no worse than before.  

Simply put, other more important issues in society people have got bored of try to solve, as there are no real solutions, this seems like the latest obsession to be "fixed".

When it comes down to it, I'd say a massive percentage still live at home, sponging off their parents, spending their money on cars rather than rent, bills, etc which most others have to pay. How many hoons live out of home, have real responsilities, real bills to take care of, etc?? Not that many. Most are spoilt little overaged kids, bored senseless, and without any sense of respect for others, having not lived with others, and while probably working a well paid job, still get all the more difficult things provided for them at home.  

Parents should kick em out of home I reckon, not let them leech on till age 25, etc simply so they can have the good things in life, which they probably don't appreciate anyhow.

I agree.

Hoons are not a big deal.

have u ever done 120 in a corrolla before? its insane, bouncing all over the place, down right scary. Compare that to a line. No argument.

The horsepower to weight thing works even if you do get a lotus 7 or something, how many kids can/would build or buy one of those, not many i wager. Alot of the buyers of hi po cars dont know anything but what they have seen on fast and furious and only are in 'lines or s13 cause they are so cheap and off the shelf.

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