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90 degree reverse parking in VIC is illegal!?!?


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Just a quick comment. I thought it was illegal to reverse out of your own (or anybody elses) driveway. Correct me if I'm wrong but everybody does this

yeah i've heard this too...

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I didnt realise it was illegal for parallel park against the traffic flow here as in the UK it is free for all, just dive where you can get a space. Only found it out when going for my theory test here about 2 years ago.

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we have 90' parking bays out the front of our house, and my dad and brother always reverse park. It is much easier to turn into the bays, due to the way the cars turn.

If there are large cars like my moms, i have to do a uturn up the street, and come back on an easier angle.

this rule sounds like f'n b.s.

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Common sense.

You have to stop traffic to reverse into a parking spot which you could normally drive straight into.

I have honestly never seen anyone reverse into a 90degree park that wasn't at a shopping centre, I don't see why you'd do it.....

And no, the cop isn't picking on the "Jap car", they were parked the correct way right?

have u got ur licence yet?? if not u should probably talk to someone to help u with ur misconceptions Tharaka :P

wouldnt wanna fail cause u parked wrong :)

of course ur allowed to reverse park into a 90 degree park... theres nothing illegal about it. rules are the rules... its getting to the point u need to print off the entire VICROADS website and carry it around with u and tell the cops to *** off and go back to pig school.

infact i think i might do just that seeing as its works paper and ink :)

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Thanks for your input guys/girls. I knew the cop was talking crap but I just needed to verify it. Oh well, this doesn’t stop me from reverse parking everywhere. It is a lot safer to pull out of a spot once reversed in rather than reversing out of a car spot. We will see what ill get pulled over for next time. Ill just add this experience to my list…lol :)

Looks like ill be carrying the Vic Roads rules in my car for now on…lol :P

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i have a video recorder on my phone... i'll find a cop and reverse park infront of him and record me pulling out the vicroads papers and his reaction lol

then again i wont be in an import so he probably wont do anything anyway...

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Just a quick comment. I thought it was illegal to reverse out of your own (or anybody elses) driveway. Correct me if I'm wrong but everybody does this

Al this hasn't been law for many years.

I bet the cop was just checking out MissRB25DET :)

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Yeah but, then you're reversing out into traffic that you can't see and over little babies in prams that you can't see because of cars parked either side of you........

Indeed.. some idiots don't even look before they reverse out.. a couple of weeks ago, this bint in a small car pulled in front first into a shopping centre car park and then after about 30secs... decided to reverse out to straighten up (quite unnecessarily), not bothering to look for pedestrians such as myself and my 5 year old whom I'm sure she had already seen walking up the carpark.. she just about hit my daughter who was right behind the car at the time.. after I yelled out to stop (which she didn't), she gave me a dumba55 look like "oh.. child.. probably should have looked, nevermind".. needless to say I was quite angry & shes lucky I didn't punch her in the head to wake her up. GRR! :P

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Common sense.

You have to stop traffic to reverse into a parking spot which you could normally drive straight into.

Common sense ay? What about parallel parking?

If it is illegal, its a dumb rule.

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