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What's everyone think of the proposed speed limit changes, it's pretty much knocking of 10km/h everywhere. I think it's a shit idea, I think the govenment should make defencife driving courses compulsary, and teach people to drive.

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What's everyone think of the proposed speed limit changes, it's pretty much knocking of 10km/h everywhere.  I think it's a shit idea, I think the govenment should make defencife driving courses compulsary, and teach people to drive.

I was waiting for this to come up. Thought it would of been a hot topic by now. I can't really see it doing anythign except raising revenue again with speeding fines from everyone.

As for the proposed limits i really can't believe that it can go ahead with something so stupid.

Its not the limits that the need to look at in all honesty. I know that speed has an influence on most accidents these days but when you look at what the person is driving/riding and the power and experience of a machine capable of what they are these days say's a lot to me.

Maybe think of bringing in power to wait laws like other states for bikes and have a limit to the capacity and power that a leaner (L & P drivers) and a set age inforced as well.

Like sav man said, make driving courses compulsory for people to do and that way then most people will at least ahve the basics down for defence driving.

Just my 2cents but i can't see the drop in spped doing anything other than making the government money :confused:

ive seen driving instructs and even chief of RACT say its a stupid idea.. i reckon it would mean more road fatalitys.

what pisses you off the most, someone overtaking you or getting stuck behind a car doing 90 in a 110 zone?

I don't care if people overtake me, it's their licence. But i hate drivers who drive under the speed limit, if your not confident doing 110km/h you shouldn't have a licence. And if your car won't do 110km/h safly it shouldn't be road werthy.

PHaT MR30: do you mean dropping the speed would increase deaths? cause I think it will, because you lose consentration if you drive real slow. America increased their speed limits (by ~10 km/h) and got less deaths on the roads.

America increased their speed limits (by ~10 km/h) and got less deaths on the roads.

Yeh but Australian government are deadshits that won't listen to anyone, they are ALWAYS right and don't care about the opinions and lives of others as long as they get more revenue... :confused:

Yeh but Australian government are deadshits that won't listen to anyone, they are ALWAYS right and don't care about the opinions and lives of others as long as they get more revenue... :confused:

Yep, another way to make more money so they get more in there own pockets every year as they are so hard done by and dont get paid enough to be friggen half whit tools as it is!!!!

I cant see this doing anything except causing more accidents with all the people that dont agree with it. People speed as it is and this isn't going to chnage that either. :chairshot

I don't care if people overtake me, it's their licence.  But i hate drivers who drive under the speed limit, if your not confident doing 110km/h you shouldn't have a licence.  And if your car won't do 110km/h safly it shouldn't be road werthy.

PHaT MR30: do you mean dropping the speed would increase deaths? cause I think it will, because you lose consentration if you drive real slow.  America increased their speed limits (by ~10 km/h) and got less deaths on the roads.

Yes thats what i mean, also in america if all the traffic is travelling at a similar/same speed limit over the speed limit you aren't classed as speeding as the whole traffic is flowing at the same rate.

i get so bored doing 110 to hobart imagine if it was lower than that!!!

all the recent accidents are not due to speed IMHO its all due to inattentive driving.

Yes thats what i mean, also in america if all the traffic is travelling at a similar/same speed limit over the speed limit you aren't classed as speeding as the whole traffic is flowing at the same rate.

i get so bored doing 110 to hobart imagine if it was lower than that!!!  

all the recent accidents are not due to speed IMHO its all due to inattentive driving.

Yeah its funny, when there is some sort of accident its automatically blamed on speed, nothign else just that "they must of been speeding" :werd:

Maybe so.........but.........I have been over there (some years ago now) and I can tell you that the road is specifically designed for that purpose. There are slow lanes and fast lanes in the same direction. More thought has been put into it and a heap more money - something that our government is not prepared to spend on our roads.

I think your all on the money. Nothing worse than slow drivers on open roads that make you try do some crazy overtaking.

My Thoughts some legit some for fun

1. Make defensive driving courses part of L's at least 2 times, besides you get a discount on alot of insurance if you have with some companies.

2. make ppl going less then 20 under the speed limit pull over (my dads idea)

3. Anyone ever noticed that most acidents happen at night, so do a bit of both with the limits, increase the speed eg HBT to Launceston to 120 during daylight hrs then drop it at nightspecify some times that account for daylight savings, same way as they do at skewl zones. This would also make alot of drivers drive at different times so they can get there faster,where they shouldn't be drowsy and can see the road further ahead . Im sure we can get some of those electronic speed limit signs like the mainland on the freeways that change!!

