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90 degree reverse parking in VIC is illegal!?!?


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I reversed parked my car in the 90 degree parking spot and cop car pulled beside me and did his usual random check. I asked, "What did I do wrong?" the officer told me that I have parked illegally. Apparently you cannot reverse park into a 90 degree parking spot unless you are in a shopping centre car park.

Oh, he didn't give me a fine because all the other cars were parked the same. Mind you that at this car park, there were all commos and fords hotted up but he only chose to pick on a Jap car. I feel violated.

The cop said that it is only legal to park like that in NSW.

Is this true or is this :bs!: ???

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Common sense.

You have to stop traffic to reverse into a parking spot which you could normally drive straight into.

I have honestly never seen anyone reverse into a 90degree park that wasn't at a shopping centre, I don't see why you'd do it.....

And no, the cop isn't picking on the "Jap car", they were parked the correct way right?

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Yeah but Dark, how do you then get out of the parking space?

I haven't been to Australia so don't know what your spaces and traffic volumes are like - but I know over here that people reversing out of spaces are a nightmare and so often end up scraping cars they're parked next to, as well as reversing into the traffic.

S'pose we were taught to drive differently when I learnt 20 years ago - us old schoolers are pretty good at reversing :rant:

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Yeah but Dark, how do you then get out of the parking space?  

I haven't been to Australia so don't know what your spaces and traffic volumes are like - but I know over here that people reversing out of spaces are a nightmare and so often end up scraping cars they're parked next to, as well as reversing into the traffic.

S'pose we were taught to drive differently when I learnt 20 years ago - us old schoolers are pretty good at reversing :rant:

You reverse out...

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Yeah but, then you're reversing out into traffic that you can't see and over little babies in prams that you can't see because of cars parked either side of you........

If you're facing directly out you're more likely to go faster, not that that would have anything to do with the rules.

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Just a quick comment. I thought it was illegal to reverse out of your own (or anybody elses) driveway. Correct me if I'm wrong but everybody does this

What... really?

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yeah it is illegal to reverse park anywhere. you have to have the front facing the the curb. dont ask me why that rule is in place. Its generally not enforced though. You just copped the raw end of the deal. Did you get a fine?

In NSW thye have signs that tell you which way to park (like at Bondi Beach you have to reverse park at a certain spot). I remember back in the days of Elwood and BP mariner, i was reversed park along with 6 other cars next to me and a cop made us all turn the cars around.

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Nose to curb parking sucks.

Imagine if you drive a work van (as I do during the week) and you park nose in as required.

You return to your vehicle to find that there is now a 4WD on one side and a delivery truck on the other!

You have to just poke your arse out into the traffic and hope that someone doesn't knock it off. (It's even worse when you don't have a side window).

At least when you were first parking you know where everything is if you reverse into the spot. When you are coming out you can see the traffic.

El Bee

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Yes, they were picking on an import because as I was parking reverse and so were another 5 Aussie cars. The cop only spoke to me but no one else who parked like me.

The reason for reverse parking was so I don’t scrape the front bar even though my car is legal hight, they make the curb ridiculously high.

Also at the time there was people reckless stuff (drifting in the wet, driving way too fast) but he went for me for parking. No fine was given. Just the usual breath test, licence and took down my details. But I’m sure there is more important things to do than pull me over for something so petty.

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Just found this. I think the cop was wrong.

Check out http://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/vrpdf/randl/part_12.pdf

section 210, 3(B), this states that

"if the vehicle is parked on the side of the road—may position the vehicle with either the front or rear of the vehicle nearest to traffic in the marked lane or line of traffic next to the part of the road where the driver parks."

They've even got a nice picture of a car parked at 90° with the rear end in and it has got a tick on it.

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lol... MissRB25DET Glad to see you found the rule saying that you can actually park the way you had... i reverse park just about everywhere i go it's safer when pulling out of the park.. Cop prob liked ya car wanted to check it out or had nothing better to do so that was his best excuse... Wouldn’t stress were now all away u can park like that, so it’s time to print out a copy and add it to the boot of the car... jk but almost gets like that don’t it....

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I think no matter which way you park you will disrupt traffic anyway right? If you reverse park with the tail end to the curb you disrupt traffic while you do it, and you can pull out quickly and safely.. on the other hand of you park with the frontend to the curve and reverse out you will still disrupt traffic.. except this time it's a little harder to see who's coming..

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Just a quick comment. I thought it was illegal to reverse out of your own (or anybody elses) driveway. Correct me if I'm wrong but everybody does this

What people do is reverse into oncoming traffic, in the lane opposite their own, and not into their own lane.

I have seen this done many times

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