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yea i had a silvia piss weak car i drived it in the way it was made by all the nsw i nealry never broke a law

I have a mate same car Silvia Q his is weaker Ca18 he drifts everycorner goes over 40+ over speed limit and shit

y should i someone that doesn't break the laws b stoped from driving the skyline i wanted for 5 years cause ****wits like my friend thing there heaps cool drifting and racing and speeding

due to them not growing up i stoped going out with them there like come on when ya get ya skyline were going out

I just said no thanks i don't wanta b a ****wit and lap and do dumb shit and get in shit with cops

P platers need to grow up i did all my growing up doing dumb shit on my L's and getting ripped about it off ppl

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I would like someone clarify what a "hoon" is?

I can't find the word in any dictionaries.


Me apparently, that is, I am a hoon. I dropped into my CU yesterday to get the cheque for the GTR and was told I'd be one of those Hoons, getting [another] Skyline, but how come I was wearing an Ozemail racing jacket if I drive an import. So from that I take it hoons drive imports, but you aren't a hoon if you have an Aussie V8 or something proper. I was pretty close to being impolite with the lady.

I really cant believe what I am reading. All you guys want to live in a police state. No-one should have the right to confiscate property especially for something subjective like being a "hoon".

Give police those powers and they'll start confiscating cars at their discretion. NSW is bad enough for motorists. The "Motorist" is the highest taxed entity in Australia by far - with little benefits being redirected to us via government policy.

My rego, my insurance, my petrol, tolls - all taxes on motorists, yet we see none of it going back to improving roads. Road fines, parking fines... not being spent on motorists.

Speed limits - what subjective crap most of these are. Up until 5 years ago, it was safe to drive at 60 in NSW residential areas.... now in the name of "safety" it is 50? As far as I can tell cars stop better than they ever have before - 4 wheel discs, ABS - yet speed limits are going down?

I see roads with potholes and poor visibility with posted limits of 90, while 3 lane dual carriageway pieces of road are 70. Why? Because some bureaucrat decreed it so?

Double demerit points on long weekends. How unconstitutional and unfair is that? Why should someone receive twice the penalty for the same offence – just because it occurred on a public holiday?

Dropping a burnout in the middle of a deserted car park somewhere (not that I condone this) BUT tell me - who exactly was that hurting? Yet in NSW if your vehicle has a sustained loss of traction for greater than 3 seconds…. Your car gets impounded.

This "hoon" crap is a convenient way for motorists to be conned into giving up more rights – cause we are fed crap that it’s in our best interests…. The last thing we need is to give these people more power.

I think the fines and punishment are too harsh already.

For those that are stupid enough to be labeled a hoon they should be Smacked up side their head.

Thus the term knock some sence into them will come into play.

Violence is the only way :(

Fines can be paid and licences returned but bruises will reshape not only their face/body but leave a lasting pain and would ensure they reminder not to be a fu(kwit.

Agree with EVERYTHING Scudboy said. Been driving for a long time. Driven through all the time when outside towns there were NO effective speed limits. It is a way of collecting money. Motorists pay through the nose for everything, and then allow themselves to be brainwashed to believe all the official crud. That's so you'll feel guilty easier, and pay up quietly. It works on most of you. Training makes drivers more confident and more dangerous. Fair dinkum research? I've searched the net for years to try to find some proof of that. Bull!!. That is seriously advancing an arguement that LESS knowledge about something, makes you better at it. Tell me another thing that anyone has ever said you would be better at, if you knew less about it. Brainwashing. The better cars handle, the better the brakes, the better the rubber, the lower, progressively, are the speed limits.

Don't think for a moment there were'nt cars around before these universal stupid restrictions, which had high enough performance to test if 'speed' was the killer it's made out to be. In the 1960s I had a car capable of around 220, and it weighed over 2 tonnes.

I once averaged a bit over 150 from a place called Kingston South East [i think it was called] yo Mt. Gambier, towing a trailer, all legal, and I'm still alive. You're all being brainwashed.

