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Guest [ryan]
"]I would do more to get a Skyline club running but there's one minor detail......


so no point really....[/quote:3fd5e821c7]

Remember the NZ chapter of the club is for Skyline Enthusiast's..........[/quote:3fd5e821c7]

Acording to them i dont qualify as a Skyline Enthusiast

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"]I would do more to get a Skyline club running but there's one minor detail......


so no point really....[/quote:55dc10df19]

Remember the NZ chapter of the club is for Skyline Enthusiast's..........[/quote:55dc10df19]

Acording to them i dont qualify as a Skyline Enthusiast[/quote:55dc10df19]

you're here aren't you?

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rod, i now like the idea. gimme sponsors and lots of em.

i would like it to be a sister club of SDU, but not actually a branch of SDU so we can have as strong, or as weak (or severed) ties as we like. Theres a good reason for that which i wont voice.

Skylines Australia would be the go i reckon

youse know im always up for club action, and im happy to be an official in the club and do whatever.

gimme free skidpan rod, gimme now! :(

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hmm. I hate to be the one who says this, but i've noticed that everyone who has posted has refered to the club as Skylines Australia but the votes went to Skylines DownUnder. I'd just like to re-emphasise that it's not about what name the club falls under, but rather being together and enjoying everyones company and having the club move forward..... :(

You guys/gals are doing a great job or forming everything together... now is there anything i can do..... :wink:

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Well It's a skyline club, so i think having a skyline should be a pre-requisite for membership. We could have 'affiliates' - people we allow in the club because we like them and they are skyline enthusiasts and they are good for the club. (emphasis on GOOD FOR THE CLUB) otherwise its just anyone who likes skylines, which i think we should steer clear of. Ryan sure hasnt been good for SDU.

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I don't agree. Just have one kind of membership for everyone. Have an associate class for the competitions when they start up.

Ryan sure hasnt been good for SDU.[/quote:d8ce83933e]

wrt the above comment, suggest you add an avatar/comment as to whether you are kidding. :(

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i am the proud owner of mitsubishi cordia gsl and i was wondering if MysFit car club has a queensland part an if it does would someone be able to point me towards the people i can contact. thanx :([/quote:9930890a61]


I run MysFit, email me at [email protected]

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er in my post i was saying have people as proper members if they are good for the club and dont have a 'line. i dont know, they may have some knowledge of skylines, have a 240z with an RB20 or something. Why would we want (emphasis on want) ryan in a proper skyline club. He hasnt got a car, and i dont see any big contributions from him. I say the same about BOOSTA who is a friend and always comes out with us. Hell yeah he would come on cruises and stuff and be around, but I wouldnt exactly say he was a 'member' till he signed up with a car. This is if we are going to do the proper club thing.

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Why would we want (emphasis on want) ryan in a proper skyline club. He hasnt got a car, and i dont see any big contributions from him.[/quote:a94cbdbae7]

as far as i'm concerned, he does have the two contributing factors a person needs to become a member.


2.enthusiasm for the skyline


the fact that he doesn't have the car would mean he is only an associate member, but still a member at that. if he does break the rules and act up while at puplic places when representing the club and other such scenarios, then he's out along with anyone else that does the same. simple

you forget that we are here primarily to enjoy ourselves and promote the skyline. :(


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Ryan is always happy to help out. If you had not noticed he also mods the Car Audio forum.

So he pissed off a few people on SDU...big deal!!!

So what if he doesn't have a Skyline. If I sell mine will I get booted from the club?

Have the club open to ALL who are interested in Skylines. If we are going to have a proper club lets start thinking in a mature and sensible manner and not let personal bias get in the way, otherwise the club is doomed from the start. :(

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I agree, as along as you show support for the club and car and don't bring either into disrepute then fine...come on in.

It would probably be limiting the size of the club by resticting it, as soon as people find out about the quality and enjoyment of owning a Skyline weather is be the first GTR in 1969 by Prince or the latest skyline concept from renault...it only increase the actually cars in teh club that are skylines.

I think we can drawn the line on WRX owners maybe ??? hehehe

Would it be jumping the gun to expect to see a club Super Sprint Championship (which of course should only be open to Skys) next year ???

Maybe 3 or 4 rounds ? four classes ?

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Would it be jumping the gun to expect to see a club Super Sprint Championship (which of course should only be open to Skys) next year ???

Maybe 3 or 4 rounds ? four classes ?[/quote:5d32fb770c]

umm slightly. we have to get everything of the ground first. maybe a trackday or two early next year. have to get a feel for things and build up a healthy bank account before we can venture into sprints and other motor sport events.

i'm gonna be pushing for a national meet by early 2005.

*a dream develops*

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Here you go guys, have some opinions.

I currently do not own a Skyline, it's still on my "Next to buy" list.

I show great enthusiasm for the Skyline, as my friends how I drool everytime I see one on the road. The car is god. :(

I would be more and grateful if you all would allow me to become a member of "Skylines Australia" or whatever the name should be in the future.

Would coming to cruises, events, maybe even a few track days with my current car be acceptable ?

I think there should not be any bias placed on distinguishing members just coz they don't have a Skyline (yet!) ANY skyline enthusiast should be able to join.

What do you all think??

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Don't worry dude. you will be able to join. anyone that wants to can join for that matter as long as they are a skyline enthusiast.

i'm sorry but by the looks of things if you don't have a skyline you will only be an associate member. this is not by any means meant to discriminate. you get all the rights except for a select few such as discounts at a sponsors business (you don't need them anyway as they will be skyline related) and track days/meets.

cruises, you are more than welcome to rock up in anything you want.

hey, nothing is set in concrete yet so things will change. if you don't like how we are doing something, speak up now. at the end of the day, it will be your club as much as anyones.

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Aww looks like im being partially excluded :(

The Skyline is basically the king of its genre. The Supra is basically toyotas answer and then there is the rx-7.

Ok all but the rx-7 are basically the same just different badges.

Does this also include s-13s which in some aspects are better than the lines anyhow?.

Ok Ok im having a whinge but i think it is a bit dissapointing that i wont be a full member just cause i have a toyota badge.

Im not saying every man and his dog should qualify but arent we all in the same boat in the end?

Then again the club is called SKYLINES****

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