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What has society come to ?!??!

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Last night i got my badges stolen. The front S on the grill and the back Nissan logo where you open the boot.

What has society come to?

Can't a person leave their belongings outside without them being vandalized.

I know this has probably happened to you guys to at some stage, but i am not used to this. I come from a place where we sleep with our front doors unlocked.

It is a big deal for me. My soul purpose of existance for the next month is to find these scum. I have already started telling kids around the area that if they give me info they get $100.

Its actually fun, i feel like the CIA and FBI chasing the local Osama :mad:

Anway, i was able to find the back Nissan logo, but now i have to stick it on, so i wont be able to open the boot with the key anymore.

Anyone know where i can get the S for the front grill of series 1 R33?

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thats why i have taken all my badgest of myself, knowing from past experiences the first car thieves go for is one with P plates sticking up on the windows so all you P platers remove you plates from the windows when parking somewhere, massive stcikers and badging also attract the eye thats why i personaly on my car debagged it and de stickerd it tottaly looks less ricey and in my opnion better, and third thing to do its the most obvios but it still happens dont leave anything valuble in you car and if u have guages dont mount them on ur dash bcz u r just asking for ur window to get broken and if there in a lower place just throw a jackets or smthing over them but dont make it to obvios that your hiding something :( thats all

Mission Accomplished!!!!

I have retreived the badges, the reward payed off. I got them back for a $40 dollar finding fee.

I got the names and the school of the 3 kids that alegedly debadged the car.

They have been notified through the informants that their details will be forwarded to the police on the next occasion.

Problem now is that i wont be able to open the boot with the key to open the boot because i have to stick the Nissan badge on. But i found out that for $30 dollars i can get my alarm system upgraded to have remote boot opener. So thats cool.


Originally posted by mash

Mission Accomplished!!!!

I have retreived the badges, the reward payed off. I got them back for a $40 dollar finding fee.  

I got the names and the school of the 3 kids that alegedly debadged the car.  

They have been notified through the informants that their details will be forwarded to the police on the next occasion.

Problem now is that i wont be able to open the boot with the key  to open the boot because i have to stick the Nissan badge on. But i found out that for $30 dollars i can get my alarm system upgraded to have remote boot opener. So thats cool.


Good on ya mate!

Now skin their testicals! :(

Originally posted by mash

Mission Accomplished!!!!

I have retreived the badges, the reward payed off. I got them back for a $40 dollar finding fee.  

I got the names and the school of the 3 kids that alegedly debadged the car.  

They have been notified through the informants that their details will be forwarded to the police on the next occasion.

Problem now is that i wont be able to open the boot with the key  to open the boot because i have to stick the Nissan badge on. But i found out that for $30 dollars i can get my alarm system upgraded to have remote boot opener. So thats cool.


fark tellin the cops they wont do shit!

grab the 3 pricks attach an old engine block to their feet with chains and chuck em in the local creek!:D

Contact cement or 2-part epoxy. Both stick to metal well. If you want to be able to take it off easily later (just in case the cabin release cable breaks, for exmaple), then I recommend contact cement. Contact cement makes a good bond, yet it can be broken cleanly with some force.

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