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Show & Shine Wrap Up Thread


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Hey Guys,

I saw those SAU Jackets for sale on the day and was going to get one (no cash at the time) so I was wondering if there is a linky in the forums to a few pictures and maybe an order form?

Must say, the more I saw them the better they looked...

Thanks guys~

BTW why are 33s called whales?

coz they're huge, bulky and look like whales :thumbsup:

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I would like to say a big thanks from the ACT guys to all the organisers of the event, I had a great time.

One thing I have noticed  though is that in this thread I have counted only 3 pictures of R31's (one posted by the owner of car) and NONE of DR30's and I think only 2 of KPGC10's, however there seem to be plenty of 32, 33 and 34 pictures here... Are R31's or older just not considered cool enough anymore???

Has everyone forgotten thier Skyline roots? I know I have a bias opinion but it seems to me that the older (original) Skylines only get over looked these days, I believe there is even a post by someone here outlining the winners of each category (on page 1,2 or 3) but the "Best R31 category" is completly left out........

I drove for 5 hours from the ACT just to be at this event and I thoroughly enjoyed it, I absolutly love every model of Skyline and Nissan alike, but when I see things like this I start to wonder why I put in the effort.

Once again, thankyou to all of the organisers and competitors, I had a great day...

Congratulations to all of the winners (even the best R31 and Classic Skylines).

I will definatly be there next year.

I thought it was great to see 30/31/KPGC - I hope you make it down next year!

Noone mentions the cefiro either even though SAU is our surrogate club :thumbsup:

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we didn't pre-enter due to the fact we didn't know if we were going to make it.....but judging should have commenced as soon as the first car was parked and ready to be looked at (my 2 cents)

I know Merli already responded to this but I just wanted to add that the Judging process started at 8:30am and went right throught till about 4pm when we announced the winners.

If we got the 40-50 cars we were hoping for it would have been done much earlier but obviously we need to streamline the process.

Last year we thought that the judging wasn't structured enough so this year a lot of time was spent devising a way to make it consistant and fair. This resulted in a time factor blowout.

There were 6 judges all up from Advan Performance, sponsors such as RaceBrakes, Auto-Motion and GCG Turbochargers as well as me. (That's why my 4 door R34 was not entered - AND WHERE ARE ALL THE COMMENTS ABOUT HOW CLEAN AND NICE IT LOOKED :D:D)

Having this many Judges averages their individual preferences out to make things fairer. For example my points would have showed CYIFLY as best R34 GTR but not Best Exterior.

On the flip side, I think almost all the judges would have agreed on the top 3 R33 GTST's but perhaps not their order.

As for comments about bias. I personally was worried about marking cars I knew too low (due to over compensation) but found that the way the criteria was set up stopped this in practice. I compared engine bays to engine bays and so on. I doubt any of the other judges knew any of the winners cars before Sunday.

We will be publishing the criterea and judging method as soon as we can so that you all know how we came to our conclusions. We tried to get this done before the show but ran out of time.

Thanks for coming everyone. I appreciate the effort you all made. It made the last several months hard work seem like a walk in the park and believe me it wasn't.

:thumbsup: Adam.

PS There will be a thread in the next week or so where you can order tshirts and jackets Stan.

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Thanks for the explanation,Adam! I guess everyone has a spin on how the judgung should've gone,but I'm happy with the way it was done. My bias wouldn't have translated to a fair outcome,I know that! There's an old saying:"You can keep some of the people happy all of the time,all of the people happy some of the time,but you can't keep all of the people happy all of the time...":I guess that will always be true of ANY judged event! Thanks again for all the effort for a well run show!

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hi all,

ok, what i'm about to say may be a little unpopular but i think it needs to be said.

first, i must say thanks to all the organisers, who must have put in a great deal of work before the show to get it up and running. Considering they're not professional event organisers, a big hand of thanks is due. second, credit is due to the skyline community, who set the import scene off very well against the idiot hoons sometimes seen around the place. good ambassadors.

now, what follows is intended to be positive, constructive criticism so please don't flame me. this is just my opinion.

we drove for about four hours each way to get to the event. thanks to the accident on the F3, we got there at about 12:30. we were looking forward to a good day of skylines.

