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Ban Turbo Cars From P Platers? Just wanna know where this stands...

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ahh, this will suck dramatically if it comes in within the next 3years, having my licence for not even 6months i have already bought and sold a car on boost, and now im considering a GTR, il be hella pissed if it comes in, meaning ill have to go the slo pimpin bmw

ohh well

Mate, it's an excellent idea . Ban P platers from all cars over with an output of more than 50bhp and capable of more than 100kmh would be even better. And ban them from driving at busy times of the day, and after 7pm. Should help to bring down the insurance premiums for the more mature and sensible motorists amongst us .

Mind you, if this had happened here in the UK when I'd first got my licence I'd be well pi55ed off. It's only now that I'm turning into a grumpy old git and get fed up with some of the kids that drive like they're playing on the PS or XBox around my area that I'm starting to feel like this.

Mate, it's an excellent idea . Ban P platers from all cars over with an output of more than 50bhp and capable of more than 100kmh would be even better. And ban them from driving at busy times of the day, and after 7pm. Should help to bring down the insurance premiums for the more mature and sensible motorists amongst us .

Mind you, if this had happened here in the UK when I'd first got my licence I'd be well pi55ed off. It's only now that I'm turning into a grumpy old git and get fed up with some of the kids that drive like they're playing on the PS or XBox around my area that I'm starting to feel like this.


ban us from driving at night or in busy traffic times?? do you think because we are p platers we have no life? I NEED to drive to work in busy traffic times, I NEED to drive home... i NEED to have a life and this ban is ridiculous and should not be enforced!! i dont really do anything apart from go to work and cruise in the sky - i dont go out hooning or driving like an idiot, why should i be punsihed? i have worked really hard to get my car and to do the things i enjoy and this means nothing? the governement is going to just take away my freedom like that!! its bullshite!!

the ban will be inforced by 11th June, and i can say im disgusted and very disapointed.

sure there are some very irresponsible p plate drivers who have turbo cars, but what about the ones who drive responsibly and dont drive like idiots? you can have your p's, own a turbo car and not drive it like a maniac.

There have been alot of deaths contributed to p platers driving turbo cars, but there are also alot of deaths caused by 4wd and other makes that dont have the media coverage we seem to get.

it is completly unfair and an injuctice to young people in my opinion.

Instead of just straight out banning p platers from driving turbo cars, why dont they implement a system where if a p plater were to drive a turbo car they would have to attend a further driving course, designed to educate young drivers on how to handle the power and how to drive responibly and safely.. then maybe if that fails.. then do the ban. But to give young people no option at all is outrageous!

I will be starting a petition against this, and asking that an advanced driving course be put in place of a complete ban... will you support the petition??

I think at night or at busy times that P platers should catch a bus or ride a bicycle.

Seriously though, Michadoo, your idea of further training for people driving higher powered cars is a good one. But the problem is going to be down to who should fund it and implement the necessary standards. I'm not sure what the driving tuition and test things are like in Aus (for cars and motorcycles), but my ideal would be for driving licences for cars to be issued in a similar way to what they are for motorcycles here in the UK. Up to a certain age you can only ride a bike of up to a certain max capacity. You can then take a test to allow you to ride larger bikes. If you have a full driving licence you can take an intensive course and test to ride more powerful bikes, or you can take the standard course and test to ride bikes up to 33hp. Seems prety sensible - but still there a load of mature adults with full licences who still kill themselves within weeks of getting a fast bike....

oh really 11th july? dang....Means I cant drive for 2 months.. wth...

Yea we instead of spending the money for the rta for licence, goto a driving lesson instead!

It should be funded by the driver itself, heck we spend so much money just to do a stupid test on the computer. $30 booking fee + Licence fee. If you fail the booking fee needs to be paid again.

and what about if where you live there are no buses at night? or you cant ride a bicycle due to health reasons?? i live on the central coast and public trasport is very scarce and riding a bike is just not an option for me, as well as being unsafe to do so at night (so many dodgy people in the gosford area, being a girl on a bike at night you are asking for trouble)

I work all day nearly everyday, and i work hard, the last thing i want to do when i finish work is catch a bus or ride a bike, after all i had done that for years before i could get my licence... so now i have my licence i should still ride a bike like a god damn 10 year old!!

I think everyone should stop being so discrimative against young drivers, it is complety unfair.

If someone wants to drive a turbo car, they should be trained in the appropriate manner on how to handle the power and how to drive safetly, the majoirity of accidents is from speed, or loosing control of the car... why is that? maybe because the "young stupid p platers" are not being educated in the right areas. It comes down to personal responsibility.

I will agree with banning p platers from driving turbo cars if they have lost their licence numerous times for reckless driving or speeding.... but what about those of us who drive safe and dont speed?? it is unfair!

It really gets to me because nearly my whole life there has been some kind of discrimnation surrounding me just because i am young, just because i am female, and this has just toped the cake!! I get discriminated agaist being a female and driving a turbo car for one - apparently girls cant handle the power and shouldnt be driving them - thats just one example there are plenty more! so this has really hit a nerve with me!

i have just been informed the new rule will only affect new p platers... apparently (details still sketchy) you are safe if you already have your p's and a turbo car, just preventing people from just getting their p's driving turbo cars.

and what about if where you live there are no buses at night? or you cant ride a bicycle due to health reasons?? i live on the central coast and public trasport is very scarce and riding a bike is just not an option for me, as well as being unsafe to do so at night (so many dodgy people in the gosford area, being a girl on a bike at night you are asking for trouble)

I work all day nearly everyday, and i work hard, the last thing i want to do when i finish work is catch a bus or ride a bike, after all i had done that for years before i could get my licence... so now i have my licence i should still ride a bike like a god damn 10 year old!!

