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Guys, I know a lot of you guys wanted to make a team for MC etc but I think this might be a better option,

It's held at belmont racecource (nice and close), it runs once a month and you can enter teams if you wish or enter it by yourself, there is also no committment to racing at the next event either.. so really you could create a Skyline team with 10 cars in it if you wish which would look pretty spectacular. :-)

anywho its just an option, I will be entering it by myself for each of the events unless a team happens then ill be happen to join the lot of you.

also, a rumour from within the family .. MC will be moving to a 55 acre lot next to the control tower at the airport.. expect a MASSIVE skid pan and a small _drift_ type circuit :D



A Happy New Year to all of you!

Yes, I know the year has hardly started yet, however the first MaxAction Event, is not that far away and as you will see the preparations are well advanced to secure a successful start to a New Series of Pro-Max Challenge Events in 2003! All of the Pro-Max Challenge Events will be held at Belmont Park on parallel, not mirrored, autokhana competition areas, with the first event being held on February 2nd, 2003. To avoid clashes with other events, some of the dates have been changed and are falling now on February 2nd, March 9th, April 6th and May 4th of 2003. Early Discount Entry fees are still only $55/event, but a $65 entry will apply after the offer has closed.

It is planned to return to the “old and proven concept” of having two sessions, one morning and one afternoon, with less competitors per session, which will minimise waiting time. I am confident, once you have viewed the course designs, you will agree that by changing the position of the garages, it has opened the competition area right up giving us a much wider second turn than before at the same time avoiding the previous high number of cones all in the one area (garage, turn, timing and dividing cones). However to further improve the situation and avoid confusion, turn-entry and garage cones will be marked/colour coded differently.

Tested and proven to be very effective during the past Tour de Max event, for timesaving and ease of operation two Staging Lights will be used for the line-up of competitors at the start. Due to more room and better flow during changeovers the changeover times will be reduced as well as giving us more time for competitive driving. There will still be the possibility of taking a passenger. New to the event, now you are also encouraged to register a team of three drivers if you like and after having attracted a single CRX during the last event the first team to enter this time around seems to be Team CRX.

Entry Forms and Course Designs are available from http://www.actionalarms.com.au/Motorsport as we speak, but the CAMS approved Supp Regs are awaiting uploading. Please remember you are now also required to print the entry form and produce a signed copy on the day of the event. If you need us to fax an entry form to you please supply your fax number by return email.

I hope you will be pleased with the above changes and am looking forward receiving your early entry form on or before January 12th, not only to show your support for the new & improved Pro-Max Challenge formula but also securing that the event series will go ahead as planned. On this point, thanks to all those who have send in the entry forms already!



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hi, thought i'd post this for anyone who might not know.

this is off the CAMS website.

you need either of these AND your normal license. this is what norbert told me anyway.


Competitor Licensing - What licence do I need?

The licence you require for a particular event will be contained in the supplementary regulations for the event. Ensure that you ask your event organiser as soon as possible about what licence you will need to compete, as it takes time to complete the requirements to get a new licence, or get your licence upgraded.

In general, the following events require the licences below. Click the licence name for information on the requirements to get the particular licence.

Level 2NS licence

+ motorkhana and khanacross events up to International level

+ observed section trials

+ touring road events which contain no closed road sections and no non-race speed sub-events

+ touring assemblies and non-timed road events

Level 2S licence

+ single and multi-car non-race speed events up to International level

'Non-race speed events' include hillclimbs, autocross, single car and multi-car sprints and regularity trials

+ regularity trials up to National Championship

+ touring road events, including non-race speed sub-events, but not including closed road sections, up to International level

*end snip*

from what i can tell you just have to sign your life away and hand over the money. however, i did this almost 4 weeks ago and have not heard anything back.

a holiday thing maybe?

yeah, sometimes they take a while.. apparently they do all the licences in batch's once a month or so.. you may have sent yours in just after the last one was made.

regarding CAMS, you will need to join a CAMS affiliated car club also so you can get your CAMS licence.. 20$ for CCCSR (XXXXX from pitstop bookshop, sorry, forgot his name) or 20$ for AFARCC ( i think this deal is still on) then you can apply for your licence which costs around 50$ for the 2S and $90 for the 2NS.


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