first, i understand that owners are wary of having strangers near their cars and there were very few other places to go, but having the owner and his friend sitting in their car checking you out while you look at the car is quite intimidating. this was a principal difference between the show and shine and, say, autosalon, where the owners aren't always standing right by their cars. the cars are, surely, meant to be looked at. some owners were clearly keen to chat about their cars (i even saw one owner letting a member of the public have a sit in his R31) but i really feel some others were just telescoping attitude.

second, i'm not sure that a grassy oval is quite the best place to have a group of lowered sports cars. One area was full of muddy tyre tracks where cars had obviously lost grip, and another poster in this thread actually thanks people for helping him get unbogged. many of the cars had mud on their wheels as a result of the poor field conditions. i think a warehouse or even the mingara car park itself would have been preferable.

my third point relates to the judging. I recall Abo Bob encouraging everyone to enter, saying that they wanted quantity over quality, and that this event isn't autosalon. Daily drivers were encouraged: at last, a car show which didn't reward impracticality. I am concerned, then, that many of the awards went to cars which would have predictably done well at autosalon. Some of those old skylines were immaculate, but they didn't seem to get a look in. Likewise, there didn't seem to be any kind of reward for entering a stock, well kept daily driver.

fourth, given the number of SAU and skyline owners who turned up but didn't enter, i think it's a shame there wasn't a dedicated parking area for non-competing skylines. i understand that this may have discouraged people from entering, but it would have been quite a sight to see all the skylines scattered about the carpark in one area.

finally, i'm not entirely sure why the entrance was chosen instead of, perhaps, somewhere in sydney or perhaps gosford. having it in sydney might have meant we could have had the press there to cover the event, get some positive publicity for the import scene.

as i said at the start, this is not intended to be a whine, but rather constructive criticism. i again thank the organisers for their great work and the rest of the skyline community for a great show.

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Meiji: Thanks for the feedback!

There was plenty of parking at the front and side of Mingara club for spectators, particularly in the area just before the entrance road into the rear carpark where we were setup. Surely we don't need to mark out a specific carpark for spectators to park in? :confused:

Regarding putting the cars on the grass, we really didn't have much other choice. The cars needed to me somewhat spaced out to aid photography, and there simply was absolutely no chance in hell that we were going to fit 100 cars, plus sponsor stalls and sponsor demo cars in that small concrete carpark. The grass was the only option. The only bad thing about the grassy area was that it rained a few days ago, but that's not exactly something that could have been helped.

Now considering the bad rap that import car owners have been getting in the press recently, it's not always the easiest task to find somewhere that is willing to be party to such a mass-gathering of Skylines. Mingara Club has been extremely supportive to our club, and willing to let us use the grounds free of charge for our shows. I personally think the cruise up is a nice drive, it's only an hour along the freeway, not exactly a major trek into the sticks! Besides, having the show up at Mingara didn't deter some of the magazines sending representatives and photographers up to cover the show, so don't worry about lack of coverage :thumbsup:

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I have to say though, that there is an inordinate amount of bitching about the judging.

I know that it comes with the territory and some egotistical people will always be butt-hurt if their pride and joy doesn't win a prize. But fact of the matter is, the organisers tried their VERY BEST to make the judging as fair as possible, and reading all these comments about how one car should have won over another is 100% non-constructive. If you want to complain about the results, ring up Advan Performance, Race Brakes, Automotion Australia, GCG Turbos, etc, etc... As it was the sponsor representatives (and the SAU Vice-President) who did the judging, and not the organisers.

......... Okay, don't ring them, but I'm sure you can see where I'm going here. Instead of whinging that your mate's car should have taken Best R32 GTS-t, why not offer some constructive criticism as to how we could have made the judging fairer, keeping in mind the very limited time frame we have to work with.

This Show 'n Shine event is meant to be a friendly get-together for all Skyline enthusiasts to show off their pride and joys. We thought it would be nice to give out some token trophies to some owners to show our appreciation for their support of our club and making the Skylines scene what it is today.

If all we're going to get is bitching and in-fighting about who got a stupid trophy and who didn't, perhaps it would be best not to give out any prizes at all.

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Kinda off topic: but can anyone tell me how soon the memberships that were paid for on the day will be processed?

