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I'm looking at selling my line to get a stag as it's a little more practical for me and my girlfriends current situation.

A skyline with a tow-bar is a big no-no for me. I don't think a sports car with a tow-bar is a good look. Plus a station wagon gives us much more room for all my girlfriends horsie stuff, and it's 4wd :rofl:

I've been looking around for a few weeks now, and know what I want (Yellow, Series 2, manual).

Can anyone here give me some suggestions on importing myself? I imported my line through a broker a couple of years ago, but think I'd like to try it myself this time.

Any auction sites/stockyard sites people could recommend and any other advice for importing would be appreciated.



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I'm on the Prestige mailing list, and I remember this one coming up a while back.

It says it's still available, and Geoff is based in Perth too, which should help you.

It's yellow, it's a Series 2 and it's a manual. It's HERE!

Have fun...

Nick T.

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First of all get some info as to who will plate it for you and how much, cant import a car if no body is going to compliance it, http://raws.dotars.gov.au/rawswebpublic/rawpubmain.asp

Manuals are rare and buying a car with a 300,000 yen FOB on top of the buy price is a bit much so buy from the auction not some stock yard that wont show auction reports.

Do a search on the forum as a lot is written on the subject and people are tired of writing the same answer over and over.

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Whilst I thank you for the suggestion to look at DOTARs and workshops that can provide the compliance service for me, it's a shame that you feel the need to assume that I haven't done a search and to suggest that I should.

If I'd found the information, I wouldn't be asking people for their advice now, would I?

Perhaps you could have pointed me to the threads you feel these questions have been answered in previously instead of suggesting I search? Would have been a little more positive and helpful, don't you think? :)

Thanks once again though.

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I'm looking at selling my line to get a stag as it's a little more practical for me and my girlfriends current situation.

A skyline with a tow-bar is a big no-no for me.  I don't think a sports car with a tow-bar is a good look.  Plus a station wagon gives us much more room for all my girlfriends horsie stuff, and it's 4wd :)

I've been looking around for a few weeks now, and know what I want (Yellow, Series 2, manual).

Can anyone here give me some suggestions on importing myself?  I imported my line through a broker a couple of years ago, but think I'd like to try it myself this time.

Any auction sites/stockyard sites people could recommend and any other advice for importing would be appreciated.



Hi, I am just starting to look at Stageas as a tow vehicle for my race car.

I noticed this one


and it sounds like what you are looking for. It even has a towball already on it.

regards, Greg

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I've been looking around for a few weeks now, and know what I want (Yellow, Series 2, manual).


As the guys above have said, and you can find my post on at http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...73058&p=1414406

you'd be crazy not to get that one (http://www.prestigemotorsport.com.au/au/st...sp?StockID=3206) instantly of Geoff. I can't believe it still there at that price, as I've said before, if I hadn't already bought mine I would have bought it in 15 seconds flat...

ie if you don't buy that one, you aren't looking for a yellow series 2 manual!


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only thing id be wary of is the towbar is probably only rated to somewhere around 750kg's as all the towbars ive seen on japanese sites for the stag are only lightweight ones so beware depends on your application though i suppose but otherwise great car and you can take the bar off i suppose

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But they are charging 250,000 FOB and not posting the auction report which I saw and nothing bad, a 2001 manual with around the same klm and grade 4 was bought for 1,150,000 FOB and no $1,200 for cut and pasting.

Less money, newer model and a rare colour I know what I would suggest a buyier to get as a $2,400 saving is $2,400.

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Hi Jason

There are a few threads in the Importing section about bypassing local brokers ... the most recent I saw was http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=75261 where WRXHoon says to PM for the contact of a buyer in Japan directly.

Didnt hear back from you about looking over the Stag this weekend... call me if u still wanna check it out today - should be home all day.



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I've got to get rid of my skyline before I can get the stag unfortunately.  primarily this thread was just to get an understanding of how I could go about it myself :P


A couple of Stageas are here in Perth and one more coming at other Dealers/Workshops I have been told so it might be easier to wait and just trade in.

Series 2 is the go and one of the workshops are doing just them, it will be good for the industry having 3 dealers selling them, they are great cars with one or two dealers selling them makes it hard.

Delicas are an example as since 2 new workshops got approval the dealers selling them for the last couple of years admitted they are selling more as their is choice.

Below is the simplified info I pass out to get a new importer to quickly understand, so you know I only recommend Mark as over the last through years he has always delivered what we wanted and doesn't mind doing the one off cars.

Do a search of Mark Hocking from www.mytrading.org and a lot people off the forum have bought cars through him.

I didn't mean to seem ****y in any way and sorry if it came across that way.


This is a bit of info to give you and idea, it is simple but takes time and you take the risks, price varies allot and to start the best bet is to know you max budget before Rego.

Auction link http://www.cbn.ne.jp/e/ Log in S16091 and you can see what is coming up just no auction reports but you can see how often what you are looking for comes around. (Google search on Russian sites gives you a lot of info)

With importing a vehicle it works in different stages but basically,

We work out a maximum budget and work back from that, including Compliance, Tyres and Rego,

We use a buyier named Mark Hocking www.mytrading.org who will search the auction sites 3 or 4 days prior looking for a car they think your budget will afford and what you are looking for,

You will be contacted asking if you would like to bid on that car and what they think it is worth,

After you say to bid on the car it is inspected and you get a phone call with details if the vehicle is worth bidding on or not,

If the car is bought within your budget a invoice is issued and you will make payment direct to Japan with in 24 hours unless bought on a Friday,

After a departure date is given we wait for the vehicle to be delivered from Japan, we get one boat a month here so if you buy just after it leaving it is 4 weeks wait for the next one, New cars get priority,

The vehicle arrives at Freo dock's and a customs agent clears the vehicle and organises delivery to the work shop to comply it for you and they charge $150/$160 for this service, he sorts everything out including customs and quarantine,

Vehicle is complyied which takes about a week if any extra work is required to make standard it can take up to two weeks, the paperwork with Dept of Transport can take a couple of weeks and once a compliance plate is issued it is prepared for registration,

If non standard parts come with the car they have to be taken off or exchanged with standard parts and the vehicle needs to be registered prior putting parts back,

A lot of people buy off the auction report only and put a bid in on what the report reads like and in my experience it is something you don't want to do, the rules on the condition of the vehicle are very strict now which is why I will only buy cars inspected by people we personally trust and they call you as they are sitting in the car, no second hand emails or phone calls

We only buy grade 4 or 4.5 graded cars which depends on the auction house, as well you will need to know who ever buys your car that they know what they are doing and they wont buy a damaged or worn out car.

Some buyers in Japan wont buy with out partial payment or non refundable fee's but some workshops here now take a refundable deposit so they can tell the buyier in Japan this guy is serious as I have know people to back out after telling the buyier in Japan to go ahead and he is stuck with fees putting the car back in auction.

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Driftt, thanks very much, that's pretty much the info I was looking for :rofl:

I've just done a service on the line and am about to get it professionally detailed and then put it on the market.

If I can't get a buyer, I will go down the path of a trade in, but I'm looking for very specific specifications, so I don't know if a yard could help me with that :P

Thanks once again.


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