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Whats the crappest movie you've seen?


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Both Sky Captain and the world of tomorow and Sin City Sucked ass

They were both set out the same and look like they had a $2 budget to make them so they just did the shit in MS Paint


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Single worst movie I have seen would have to be "The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy". That is the only movie I have actually walked out of because it was so stupid and unfunny. I mean wtf? English comedy... what happened to good ol' comedy like Monty Python and the Holy Grail? Also followed up by Kung fu Pow I think it was called? A chinese effort at a comedy with sub titles. When the sub titles came on I was like WTF?! Very very unfunny, will never understand japenese/chinese humour.....

Also has anyone seen Evil Dead 3: Army of Darkness at all? A very very funny B grade movie from a long time ago. It's even funnier after seeing Evil Dead 1&2 which were both horror movies... "Gimme some sugar baby...."... "Yo she bitch... Lets go..."

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I like pretty much all movies. The only ones I dont like are the ones where it's a bunch of people in the 19th century talking in the courtyard of a castle for 2 hours about a local bachelor, then go horseriding. Nothing happens. And I instantly purge them from my memory so I cant even name any!

If something happens, I like the movie. Sole criteria.

Being John Malkovic, Unbreakable, Mallrats and many others mentioned are in fact brilliant movies.

However, I have some honourable mentions for BAD MOVIES. I enjoyed all of these movies, but I can recognise that they are just horrible piles of steaming shit:

Biker Boys

- Fast and the Furious meets a pile of shit

Undercover Brother

- Should have called it "White People Are Dumb"


- Kylie Monogue! This is likely the worst movie of all time - I loved it.

Street Fighter

- Kylie Minogue! But Honda is from Hawaii?!?!? huh?

Surf Ninjas

- This was entertaining, but terrible - a must see in fact!

Ninja Turtles 3

- The first two were so awesome. This is just bad.

The Toxic Avenger Part II

- Like Ninja Turtles III, but with occasional boobies.

Any 3 Ninjas movie

- 10 year olds knocking out adults with one punch. Like Surf Ninjas actually!

Any Power Rangers Movie

- Low budget action with a budget?


- Shaquille O'Neil as a rapping Genie. Awesome Concept.


- Shaquille O'Neil as a superhero. Awesome Concept.

Blue Chips (I actually dont think this is worth of the all time worst list, but added it because of Shaq.)

- Shaquille O'Neil as a basketballer. Awesome Concept.

Battlefield Earth

- So weak, so very weak - but I still enjoyed it!

There are many more, but I cant think of them off the top of my head.

If I had to pick a single one, it would have to be Cut. I bought it on VHS off my local video store for $1 coz they didn't want it anymore. It was a $2 weekly rental, so good value for me. You gotta love it when people get stabbed through the neck with a long rod and die, then wake up 30 minutes later in the movie, leap to their feet and beat evil killer dude half to death with said rod, saving the helpless female from certain doom.

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THE most offensive movie to a true car nut ever....Fast and the Furious.I believe people who know a thing or two about motor bikes think the same about the bike movie made in the same formula.

I had to turn the sound off and skip through it in fast forward. It's like running fingernails down a chalk board for me.

The only way you could watch this movie is to adhere to the old line 'ignorance is bliss'. It's like listening to those guys who you meet who tell you that they own a stock V6 commodore that does 10 second 1/4 miles because it was a factory special blah blah.....when you know better why would you endure or even enjoy being patronised?

I am pleased for those people who enjoy this movie however.Those who are ignorant enough about modified cars not to feel offended. Theirs is the joy of childhood innocense

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Kung fu hustle ruled!!! so many classic scenes and followed teh standard chinatown theme to a t

Kung Pow was good cause it used old footage redone with his head, classic. "he said to keep hitting him until he gave teh signal, hes not moving any more, lets get out of here!!!"

IS dracula 3000 the one with the chick that work in virgin music? the plane crash at the start with that boston public/voyager chick? i didnt think that was so bad.

Hitchhikers guide was a huge undertaking cause they didnt have time to do the whole story. if u read the books it helps alot. Thats the problem with most moives made from books, they want to include everything and try but it just ends up destroying the flow of the movie. ahh well.

Oh yeh we all know fast and the furious sucks balls, big ones, i refused to watch that until i saw it one tv and couldnt be bothered to change the channel, was all i expected and less though.

Bubba ho tep now thats bad bruce campbell fans will be pissed off with this one.

SIN CITY rules u suck slide!!! :)

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To the person who said Sin City is crap........... Go read the comics. then you may have a clue. It is quite possible the best comic book adaption i have seen in a long long time. But then you probably like The Hulk. (which is refferenced below)

I personally can't stand girly movies like "Fried Green Tomatoes" and "If These Walls Could Talk". They are my most hated.

Worst movies I have seen IMHO - Battlefield Earth, Starship Troopers 2, The new Rollerball, The Hulk.

Best Movies IMHO, Murderball, Donnie Darko, Supersize Me, Termiantor 2, Aliens, Predator. LOTR. (edit:add American History X)

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