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prolly be more than that ryan. was talking to birty tonight and he showed me a pic of one of the duel boys' shirts. it's a pit crew type shirt with two breast pockets. looks nice. might try for something like that

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I agree with BY BY.

We shouldn't rule out people like Ryan. He may be young

in some eyes, but he still puts in effort to do things?

No ones perfect, but everyone has to remember that

they will be representing the club in public places and if

any actions causing problems, will result in their membership


Or how about having something like three types of membership or such.

as onarun said.


Standard = $30

Acess to forums etc

1 sticker


Full = $60

Acess to forums

Multiple stickers for car

Shirt , cap

Xtreme = $70

(must ber over 18) :wink:

Acess to forums

Multiple stickers for car

Shirt , cap

Invites to XXX parties hahahha :twisted:

I dunno, something like that, that way we can satisfy the enthusiast and full members? Just an idea. We were all young once, and I for one didn't like my dreams shattered. My ideas may be stupid/good, but we need ideas to solve the problem, not create more.[/quote:54c604d550]

administration of that would be very annoying.

1 or 2 two types of membership max.

both get access to forum,

associate can have cap, t-shirt sticker etc.

full must have a skyline and also get the benefit of any sponsership deals that can be sorted.

or we just go with a skylines enthusiast view one typr of membership where everyone benefits and its easier to administer.

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prolly be more than that ryan. was talking to birty tonight and he showed me a pic of one of the duel boys' shirts. it's a pit crew type shirt with two breast pockets. looks nice. might try for something like that[/quote:b7faed7ff9]

Don't forget a tight girlie hooter top for me!! :wink::)

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but of course! :lol: Will that be a white "tight girlie top" ??


May i suggest trying Hi Psi clothing? they are making cheap club shirts etc and I have been checking them out as a clothing supplier for Impact Autosports. They to have crew type short sleeved shirts that look very professional and although im not 100% i think their pricing is pretty good


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Guest [ryan]

I think that, the easiest way would be to put this up to a vote,

whether we want the more expensive, classier pit shirts which are $70, or we want the normal t-shirts which are $30 respectively from Hi Psi

I can also look around for other places, i heard there is a few cheap ones around penrith. Just have a look around first before we put anything up to a vote, but for sure voting is the best way to decide.

I think that we should sell the shirts with lets say a 10% profit, through the website, which could go towards the skylines australia "kitty" which helps to pay for our hosting, and other things to support the club.

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If no one minds me asking, how are we going with the details

on the club. I'm aware the forums almost up.

Is there anything anyone else can do. I'm pretty sure there

are people on this board who are more than happy to help

out with what they can to help get things rolling such as myself.

Maybe putting up a list?

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administration of that would be very annoying.

1 or 2 two types of membership max.

both get access to forum,

associate can have cap, t-shirt sticker etc.

full must have a skyline and also get the benefit of any sponsership deals that can be sorted.

or we just go with a skylines enthusiast view one typr of membership where everyone benefits and its easier to administer.[/quote:8d260c6c8c]

Sounds good. :wink:

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"]I think that' date=' the easiest way would be to put this up to a vote,

whether we want the more expensive, classier pit shirts which are $70, or we want the normal t-shirts which are $30 respectively from Hi Psi


Does anyone have any pictures or know of any shops which have these types of shirts. I'd be interested to see what they look like :?:

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Guest [ryan]

i put up a few crap experiments so far at www.members.optushome.com.au/aqudoctor/ryan/sau/ if you want to look, ill put up like 5 or so new logos designs whatever each day, so ill let you all know when i update.

the ones there now are very crap... very very crap.. i havent had much time to do anything good

gotta go font hunting.

a TO DO list is a very good idea. cmon prank or someone put it up.

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as an example of a membership application/type I found the maserati one on the net...


this looks pretty good. Im sure we can have a similar one...

underage ppl get classified as a "non-voting" member. Sounds good to me. I don't want voting rights for underage ppl for the same reason as why underage ppl can't go to the polls during election time.

Im all for them as a "non-voting" member though!! :)

oh - and I believe you don't [b:8e377ffbd5]*HAVE* [/b:8e377ffbd5] to own a skyline to be a member of the club. I mean - who would join a club if they didn't have an interest in it? I'd get pretty pissed if I wanted to join the "snowboarding club" at uni but wasn't allowed b/c I didn't own a snowboard.

I think having the [b:8e377ffbd5]interest[/b:8e377ffbd5] and [b:8e377ffbd5]$$[/b:8e377ffbd5] is all you need to join a club (and being overage for voting "member").

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If no one minds me asking, how are we going with the details

on the club. I'm aware the forums almost up.

Is there anything anyone else can do. I'm pretty sure there

are people on this board who are more than happy to help

out with what they can to help get things rolling such as myself.

Maybe putting up a list?[/quote:ed4b9b3521]

Hey Man,

Its Going well. Slowly but Surely.

There is not much more to do... register the business name (in each state), get our abn (in each state), then only a few administrative things, registering with the dept of fair trading as a non-profit organisation etc.

Thanks for the offer, but i think its fairly well covered already.. will let you know if we need a hand, thanks. :) :)

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Guest [ryan]


I'm pretty sure i'm the only underage member here. Might be one or two others, and i'm sure we might get some more.. As much as i would like to have voting rights, or be aloud to vote because most of you who have met me know me well know im not stupid and can make an ok decision but that would be unfair to all the other underage members so unfortunatly i think i will do whats right and not whinge nor ask for special provisions. Whatever decision you guys make for us "underage" members i will accept, except for once which exludes me from the club. I also think that as "non voting" members, underage members should have a cheaper joining fee. Although i am willing to pay whatever, $50 or whatever, as i want to do my part to keep the club alive.


work to do


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with the under age part, why? there are only two under age members, ryan and me, sure there will be more under age people as we get bigger but for the mean time I think that the both of us are mature enough to be a part of the overage member ship if it happens.

My $.2 cents

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about the clothing etc.

this logo ROCKS for black caps....


and having THIS on the back of a polo-type shirt..


with the skyline "S" on the LH/Breast (where you usually see logo's) and again with the below for the SLEEVE TOPS....


and dont forget -- SKYLINESAUSTRALIA.COM --

Stiched in around the collar.. FULLY SIK!

Just my 2c.

If anyone can prototype/PS up a shirt like this that'd be cool.

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This one looks awesome Ryan!

That would look fantastic on t-shirts, caps, the website...everywhere really!!

I like the idea of a simple, modern design like that. And I like how it has the Skyline badging incorporated into it too.


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