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Yellow Stickers and Permits


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hey guys

got done last night with a yellow for a bov just a bov, ne one know which pits will let me pass over and get permits with the following :

- greddy dual pillar mount

- bov

- front mount

- pod

- catch can

- under car neons

- zorst

- boost contoller

cheer guys

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obviously theres not going to be a pits that will let everyone off with illegal stuff.

any dual pillar mount is illegal. your bov is illegal if it vents to atmo. your pod needs to be secured properly. your neons must follow the guidelines (ie. mustnt be able to see the tubes at all). your exhaust cant be too loud. you should be able to get permits for everything except the pillar mount and exhaust. they dont do permits for exhausts anymore apparently.

depends on the car, you and the inspector with what you can get away with.

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im just gonna buy a cup for da boost gauge and leave it at dat and have no pillar mount. pod is secured properly and bov is a atmospheric/plumb back one so i can seal up da atmo bit and leave it plumb back.

neon tubes cant be seen taped up

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hmm, seen permits given for BOV that atmo vents, quite common. Have also seen permits for pillar mounts

perhaps check with the inspection station that you intend going to, that way you wont get any nasty surprises (hopefully)

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neons are perfectly legal unless they are mounting incorrectly. if the actual light can be seen from another car as opposed to just the "glow" then they are illegal.

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depends if they are in the way of your head movement if you happen to crash, or if they exptend past the a-pillar, blocking vision that the a-pillar itself doesnt.

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When I got a yellow for being too low, I was told I needed permits for BOV (atmo), strut brace, pod filter, non standard seat rails. Already had permit for dual pillar gauge and exhaust. I went to Welshpool, and that was quite easy...aside from the 4 hour wait in line. They inspector crossed everything off, took it around the block and gave me all of the permits.

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My brother in law is a cop, I asked him about permits and stickers and what he looks for. He told me that if he sees any more than 5 aftermarket mods he will ask to see permits. If no permits he will send the car off to get them, ie sticker.

He also told me that this is what he did, not a written policy - they can give you a sticker for any mod that doesnt have a permit.

If you are worried about getting a sticker off, it would be worth while IMO to go and see guys like C-Red, they have modded cars with permits and deal with the guys at the pits often enough to know what is ok and what isnt. Might save a bit of hassel.

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Yeh I got done on Sunday night in the City at a booze bus, my friend behind me in his 180 also got done. On the way to go to Vic Park. Cant believe I got done for not having a permit on BOV and sticker on the windscreen. Had permits for everythin else. Twas such bu***hit! Thought to myself can they do this?

The cops we got were such b**tards. Said things like

- "this is what you get when you drive a car like this"

- "use your brains when buying a car"

- "You think youre car's hot, its not!"

- "Tell your friends that were coming to get them and that there is no escape"

And we didnt even back talk to get this kinda treatment. Also threatened to be arrested and further fined. I felt it was a real attack on jap cars. Anthing jap was getting sent to the side and checked for a "work order".

Really has left me pi**ed off all week.

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Oh and "series 2" what were you doing when you got pulled over? were you speeding or just cruisin along.

Let us know how Welshpool is coz ive been told good things - I myslef have been to Warick and East Perth. Warick sux, East Perth not so bad it depends on who you get as an inspector.

And Im also worried that my suspension my be too stiff - will they check it again? anyone?


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i got the sticker off yesterday at stock road got over with everything and got permits for everything .

Twista i was just going along booze bus and they pulled me to the side they reckon my BOV was to load but it was the bus behind me with their airbag or air brakes.

load of crap

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Guys you gotta expect to be looked at when you're pulled over because the cars we drive standout from the norm and the cops know that we carry out mods.

If you don't bother getting permits who's to blame. I agree that they shouldn't give you any extra attitude because you drive an import, but remember they are human and will react to any attitude you show them.

When dealing with traffic cops be polite, your're on a hiding to nothing if you give them shit.

My understanding is that any mod has to be within the ADR guidelines (ride heights, noise etc) and technically should have a permit unless the mod is a standard fit to a model of car in the same range.

IE If you own a car that as an option had a larger wheel package available when new, you can fit wheels of that size without getting a permit. Always pays to check with licencing.

Insurance is another issue. HBF told me that my car will be covered as long as all mods are permitted by licencing.

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