4. common sense really if they road is windy don't try go 100 if its only easily drivable at 80 this = Education

I bet the GMENT has not thought about businesses who have people on the road during work hours eg UNI where they pay you to drive from HBT to LST and back thats extra funds they have to pay because it takes longer. so business should jump on the GMENT back!!

Peace ED


I think your all on the money. Nothing worse than slow drivers on open roads that make you try do some crazy overtaking.

My Thoughts some legit some for fun

1. Make defensive driving courses part of L's at least 2 times, besides you get a discount on alot of insurance if you have with some companies.

2. make ppl going less then 20 under the speed limit pull over (my dads idea)

3. Anyone ever noticed that most acidents happen at night, so do a bit of both with the limits, increase the speed eg HBT to Launceston to 120 during daylight hrs then drop it at nightspecify some times that account for daylight savings, same way as they do at skewl zones. This would also make alot of drivers drive at different times so they can get there faster,where they shouldn't be drowsy and can see the road further ahead . Im sure we can get some of those electronic speed limit signs like the mainland on the freeways that change!!

4. common sense really if they road is windy don't try go 100 if its only easily drivable at 80 this = Education

I bet the GMENT has not thought about businesses who have people on the road during work hours eg UNI where they pay you to drive from HBT to LST and back thats extra funds they have to pay because it takes longer. so business should jump on the GMENT back!!

Peace ED

Good thoughts Ed, think ive seen your car around.

My proposed idea for Bass Hwy Between Launceston and Burnie and Midlands Hwy Between Launceston and Hobart is this.

Split dual carriageway with an island inbetween (so two lanes going each way the WHOLE way) this island should have either bush or some sort of screen heigh enough to block the headlights of oncoming traffic.

The speed limit would be RAISED to something more like 140km/h. On approach to the few town you got to slow down for (eg Campbell Town, Cleavland, Brighton, Elizabeth Town, Epping Forest etc) drop the speed limits on the outskirts of the towns to say 100/80/60 (whatever) if the lanes merge back together so be it.

Have a speed fixed speed camera at the lowest speed limit signed through the town (so basically if your stupid enough to speed through there you shouldn't have a licence anyway).

also have +- 20km/h allowance on the open road to allow for overtaking.

IMHO i can't see anyone speeding anymore cos they are going at a more comfortable speed, less prone to tiring and lowers the chance of head ons substantially.

I know this is a big ask by the government but i mean they spend enough on Football Stadiums, Correctional Facilitys, Boats which bring tourists over here etc

if you understand what i am getting at i would love to hear comments

I love that idea PHaT MR30. Aslong as people went the speed limit, or cept in the left lane.

I just e-mailed this to Bryan green this

Dear Mr Green


I am writing to you about the speed limit changes you have proposed.  I think they are a bad idea, because it will not save lives.  The real problem is driver education.

Last year I did Berry Oliver's defensive driving course, and It has made me a safer driver.  I learnt how to perform emergency stops on a wet road in my non ABS car, I also learnt about tail gating and how dangerous it is. I used to tail gate slower drivers all the time. but after seeing first hand how following so close leaves no room if the car your following hits the breaks, I stoped doing it.  It also thought me that in main roads I should go the speed limit, not 5-10km/h under it.

If you put money into signing 50km/h zones, and driver education, and getting people to go the speed limit on main roads, here would be a lot less accidents.  Speed is not the problem, in America they raised the speed limits by about 10km/h, and the road toll dropped significantly.  

What I think would be a good idea for new drivers, is that after you get your p's you get 3 months on the road by yourself, and between 3 and 6 months you must sit a defensive during course, or your license is suspended until you do.  Because then they get to see what the road is like before they sit the course.

This is the first time I have ever written in to anyone to voice my opinion, so that is how strongly I feel about it.





Spot on the money there Tim, Divided roads are the only way to go. This will completely demolish head on colisions. Dual lanes would be excellent as it leaves the overtaking lane. What itcomes down to is a shiteload of money needs to be spent on fixing the roads at least to get them to a decent condition. The RACT idea of putting speed camera revenue back into the roads and education is the best idea ever in my opinion. Roads in Tasmania are disgraceful and something needs to be done about it. :werd:

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