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Hey can any1 tell me wats wrong coz i definitely dnt have a clue on wats going on. Just say i gear to 1-2-3-4 then jst running at an average speed lets say 60-70 kph, then i jst pop it to neutral and then sometimes i feel that the revs drops down, to almost zero as if the car is stalling while moving? Then there was this certain time that the engine did die, like the engine's turned off, and im sure it is off. After that wen i put it back to gear the car just start running again??? Is there anything wrong if so which 1 coz im totally lost Thx for the help

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If you turn the car off while moving, with your foot in on the clutch, if you turn the key to ignition and drop the clutch the car will start again. Makes it handy when you have a dead battery. Put your car into 2nd gear get a couple of mates to push you and drop the clutch and presto! Your car starts. Well thats that problem fixed.

Not sure about your other issue. Check the forums, there are alot of threads on stalling issues

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