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Show & Shine Wrap Up Thread


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Hey Guys,

I saw those SAU Jackets for sale on the day and was going to get one (no cash at the time) so I was wondering if there is a linky in the forums to a few pictures and maybe an order form?

Must say, the more I saw them the better they looked...

Thanks guys~

BTW why are 33s called whales?

Should be up tonight actually!


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finally, i'm not entirely sure why the entrance was chosen instead of, perhaps, somewhere in sydney or perhaps gosford. having it in sydney might have meant we could have had the press there to cover the event, get some positive publicity for the import scene.

Maybe you hadn't noticed, but SAU NSW includes the whole of the state, not just Sydney alone.

Those of us who live outside breathe actual air still had to drive an hour to get to the Central Coast, alot of those who came from country areas had to drive even longer, but I for one would have thought long and hard about going if I'd had to navigate through Sydney, and try and stay out of the way of the thousands of police that are out looking for modified cars.

One thing I did notice was that I didn't see a single police car on my way down, and only 1 bike on my way back, whereas in Sydney, they probably would have been sitting at the gates.

Well done to all the organisers though, it was the first car show I've been to, and I shall be going again.

Hell, if you require help in organisation next year, or for others, give me a yell. I'm well experienced in organising events.

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Top day out.

I had the Green R33 series 1 looking stock. Didn't expect anything and wasn't disappointed. I think being next to the black R34 (VNOM?) might have helped get him over the line.

I thought ten bucks was reasonable to be there and be able to stay fairly close to my car (you just never know in carparks eh), and it was great to see all sorts of great cars on display.

The judges had a really tough job and I wouldn't have done it for quids. Too many nice cars in various states of modification, and all very well presented.

Well done to all involved !

El Bee

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More pictures uploaded!

I just went through and picked the best photos... couldn't be bothered to resize them so they're pretty huge!

I can't belive I don't have a single photo of my OWN car! :P If anyone got some good photos of that stock 34 then please send over :P

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Just my 2 yen.

I guess that even if you had asked the actual judges, and I think Adam (Abo Bob) commented earlier, that even they would not have agreed with the final results... which was exactly the point, and seems to be the clear view of most people here, the majority of people think that the cars that won should have... as was the case with the judges...

Anyway, I had a great day... my biggest regret was not being able to get a good look at all the wonderful examples of skylines on display... even though I did 4 or 5 laps of the show looking for missing info on entry forms... LOL.

Looking forward to next one,

But don't forget the other club event in the near future, the SAU drag day on the 31st of July and the SAU Putty road cruise on Saturday 17th of September.

Drive safe,


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I'll try to make it to more SAU events in future. I feel alienated without a Skyline but these Skyline fanatics need to learn a thing or 2 about toymotors.

Oh what a feeling..... Toymotor! :P

Don't worry Silver, I still know a thing or two about ToyMotors - I'm (still!) driving a Corolla I've had since new, and I'm tempted to keep it (depending on my money situation) if/when I get my butt into something Skyline-based.

Wouldn't mind owning a JZX-90 or JZX-100, either. Decisions, decisions, decisions...

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Looks like you guys had an awesome weekend and the weather held out nicely too!

Hats off to all you guys who made it come together. From an interstate point of view you've set the benchmark in terms of a SnS and we are looking at doing something late thier year or sometime next year.

If its even half as good as what yours looks from the pics i'd be over the moon.

I know how organising a mass group of cars for any event is a nightmare at the best of times so as long as it looks good, and everony had fun. Thats all that matters.

I'll definately get a Vic contingent togther and head north for your next SnS even if it is only a few of us :P


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Do it, do it.

If you want you can give me a yell when you are ready to start organising for a quick rundown on the things that worked and things that didn't. Allow 3 to 5 months to get it happening.

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I'd like to add my thanks to ALL for a thoroughly enjoyable day. The quality and variety of the cars on show was exceptional and a credit to SAU, organisers and members alike. I had a great time talking, and ..talking aand..more talking about "the cars with carbies!". I'll have to bring a table and chairs next time so we can sit down and look at the old books, brochures, models etc :)

I was privileged to recieve the GCG Turbos sponsored "Best Classic" for the KGC10,(I reckon it was the Watanabes that got it Nathan!)..it's certainly a long way from finished, and one day it may perform as well as Nathans.



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Hi - Id like to agree that the day was an outstanding success, Id also like to agree that the organisers did an amazing job, Id also like to agree that the event was bigger and better than last year, Id also like to agree that the s14 that picked up best non skyline should have not also picked up best engine bay (rb26 or not), Id also like to agree that does this mean that it also should have picked up a best gtr as well ?!?!? Id also like to agree that my complimentary cap for most anally clean car on the day was kindly awarded - thanks again to everyone who attended and participated in an awesome day - cant wait for the next one - cheers Malcolm.

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Your car was absolutely beautiful! :rofl: Sorry I didn't get a chance to chat to you on the day, I was running around like a headless chicken trying to organise the judging and also trying (in vain) to take some decent photos...

What's the difference between a KGC10 and a KPGC10?

I hope that you bring your car along to next years show... It wouldn't be a complete show without the classic skylines!!! :uh-huh:

Sorry for the sucky photos... Photography wasn't on the top of my To-Do list that day :) I'm sure other people will have much better photos of your car!




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:Pimp: had an awesome day in the sun, thought it was great just to be there!!also  to cruz down with a group of great people i was stoked!! plus we recived an entrant's sticker!!!  :cooldance  :rofl: any more pic's

Awesome car you have mate :)



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:Pimp: had an awesome day in the sun, thought it was great just to be there!!also  to cruz down with a group of great people i was stoked!! plus we recived an entrant's sticker!!!  :cooldance  :) any more pic's


Your car looks exactly the same as mine except mine is grey. :rofl:

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hi all,

fourth, given the number of SAU and skyline owners who turned up but didn't enter, i think it's a shame there wasn't a dedicated parking area for non-competing skylines. i understand that this may have discouraged people from entering, but it would have been quite a sight to see all the skylines scattered about the carpark in one area.

I like this idea i didnt make this yer because of traffic on the F3

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Hi All.

I had an awsome day on Sunday, and a big thanks to all the organisers and SAU people.

I was surprised to beat Malcom,s awsome Nismo R33GTSt, but very happy I won.

*Does anyone have any pics of my car MPH459, my pics didn't turn out that good.


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