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THE (ONLY) DECA results/photos/experiences/reviews/recollections/brags thread


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Before we see a plethora of threads on the topic, thought I'd start this one so that everyone can post ALL their stuff in here. I'll be merging all other threads with this one.

Hope Ash got home OK, passed a broken down R31 which had blown a hole in a hose on the way back.

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still can't believe I beat Bass on my two slalom runs with him... Carn' the RB20DE!!! :rofl: Think me and Bass started getting a little too silly for the officials when we started reverse parking into the garages at the end of our runs.

anyways... a few pics...


And yes, it was bloody cold in the morning







Smaug - killer of cones





R34 GT-t Drift-king


"*hic* *burp* maybe I had a bit too much last night"


Pre-knight rider style "Boston turn"


Post-knight rider style "Boston turn"


Inter-office battle







Scrutineering the Lexus VIP beast








Got some vids too, will post those later.

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Thanks to the SAU & WRX guys that organised the day and made sure everything ran smoothly. I'm sure there is a lot of stuff that happened behind the scenes, so top job people!

Looking forward to seeing the snapshots from the day. I think I could have walked all the courses faster but I know I had fun doing it, whether it looked any good from a distance is another story. ;)

So are we doing it again next weekend? :Pimp2:

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guys had a great day, i think ash got home ok.

i want to thank geoff and pete and the guy in the silver 350z for giving me passenger rides all day.

also a big thanks to james(golgo) for taking me up there.

cheers guys

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Thanks for having a few of us rex guys along guys. Had an awesome day and a great night out. Great to meet a few more of you. Extremely well run event. Thanks Snowy and Chris for organising it, and James, Ash, Adam and the rest of the crew for making it work on the day.(The Wang Burgers were awesome)

Having trouble moving my right arm today. Vague flashbacks of being pushed off a kerb into the main street of shepparton in a shopping trolley and going arse up. (I am sure there is a smart arsed remark here about my cars resemblance to a shopping trolley, but i'll leave that to you guys..) Seem to remember it being a couple of GTR drivers pushing it. Revenge. Possibly?? Did I deserve it?? Absolutely!!!! Thanks again. Hopefully will have recovered for more carnage at Winton...



Here's a couple of pics of the nights carnage










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What a day. I had an absolute ball and want to thank everyone who volunteered, the officials, Chris and Snowie for organising, the WRX guys for joining us and making a special day of and the SAU Vic crew that made an effort to get up there for the fun.

Had some close runs with Blaise on the slalom elimination. Thanks mate ;) but got eliminated on the rerun as I rightfully should have with crap tyres and suspension. Who woulda thought a GTR would handbrake slide so well? Lovin' it.

This should be a couple of times a year event, and maybe charge a bit more so the club can make a little money. If/when the Rexies run one I'll be there if an invite is extended.

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Thanks for all the people that came up and all of the positive feedback. I think pretty much everyone that came enjoyed themsleves and already I've been inundated with requests to run another one again soon.

We'll certainly add everything up and look into it as it's days like we had on Saturday which is one of the reasons we formed the club in the first place.

Personally I had a ball. There is no more fun than just letting your car rip as hard as it can and then wacking the hanbrake on and bolting back the other way. Especially when there's another car 40m away next to you trying to do it all faster than you are.

And I'm sure everyone will agree that even watching this awesome.

Special mentions to Blaise for being consistantly a gun all day. Had some awesome runs with you during the day mate. Also to Pete for being the expert at the reverse flick for the day. Also to Dave, Marky and Birsby for just ripping it up all day long entertaining style. And finally a huge thanks to Taco Bills for their support on Saturday night.

We have lots of pics and video footage for the next club meeting as well as all the trohey's etc. Results still have to be totalled and Chris or I will get them posted up as soon as we can.

Lastly but most importantly a big thanks must go out to everyone the helped make the event run so smooth. This includes all volunteers, and especially Wayne and Barry from the WRX Club.


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Hahaha - who would have thought you could fit so many people on an X-Trail - and NO boiling water does NOT get the dints out.

What an awesome weekend - I had an absolute blast.

Chris & Snowy - along with a number of volunteers, you guys pulled off a mammoth task this weekend - CONGRATS to you both and thanks to everyone who pitched in to make the day run smoothly.

Was good to see so many new faces amoung the usual crowd - hope you all enjoyed it as much as me.

Would you believe I did not take one photo all weekend - but I did get 3 tapes of video footage - should be good when compiled.

Anyways, I'm now off to bed to catch up on some much needed sleep.

Bring on Benalia!


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The XTrail can nevar loose!

And despite the waitress thinking otherwise - Snowy and I are the funniest people ever.


Anyhoo... Great day all - will try to get photos up in the next day or so.

Thanks to everyone who came to play and help - the event could not have gone ahead without you. I feel crap - going home to sleep now.

PS: Cleaned off all the footprints on the car, hope they don't notice the dents...

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Had a great time, thanks to the organizers. So funky, who won that inter-office battle then? You have a bigger engine so clearly the advantage ;)

Was also fun to go against the dude in the Sil80... pretty close cars. Would certainly be interested if another day is planned.

Ben (in the J-Spec Sky80.... it's kind of a Skyline!)

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Sounds like an awesome weekend was had by all. Frost on the 32 in FunkyMonkey's pics isnt a common sight over here and I can definately say it is not missed!

Cool pics and look forward to seeing some footage and more shots of the weekend. Shame I couldnt make it but will pencil in the next week ASAP!

Anyone notice anything unusual about Snowy's post?!

..................It was on a weekend! Not seen one of those before Snowman. Does that mean you are all sorted at home now?

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Hey guys.

Well, that can i say. The best fun I've ever had in my car.

The short circuit was great fun, the high point being Brisbys first launch. I think 8000 rpm an a dump of the clutch is what everyone needs first thing in the morning.

Just watched teh video at home and saw that I had one wheel off the ground at one stage!

Skid Pan? Well, all I can say about that is that I might have to change my name to Hogg-Junky. I AM the Hoff!

I think the afternoon on the pan was the most fun I've ever had in my life. Those who were there would have probably guessed the same!

I love drifting the 34 for style points! I'm now an honorary member of the Super Happy Fun Sliders!

I've got some great video too!

Thanks to the organisers and all who attended for making it the awesome weekend that it was.

For those who didn't come, well you missed out HEAPS!

Bring on the next one!


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what a great day! :)

thanks to everyone who organised it, it was very well run and coordinated.

The S15 and I had a blast, even with my no skill driving :)

I could see even James was having a ball just being the starter on the skid pan - judging by the huge grin on his face :)

looking forward to the next one!

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Had a Farking great weekend!!!!!

thanks to all the people for the 'behind the scenes' work, there would have had to be heaps for a day to run like it did. well done!

i had an absoloute ball out on the skid pan!!!! as im sure that most of us did!

it was a great chance to get to know people better and i highly highly recomend these days!!!

(if you didnt come but you thought about it, then you missed out on a shit load of fun!!!!) :uh-huh:


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i had an ORGASMIC day.

cheers to SNOWY for the setting up, and help,and also the fang in your car. NEVER SAY DIE!. DO IT DO IT. EXTREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEMEEE!

thanks to JAMES for being my rock and support. i couldnt have done it without u, you mean so much to me and i love the way u are with our kids,.

thanks to g, dave, jontyLAH, steve, aaron, matty and others for keepin me company and for the drive up anhd back,

thanks to AL and the other SAU ADMIN OFFICIALS for running a NUTS day!

and thanks to ash for the onions on my wang burger!!!


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