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Whats the crappest movie you've seen?


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Don't tell me you also didn't like clerks!

Yeah clerks was farrrrking boooooring.... I turned it off half way through.

Jay & Stoned bob are not funny, they're gay I get it.

If you like brainless movies, yeah it's boring.....

Jay and Silent Bob kick ass...

"37??????? <slurp, slurp, slurp>"

The only Kevin Smith movie that did bore me a little was Chasing Amy....

Sin City was OK, especially the parts with Mickey Rourke... Favourite scene is where he is driving with the door open at about 100km/h scraping that guy on the road and says: "I dunno about you, but I'm having a ball"

And I can't believe someone else has seen the toxic avenger.....

That movie was soooooo CRAP, but I pissed myself the whole way through! I love those crappy, Stupid American B grade movies with college chicks and boobies.

Favourite part is when he punches that fat guy in the guts, and pulls his intestines out... then the fat guy starts shoving them back into his gut like it's gonna make him better again....

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The cube ruled, same as cypher and "nothing" both good movies.

Ok ultimate crappy movie. Transporter 2 man that was like bad, really really bad. Just cashing in on the first which was good i reckon.

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Whats with the barrel roll and the car bomb thing? how did he even know it was on there, u can just bunny hop a car. The stunts and fight scenes were all the same, boring. The first one had ultimate class, that kiking down door scene rocked.

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Alien vs Predator

Big fan of Alien and Predator. Put them together along with no plot line that sees someone use a Alien head as a sheild and Alien Tail as a spear (how tacky). Not saying it was rubbish but they were dealing with two of the biggest cult movies of all times and combining them. Even George Lucas would have come up with more of a story line. Shame on you whoever ruined it!

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Attack of the Killer Tomatoes - really, really sucked- I think it was voted the worst movie of the decade in the '80s, should probably take out worst movie ever. Just a heap of oversized tomatoes that rolled around and squashed people

Best crappy movie I have ever seen was "jeckle and hyde, together again" it was soooo stupid, it was bloody funny, if you know what I mean.

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have to say 'must love dogs' is the crappest movie I’ve watched recently, I get dragged to see it and then my girlfriend who dragged me there is begging to leave halfway through it, don’t know how it ended what a waste of money.

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