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I dont know if the law is different in perth but this happened to me and the magistrate told me he gave me the MINIMUM manditory sentence of 9 months added on to the original 3 and a $400 dollar fine. I wasn't on my p's though, i dont know if that makes a difference.

Can I be the first to say "ha ha", as well as you're a little bitch for "anyway to get out of it".

Although I hope you're kept off the road for as long as possible, not only this, but for http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=65229 where you hit a parked car (btw did fix the bloke up for damage to his car?) Since you currently 'have' your p's you should be able to drive a line after they suspend your lic. for min 1 year. RTA only seems to mention limiting your passengers if uve been suspended whilst on your p's.

And no, I'm not interested in 'meeting up'.

you need to realise something, that if u hurt someone.....or yourself while your un licensed to drive.........to put it nicely, you get FISTED by the authorities because the insurance on your car is now void, and reading your other post just confirms your a GOOSE.

all the best.

yeh im on a good behaviour bond for assault, but it just says to be of good behaviour.

so im think thats gonna screw me up bad...anyone no what im lookin at??? should i please guilty or non guilty and think of a good excuse?

I had a unlicensed prick hit into me on my bike, needless to say he ended up having to pay around 35,000 in damages to me, he lost all his posessions, car, you name it..

you're very lucky this didn't happen to you, don't make up an excuse, as they'll know you're making one up, there is NO valid excuse for driving unlicensed, although my friend did have one, but his circumstances were different. He had the 5 year gold license and it had expired for a few days when he got caught, but in your circumstance, the best thing you can do is plead guilty to the driving unlicensed charge.. and get a good lawyer who might know a few tricks.. from the way the new laws read, i think you'll not be able to drive your car, as it's a second offence, a first warrants only you be limited to passengers.

yeh im on a good behaviour bond for assault, but it just says to be of good behaviour.

so im think thats gonna screw me up bad...anyone no what im lookin at??? should i please guilty or non guilty and think of a good excuse?

So you are on a bond and you lost your licence - then got vaught again...

Sell the car, buy a lawyer and read the banned car list.

mate looks like u got no1 else but your self to blame

i think u have no way out of this 1

and u wont be able to drive a line till your over 25

i suggest you sell your car soon

and pay the fines

and when u get your liscence back be mroe carefull driving

damn this sucks

i heard they have to issue the court summons within 48 hours? is this true? if not they cant take u to court, they did not give me anythin on tha nite, not one peice of paper, u think i can get away with it????? should i denie i was drivin

damn this sucks

i heard they have to issue the court summons within 48 hours? is this true? if not they cant take u to court, they did not give me anythin on tha nite, not one peice of paper, u think i can get away with it????? should i denie i was drivin

yeah and probly get into more shit :chairshot

yeh im on a good behaviour bond for assault, but it just says to be of good behaviour.

so im think thats gonna screw me up bad...anyone no what im lookin at??? should i please guilty or non guilty and think of a good excuse?

well if you expect us to have any pitty for you, i know i dont.

by the sounds of things YOU are the exact type of person who has just ruined it for the rest of us who drive responsible.

Maybe you should wake up to yourself and take responsibilities for your own actions and when you get a taste of your own medicine dont come crying - cause at the end of the day you are the one who got yourself in this position.

Honestly i think it would be extremely rude for you to ask your friend to pay any of your fine. living in sydney there is public transport available, and you should have been responsible enough to say "hey man i got no licence sorry cant drive u home"

You odvioulsy have NO RESPECT for the law - maybe when you grow some respect for the law and this society and the community in it, then maybe you can start questioning how unfair a punishment is - for something you have done.

Thank you for being apart of the immature P Plate community and ruining it for those who arent immature and have respect for the law.


damn this sucks

i heard they have to issue the court summons within 48 hours? is this true? if not they cant take u to court, they did not give me anythin on tha nite, not one peice of paper, u think i can get away with it????? should i denie i was drivin

Sorry Habib, this is NOT the case.

The cops identified you on the night and you WILL receive a summons to go to court. This can take up to 6 weeks, they can summons you within a 12 month period.

Also I would not drive again until this matter is cleared up and you have your license back, if you get caught again, it will be a minimum of 3 years ban, up to 10 years and possible jail time.

Do not think this is a light offence, it is not and you will be fined and loose your license for 12+months.

I strongly suggest once you get the summons, that you get a good solicitor and make sure you are in a suite when you front court.

If you go in there with a smart arse attitude, the Magistrate will bend you over and give you the max.

Please try to learn from this incident and try to become a better human

So basically you havent learnt from your previous run in's with the law?

For what its worth, my g/f's bro is currently on "another" ban. He only has an old 626 but is unable to obey the law.

First caught speeding by about 10K's so got a month ban. Then caught about 3 months later about 10K's over and got a 6 month ban. Now caught without a rear "p" plate and banned for a year. With Vic though, they took so long to send his notice through each time that it was always backdated so for instance in the 1 month ban, he only had a week to serve by the time it came through. No fines from what I know though on any.

His parents have confiscated his keys so he doesnt do something like you did as he may well be tempted.

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