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Whats the crappest movie you've seen?


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dude.. at 21 she has no 'good' excuse for actually wanting to see the Pants movie...

hahha you actually looked to send him a link - that's incredibly mean!!

yeps, hawthorn :P

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Torque was also another very bad movie. I am a motorcycle fan myself and I felt ****ing ripped off after the first 5 minutes. Complete Rubbish. Biker boyz also.

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Unbreakable... the one with Bruce willis & Samuel L Jackson in it... but I didnt have to mention Samuel L because he's in everything already.... Unbreakable was one of the worst movies I've ever seen, along with MallRats.

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Dude unbreakable ruled!!! so did sin city. How did they get in here.

Oh ok then here goes, "bubba hotep" bruce campbell (evil dead) elvis in a nursing home fighting the the lamest mummy in history, man that sucked.

"whos is cletis tout" that movie flowed like an old man with kidney stones.Same as "the big bounce"

oh and "Spanking the monkey" was heaps better than "going down" which really sucked

Starship troopers 2 id have to agree with, the guns dont even shoot, they just flash little lights!!!pooor.

Oh and there are a whole series of movie being made in germany with american actors, guess its cheap. U can tell them because everything looks greenish.

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that's right... 2005 blue mazda

you dont happen to own the silver 33 which always seems to be parked out the front of skiman bob's (or whatever it's called) on burwood rd, do ya?

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that's right... 2005 blue mazda

you dont happen to own the silver 33 which always seems to be parked out the front of skiman bob's (or whatever it's called) on burwood rd, do ya?

nope white series 2 with white rims and is parked in private carpark

Unbreakable was good and so was sin city.

I love all tarrention movies!!

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fair enough.. and i guess you're not the (other) white 33 i see driving home, otherwise you woulda said right?

i still hold firm that dogville is the worst... you seriously have to be strapped down to watch it, coz that's the only thing that will stop you from walking out or pressing stop

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Matchstick Men. I have seen a little bit of every movie that has come out over the last 5 years cos i work at the movies and this was the most boring, there was 1 good twist at the end but it didnt make up for 2 hours of absolute boredom, this is the only movie i have ever wanted to walk out of and if i hadn't been with a group of ppl i would have.

ps. to the dude that said Zoolander sucked... wtf ?? Zoolander was awesome !!

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josh hartnet was an assassin... hence the chick at the start and at the finish..

was an alright movie...

one that i wish i never paid money to see was Saw... what a shit movie...

SAW was one of the best movies I saw last year (or was it this year).....

I can't understand how u would say it was shit!!!

me and some mates had a competion to find the worst movie we could at the movie store.

basicly, i won the comp with the movie called "Redneck Zombies"

i dont think you guys can beat it. its funny when your pissed though....

I haven't seen your shit movie, but I bet u haven't seen mine: BODY PARTS

It's a farked up retro almost frankenstein sort of movie.... My friend rented this movie, and his brother and I punched him in the face for making us watch it.

If you want a movie to watch when pissed / stonned watch : Freddy got fingered

Unbreakable was one of the worst movies I've ever seen, along with MallRats.


What is it with the ppl on this forum :P

Don't tell me you also didn't like clerks, dogma, jay and silent bob strike back???

The only Kevin smith film that I didn't enjoy as much was chasing amy

And to anyone else out there that didn't like Mallrats, let me just say.....


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Dogville? that ruled, so well made. The writing was so good u didnt even need setttings :P lars von trier liks ass.

Oh oh "Ballistic eks vs sever" with banderas and lucy lui man that sucked big time. Shrek2, that had like 6-10 songs in it as i recall, which as we all know are time fillers adn every second line was pun of an old movie. And whats with wuss in boots that every1 thinks is soo cute??? why did the king hire an assassin that has no hope of killing his target? wtf? i did like shrek 1 though.

I have trouble remembering bad movies because they dont get allocated brain space, not worth it.

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Freddie got fingered is so wrong in so many ways - but phucking funny! "Look at me daddy I'm a real phucking farmer now!" :rofl:

Phatr32 - we got out spanglish cause it said "comedy" and starred adam sandler.... but yeah... it was phucking shyte. I cant believe Sandler lowered himself to starring in it.

Whoever said John Malcovich... yep... that rates as one of the most pointless movies of all time.

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oh you know that one with that guy and he did stuff it sucked

i never remember the names of movies i hate (bad habit hire them again 3 months later)

but my taste in movies is sooooo bad im sure i dont rate

liz "im an animator an animator"

pie " *girlly cof* *girlly cof* daddy i think ive got the miners lung" bad comedy gold

anything i can remember lines from was a brilliant movie in my mind

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