What i hate the most is:

I am on my reds and im 17 i have an R33 GTS (non turbo) i get shit from people at school and people who dont even know me for not getting a "boosted R33" im like well the power behind this car is quite substantial and i dont want to rapp myself around a pole.....

I constantly get called a ***** cause my car is not turbo... but then i always ask them the same question... Um what was it you drove again, cherade, excel, civic...

That always shuts them up, i think (i am a 17 y.o P Plater) that its the imaged of turbo charged cars... The first time i got in one it scared the crap out of me (R32 GTR LOL) and teenagers just think if you put you foot down in an excel and then in a turbo charged car it will do the same thing accept mabey a little more power so they do it first chance they get and then at the end of the street they miss judge and rap the car around a pole...

Its got to do more with peer pressure...

I love my car and when im on my Greens i might think about getting a turbo car... I would love one but me, g/f and family dont want me to die younge....

Thats my 2c



Hands up all those people that have a Jap import. Now hands up all those people that have removed the 180km/hr speed limiter from their Jap import. Would you say the majority?

If the government was "serious" about stopping hoons/speeding drink driving etc it "can" be done. I think it can be done reasonably easily too and heres how. To stop speeding "all" cars should be fitted with a speed limiter. You could just make the speed limiter set to 110 km/hr but if they were really serious they could have a variable speed limiter which A: would never allow you to exceed the maximum speed of 110km/hr ever and B: they could fit a device to speed limit signs that would communicate to the cars speed limiter to tell it the max speed limit for that area so the car could never exceed it. This device would need to be tamper proof in someway and if it was removed/tampered with the car would fail to start. Any devices fitted to try and remove/alter/trick the limiter your car gets confiscated and sold to a law abiding citizen to help pay for the race tracks/drag strips.

They will never ever do this, not because it would cost money to implement, I'm sure they could and would slug the drivers for the cost. They won't do it because they are makin massive amounts of money out of people breaking the law and it would cost them their revenue raising from this illegal activity. How ethical or moral is it for the government to be making money out of people breaking the law?

To stop drink driving every car could be fitted with a breathalyser which unless you were under the limit would not allow you to start your car. problem solved.

The other thing is lack of appropriate places like race tracks and drag strips where you should be able to enjoy your car in a controlled environment. Two recent examples near where I live I think would have solved a lot of hooning/burnouts general anti-social behaviour involving a car. These were the doughnut pad at Raymond Terrace and the proposed race track/drag strip at Raymond Terrace also. The doughie pad has closed so where are all these guys doing their burnouts now, on the street? I had noticed since the doughie pad opened a distinct lack of big blackies on the street, rarely would you see any but now they are everywhere you go. It was very popular and didn't close due to a lack of popularity. The race track/drag strip got knocked back so a lot of guys are still street racing, a number were caught again recently at Kooragang island which street drags have been going on there for over 40 years. I know my father told me he used to drag there when he was a kid.

If the government were serious about stopping antisocial behaviour involving cars and don't forget the side benefit of actually saving lives, they could do this but like I said they won't because they are making so much money from these illegal activities.

I know 2 people recently who have exceeded the speed limit by over 45km/hr and they still have their licences. It has been over one year for one of them and they still haven't had their licence taken away and have even been caught speeding again in this time. Why aren't the licence taken away from them, because the government know these guys are likely to speed again and they are a potential revenue raiser. They can't speed if they don't have a licence so they can't make money from them.

Its not rocket science.


giving up more rights – cause we are fed crap that it’s in our best interests…. The last thing we need is to give these people more power.

We constitutionaly have no rights, "These people", they make their own power, and you live in NSW. What the hell are you whinging about?... Come down mexico way for a while, 3km/h leeway faulty speed and red light cameras every 50 metres and intersection, cops who are by law given benefit of the doubt/leniancy/trust/beleif etc. from judges, a system where you are guilty until spending months and countless money to prove yourself right, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Ohhh, but other than that, yeah, I agree

What is worse is that a 92% increase in fines below 10km/h over the speed limit has coincided with a 2% decrease in the road toll, which actually deviates from the pre speed camera trend o 3.7%, so in real terms, the toll has increased after the introduction of fixed speed cameras

R2HKS, you've got a great talent there. Why waste it posting on this site? Science Fiction is your field, you'd make a fortune. Think of the endless possibilities of the plots you could develop, around 'control implants.' No need to confine your theories to mere machines. Just think of the way 'brain implants' could achieve great leaps forward for humanity.

