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I think that Jayce's brother is a painter....so jayce time for a free plug for him i guess??

welcome to the forums BTW, i'm gus, your friendly neighbourhood Youngin for the ACT. you should come and say hello at the jerra pub on tuesday from around 7 onwards or say hi at the national museum carpark from 9ish onwards on friday nights. hope yuou enjoy your stay...


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Hi there, im Andrew (there are alot of us) Im the resident metro sexual, if you need any haircare or manicure tips, im your man! Also if you'd like a gay best friend im as close to the real thing as you'll get. haha all jokes aside, we're a great group of people and most of us are close friends.

Have a chat with Jayce about painting, his brother is rumoured to be one of the best in Aus.

Otherwise another popular choice would be J-Racing.

We'd love you to come out and meet a few of us at the times Gus said, you'll love Cassi, she's the local hotchick and loves R32's so im sure you to will get on like a house on fire.

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Oh Beautiful...

Love a chick in a skyline... and its a 32!!!!!

Good work

Welcome to the fourms..

Yea try Jayces bro... sounds pretty good..

Give us a wave if your out and about..

Tuesday nights at the jerra pub 7pm, or 9pm at the museum on Friday nights..

Come out, say hi.. and Party:D

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Thanks for the welcome guys.

I have an R32 sedan, so it's a little bit different to all the coupes out there. I'll check out the guys you've suggested, coz it really needs to be painted soon... need it back on the road lol. I'll be sure to give you guys a wave if I see you out and about.

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