I think everyone should stop being so discrimative against young drivers, it is complety unfair. 

If someone wants to drive a turbo car, they should be trained in the appropriate manner on how to handle the power and how to drive safetly, the majoirity of accidents is from speed, or loosing control of the car... why is that? maybe because the "young stupid p platers" are not being educated in the right areas. It comes down to personal responsibility.

I will agree with banning p platers from driving turbo cars if they have lost their licence numerous times for reckless driving or speeding.... but what about those of us who drive safe and dont speed?? it is unfair!

It really gets to me because nearly my whole life there has been some kind of discrimnation surrounding me just because i am young, just because i am female, and this has just toped the cake!! I get discriminated agaist being a female and driving a turbo car for one - apparently girls cant handle the power and shouldnt be driving them - thats just one example there are plenty more! so this has really hit a nerve with me!

i have just been informed the new rule will only affect new p platers... apparently (details still sketchy) you are safe if you already have your p's and a turbo car, just preventing people from just getting their p's driving turbo cars.

ye banning them in peak hours is a bit harsh.. i think the 30kw rule stands.

Anyone who says 30kw/50HP car should be it for P platers is an idiot, a *huge swearing* idiot!

I drove a diesel merc with 80kW and 0-100 time of 15.15 secs on my Red Ps and it caused me NOTHING but TROUBLE, trouble in traffic, trouble in dangerous situations - hell, what WROTE THE CAR OFF was its lack of power! (was pulling out of a carpark, and by the time i got out into the lane, another car had come over this crest and had seen me - it was 100% clear when i went!)

Mind you, I also lost my licence driving that diesel merc, with 80kW of grunt, in a 1600kg car... so power is NOT the problem!

EDIT: Some of you need to see the bigger picture here...

Like I said - I studied all of this at uni in great detail - CARS are not the problem, it's the DRIVERS and the SYSTEM and the ROADS. This can easily be seen by looking at other countries and their systems, and their road toll compared to their population!

Menthu_Rae ur a champ. All you guys who dont have ur P's dont give a F*ck, u make me soo pissed off. Cant u see how us P Platers or soon to be P Platers will be affected? Im with Menthu_Rae I sometimes want to punch u and all those government ppl and the RTA in the head for enforcing such ludacris rules...Whoever kills themselves in t turbo cars are d*ckheads and they prob deserve it.....its their fault. Which should not be taken out on the rest of us.

yes..but that is what they are trying to fix!!!  the combination!  not the singular!!  So they are targeting drivers in the hi po cars...

i think the idea for more driver training is good, but nothing beats experience!!!

I 100% agree - and whilst I agree with this law - I'm saying that it's not and SHOULD NOT be the only solution provided by the RTA/Government.

I wrote in to the tele and said this

The Government and the RTA are taking the easy way out. Yes, this change in the law to ban P Platers from high performance cars is a move that will reduce the road toll amongst youths.

However, reforms are needed within the licensing system and the current level of driver education and training is totally inadequate given the hazards on modern day roads.

I study Engineering and from studying Road Safety, and indeed the National Road Safety Strategy (2001-2010) at University this Semester, I am well aware of the problems faced by the Government and Sate Transport bodies.

The motorists of NSW who have "scored a stunning victory" are overlooking the most significant issues - what is needed is effective and practical driver training as a compulsory measure and a reformed licensing system - amongst other things.

Indeed, the parents of P Platers can help too - they should not place all of the responsibility on the Government or RTA. Coming from a country background, my parents educated me thoroughly on driving and its potential hazards. I completed over four times the required L Plate hours and drove in conditions that the majority of P Platers and indeed the majority of Sydneys full licenced drivers never experience.

The Government, the RTA, the motorists of NSW and indeed the parents of these P Plate crash victims need to see the real issue here - it is not the car that is deadly, nor its induction method or power output - the problem is the driver.

Educate the driver, train him/her well and give him/her experience - and there will be no need for ridiculous laws limiting what people of a certain age can and can not do.

If a 26 year old is on their Red Ps, and I am 21 and on my full licence - does this make them a greater danger on the roads?

Similarly, a 21 year old full licenced driver with half the experience of say, a 20 year old Green P Plater - is he/she a better driver just because of his/her licence class?

By all means keep this law in place - but realise that there are more significant and far bigger problems with Australian roads, licensing and road users themselves...

Menthu_Rae ur a champ. All you guys who dont have ur P's dont give a F*ck, u make me soo pissed off. Cant u see how us P Platers or soon to be P Platers will be affected? Im with Menthu_Rae I sometimes want to punch u and all those government ppl and the RTA in the head for enforcing such ludacris rules...Whoever kills themselves in t turbo cars are d*ckheads and they prob deserve it.....its their fault. Which should not be taken out on the rest of us.

Great attitude mate - clearly you have absolutely no understanding of the motives behind the new ruling

Heres a thought, these "dickheads" you mention that deserve to kill themselves, what happens when in doing so they collide with another car and take out a familly at the same time?


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