I owned my 33 GTST on my green P's, and im grateful that I was allowed own such a nice car whilst I was on them. Too many people just jump on the bandwagon (P platers should do this or that). Not everyone on their p plates is out to do 180km/h in the main street of their given town, just the c*ckheads - which car be found IN ANY TYPE OF CAR. For instance Friday night I saw a sigma doing 80+km/h down the main street of the town I live in - does this mean we should ban them too.

Im off my plates now (have full licence) but I think what we should have is an area where people can stretch the legs of their cars, really open them up - but in a controlled environment. Im sure plenty of other enthusiasts agree that, they would much prefer to open their cars up where they cannot hit people crossing streets and have other cars pulling out infront of them. I don't want to endanger the public, but I also don't want to spend my entire apprentice wage travelling 500kms to Sydney to get to a skidpan.

Its time for something to be done, I'm sure if the government could intergrate and skidpan day and driver training day alot could be learnt - young and old.



It seems to me that the emphasis of a lot of people is on "the power to weight ratio" and "p-platers."

Banning P platers etc is not the solution.

Not all P Platers in Skylines or other Turbo cars are irresponsible. Only the minority 'misbehave', which generally, creates a negative view of turbo cars in general.

I agree, that the 'Hoon' issue is actually grossly exaggerated and far from the truth, its something that's been around for a while and will continue to stay around. It hasn't grown in magnitutde....its all about ratings "Hoons have taken over the roads, we are all the victims of thier negligent behaviour."

All I'm saying is that P platers are not the source of the problem, different drivers in different vehicles are the problem. Sadly, as long as there are cars, there will be 'hoons.' I'm not saying that I don't like giving my cars a squirt now and then, as I would be a liar, but I'm not some sort of moron that does a burnout every 2 seconds. Want a solution to the problem? There isn't one. Cars and Hoons will always go hand in hand.....if anyone thinks they have a solution, I'd like to see them apply it and fail miserably.

Im a P Plater and i drive a turbo car

(ok yes i've been done by the cops a few times)

but im never that stupid with it yes i do burnout's with it and stuff

i just do that coz im looking for something to do

If you ban p platers driving turbo's that means

ford / subaru / nissan ect will have to stop handing them out all p platers.All we want is

a bit of a powerful car to show off and stuff so what's the reason

if there mates r on a full lisence they could go ask them do u want to go 4 a driving

& eg the mate will maybe say yes and u ask can i drive & he might say yeah ok

so i guess you can't stop p platers driving turbo cars

the cop's r a little bit right p platers are stupid people (Not being mean to p platers out there) but that dosen't mean that they have to stop "HOONS" driving turbo cars!..

I think 'per capita' (I say this having lived in Japan for what seems like an eternity) Australia has an unhealthy amount of sportscar/import lovers... with NOWHERE to go (compared to Asia/Europe) to drive their cars they way they'd like to. In Japan it's soooooooooo easy to rock up to a local skidpan or mini-circuit and pay bugger all to have an afternoon of fun, and the avenues to advance to higher levels of motorsport are plentiful... it really depends on how... big... your.......... wallet............ is.

^^^I think I just hit the nail on the head.

Heheheh, as Australians are known the world over as being 'cheap', I'm not suprised that every Tom, Dick and Harry would rather take a chance with the Police than part with $30 or whatever to go down to the dragstrip or pay much more to go to the circuit...

So there you go! Australian Government! Do something for the young people of Australia and open up cheap motorsports venues (mini-circuits/skidpans) where people can enter for $5!!!! That'll stop the hoons!!!

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