Also, still waiting on word about those SAU jackets

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Nothing wrong with constructive critisism.

hi all,

ok, what i'm about to say may be a little unpopular but i think it needs to be said.

first, i must say thanks to all the organisers, who must have put in a great deal of work before the show to get it up and running. Considering they're not professional event organisers, a big hand of thanks is due. second, credit is due to the skyline community, who set the import scene off very well against the idiot hoons sometimes seen around the place. good ambassadors.

now, what follows is intended to be positive, constructive criticism so please don't flame me. this is just my opinion.

we drove for about four hours each way to get to the event. thanks to the accident on the F3, we got there at about 12:30. we were looking forward to a good day of skylines.

first, i understand that owners are wary of having strangers near their cars and there were very few other places to go, but having the owner and his friend sitting in their car checking you out while you look at the car is quite intimidating. this was a principal difference between the show and shine and, say, autosalon, where the owners aren't always standing right by their cars. the cars are, surely, meant to be looked at. some owners were clearly keen to chat about their cars (i even saw one owner letting a member of the public have a sit in his R31) but i really feel some others were just telescoping attitude.

Yeah I've always disliked that kind of attitude. Not much we can do about it really. If you get 100 people in a room together there are bound to be a few that don't gel with you. I guess also some people come across different from the way they think they are portaying themselves. I often get the "You think you're so cool" comment but I don't think I'm cool at all. :shrugs:

second, i'm not sure that a grassy oval is quite the best place to have a group of lowered sports cars. One area was full of muddy tyre tracks where cars had obviously lost grip, and another poster in this thread actually thanks people for helping him get unbogged. many of the cars had mud on their wheels as a result of the poor field conditions. i think a warehouse or even the mingara car park itself would have been preferable.

The carpark wasn't big enough. I think it was alright. Parking on grass makes the cars look a little bit lower which I like. The bogging and tyre tracks happened first thing in the morning. We should have kept the cars a little further from the creek area. Personally I find inside photos of the cars boring but next year we will have a rethink about venue just the same.

my third point relates to the judging. I recall Abo Bob encouraging everyone to enter, saying that they wanted quantity over quality, and that this event isn't autosalon. Daily drivers were encouraged: at last, a car show which didn't reward impracticality. I am concerned, then, that many of the awards went to cars which would have predictably done well at autosalon. Some of those old skylines were immaculate, but they didn't seem to get a look in. Likewise, there didn't seem to be any kind of reward for entering a stock, well kept daily driver.

Critisism accepted. We did give away a bunch of tshirts, stickers, and other things as well as a few minor prizes. We were conscious of lower quality cars, seeking to encourage them but perhaps didn't pay enough attention to the middle range. Cars like Rukus' R32 and Wilch's R33 were very nice but got nothing.

TBH we had more stuff to give away but I spent so much time filling in the judging forms that I ran out of time. We've got ideas to improve in this area.

fourth, given the number of SAU and skyline owners who turned up but didn't enter, i think it's a shame there wasn't a dedicated parking area for non-competing skylines. i understand that this may have discouraged people from entering, but it would have been quite a sight to see all the skylines scattered about the carpark in one area.

finally, i'm not entirely sure why the entrance was chosen instead of, perhaps, somewhere in sydney or perhaps gosford. having it in sydney might have meant we could have had the press there to cover the event, get some positive publicity for the import scene.

We'll see what we can do for next year. Suitable venues are not too easy to find but suggestions are welcome.

HPI were supposed to be there but I haven't confimed if they made it or not. Speed were keen - they covered last years event - but are now defunct.

I'm sure that crash on the F3 kept a bunch of spectators away.

as i said at the start, this is not intended to be a whine, but rather constructive criticism. i again thank the organisers for their great work and the rest of the skyline community for a great show.

No problems.

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I think it would be a shame to not give any prizes out because a minority was not happy, it's all a bit of fun and a bonus if you get to take something home. although some people may feel hard done by for whatever reason you cannot argue with the way the cars were judged. There were enough judges to discount the possibility of favouritism etc and in my eyes that was the best part about it, you were not geting one or even two peoples opinions on a car you were getting 6.

In saying that though some people may have taken the whole thing too seriously, after all it was intented to be a fun, friendly day with fellow enthusiasts not who has the best car. They were all street cars not show cars after all.

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Thanks Merli - beat me to it.

I think the thing that everyone won was the day itself. We got to hang around with a bunch of like minded people chatting about a subject we all enjoy and check out a bunch of other cars like our own. The prizes were bonuses.

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