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hey guys just lookin for some advice, thismornin i went to warm my car up b4 i left for work and i noticed

1... the engine started knockin a little, it went away after about 10 seconds, not sure if its just cos its really cold or whatever, but it stoped, was only brief

2... when i hoped in the car and pressed on the accelerator pedal, i noticed it was makin an electric noise, kind of like when ya tunin in a radio, or the feedback you get through your car speekers, but it was only when the accelerator was touched and then stoped once the reves dropped back down to idling revs, and it wasnt coming from the speekers, any ideas guys

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yeah its really hart to xplain it, the noise is like. arghhh i cant explain it, it only come on to the revs of the car, and whilst idling its normal, but when reved it goes to the revs of the engine, its a real high freqincy pitched noise the sort you get in shity old cars comin through the speekers, i dono might just get it looked at because its to hard to explain, could be normal for all i know but it seems to only of come up today

i just noticed i can only hear it when the doors open, and when the engine bay is open i cant really hear it over the engine, sounds like more under the car,, could it be the fuel pump pumpin fuel since it only comes on once foot it put down, it may be pumping more fuel down to compensate to the presure on the pedal, hense why its making the noise when pedal put down, its got me &*^%ed

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