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Yellow Stickers and Permits


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:) that isnt ture, im 18 drive an r33 gts-t, and have yet to have a problem with the cops, i have bene pulled over about 3times now, each time the cop was nice had a talk to me about my car and about my mods, never got a yellow or had a cop be an asshole too me, i say its the persons attitude (spelling)

Totally agree on the attitude front.....all i was getting at was you can be permitted up to the hilt and it won't mean anything if the cop has had a bad day. Bet you next get done for not having an H pattern on your gear knob.

The cop only has to suspect that something isn't legal and it's off to the pits for you with a yellow. You can complain about it, but from their point of view you can change anything you want after getting permits for it, doesn't mean it's legal.

Driver attitude is often a major factor in this, so is your clothing and general maturity.

I found i was being pulled over more on average when wearing my beanie than i was when not.....so go figure that.

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Yer but beanies are awsome for wen u cant be bothered doin ur hair...

If the cop pulls u over.. take it off do ur hair in mirror and get outta the car wit ur license smiling. Might work?? Hahhahahahahha

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actually, that's probably quite true the clothing point. I can't say i've ever been bothered driving around in my suit and tie. I bet if you pull up next to cop and they see you with your seat leaning right back, the beanie/backwards cap and the "i'm gods gift to women" look on your face, you're going to get a whole different treatment to "I'm a boring accountant with a nice car" look that I give them when commuting to work :)

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well this was the thing i was stopped on the side of the road wait for my friend to cross the road with his gerry can and cops speed up to my car and all of a sudden think im doing burnouts and drifing and shit like that well me tyres had abit of rocks on it due to heavy taking off at the lights and they couldnt prove i was doin that so they decided to to give me a yellow sticker for my catch can and my boost restrictor hehe dumb asses believe nething

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u just need a plumb back bov and it costs about 30 bux for a permit :D

Does the HKS SQV bov have a plumb back bov? Or i need to find other brand or is it custom made? I don know anything about mods hehe. Sry if i ask silly questions.

Neway, sry to hear about the bad day you had. Seems the cops like your car alot.

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Hmm, a nice police man gave me a frucking yellow sticker a couple weeks ago. Was my fault, hadn't fixed my broken front bar. So I get it sorted and take it in, oh goody. New yellow sticker for other things. They didn't care about the bov, just wanted it quiet for the test drive. My pillar mount gauges were small enough and the 3" exhaust and all the rest didn't even raise a mention.

But the best part was my wheels, 18x265 on the rear and 18x235 on the front, the very kind / sneaky barstard who sold me the car had carefully ripped off the australian wheel compliance card. So I had to get one of those and then make my wheels comply.

Got the card and am now after for sale or short term 'rent' a set of stock wheels w/ decent rubber for a series 1 skyline GTS-t.

Anyone got any pointers.



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Tuyen I also got a yellow sticker on that tonkin hwy cruise. Guess what I got a yellow for.

1. A pod filter that was securely fixed to the car via a bracket

2. A strut tower brace.

This completely blew out of the water any respect I had for traffic cops at all. I had 7 cops inspecting my car. 3 checking out my boot and 4 checking my engine bay (oh sorry no they werent checking it, they were mearly warming there hands up). I was very calm and nice to them. I actually had a chat with one of the cops there who was on my side but there was one asshole who was leading the show.

Now I wasn't doing anything wrong, wasn't speeding, wasn't angry and don't have any bizarre mods done to it. Just goes to show what a bunch of useless assholes they really are when they go widging how under staff they are when they need 7 cops to inspect my car.

I'm sorry but I have now lost all faith


Ps. Should I file a compliant and is there any way to have the sticker removed other than through the pits? Because they are both legal mods

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They will argue, if they are legal you should have permits.

why was there 7 cops there?

Sounds like a sign of the time, just like east - defect stations (sometimes cleverly disguised as bretho stations) - if it is that, then it aint the cops fault, they are sent out to defect cars. Its a knee jerk reaction to the extra publicity that performance cars and hoons have been getting in the media. I hate the way media sensationalise everything with scare campaigns - we all pay the price in the end.


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There were 3 police cars there and after everyone had gone through, I was one of the last to go through, so they all inspected my car. Would have only been setup as a station just for the cruise considering it was in the middle of nowhere.

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What tonkin hwy cruise was this do u mean part of the coastals?

btw my friend still has a yellow sticker because of his coilovers being too stiff and dangerous? pffft! a$$hole$! I agree straight up bull$h!t

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But who's attitude.  I am not disagreeing with you, sometimes its the driver, sometimes its the cop.

Not pointing the fingure at anyone here, but I do believe, more often than not, its the driver

mm i got a yellow sticker for my tint on saturday night, i was very polite to both cops, even had a chat about the club i was parked in front of etc and other things, they then checked my tint (which is 15 instead of 35) and it gave a reading of 14.5 so i have to get it redone and go over the pits.

do i have to book it or is it a wait in line thing? anyone able to tell me how much it will cost me to get it checked, i was going to get my side windows changed to 35 at a tinting shop. how do they check the tint at the pits? same way the cops do? with those little light meter things?


bad start to my night indeed.

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ok here's the easy-to-understand steps of taking your car to the pits (welshpool, cos that's where i went)

1. go get your ticket to wait in line to pay your inspection fee of fifty-something dollars

2. With your receipt, drive your car to the used cars or the correct bay in vehicle inspections, cant miss it, it's to the right somewhere. Just stop where it says STOP, or line up behind 1 or more cars in front of you. If you're waiting this could take a while.

3. When an inspector comes out, show him your paid inspection thingy.

4. He'll do his stuff, from checking indicators to going down underneath your car. Just follow his instructions.

5. He'll take your car for a ride around the block too (well he did with mine anyway)

6. After that, just wait till he does his paperwork or whatever, and if u pass he'll peel your yellow off, give you your receipt back and off you go.

*disclaimer - from my experience only and no one else's.

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ok here's the easy-to-understand steps of taking your car to the pits (welshpool, cos that's where i went)

Conditions apply. Prices may change without notice. No rainchecks. Available while stocks last...

hehe cheers, so will they check EVERYTHING even if the ticket says to just check my tint?

i don't want to have any more hassle about god knows what.

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They check EVERYTHING. It should say full inspection on your car. Damn it means im going to have to swap my cat convertor back from my straight through 3" pipe (yes hippies hate me, and is also highly illegal), seat and a couple of other things.

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