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Hi, I've been considering buying an R33 GTS for a while. I'm not interested in turbos, I much prefer n/a.

Anyway, just a few general questions:

1. Are all R33's classed as 'imports' for insurance etc? Or were they brought over here by nissan?

2. Just how reliable are they? Are there any 'common' problems to look for when buying an R33?

3. How good are the auto's on the R33? I'm stuck on auto's for another year while I finish on my P's, but I want to switch over to manual ASAP.

4. Anyone know of any good R33 gts's for sale at a nice price ;-P?

Any help would be much appreciated, cheers - mike

Hi, I've been considering buying an R33 GTS for a while. I'm not interested in turbos, I much prefer n/a.

Anyway, just a few general questions:

1. Are all R33's classed as 'imports' for insurance etc? Or were they brought over here by nissan?

2. Just how reliable are they? Are there any 'common' problems to look for when buying an R33?

3. How good are the auto's on the R33? I'm stuck on auto's for another year while I finish on my P's, but I want to switch over to manual ASAP.

4. Anyone know of any good R33 gts's for sale at a nice price ;-P?

Any help would be much appreciated, cheers - mike

Hi Mike nice choice on type of car :(

At this stage i am unaware on any common problems associated with the R33 but other guys here will be able to tell you of any.

On the insurance side of things, insurance companies dont go on if its an import or such, they get thier premiums from research they conduct on each indivudual car, i.e. how many r there around? how many been stolen, crashed, broken into etc.

Insurance premiums have recently come down a fair bit so no better time than now to get a TURBO i repeat TURBO R33.

I've just purchased a 1996 gts-t in great condition from allblitz for $16 900. You can reach them if you go to www.allblitz.com.au. Husnu is the man to talk to seeing as you are in melbourne :rofl:.

Happy buying.


Hi, I've been considering buying an R33 GTS for a while. I'm not interested in turbos, I much prefer n/a.

Anyway, just a few general questions:

1. Are all R33's classed as 'imports' for insurance etc? Or were they brought over here by nissan?

2. Just how reliable are they? Are there any 'common' problems to look for when buying an R33?

3. How good are the auto's on the R33? I'm stuck on auto's for another year while I finish on my P's, but I want to switch over to manual ASAP.

4. Anyone know of any good R33 gts's for sale at a nice price ;-P?

Any help would be much appreciated, cheers - mike

well here are a couple of your answers.

1 . Yes they are all imports, i am pretty sure there are no locally delivered r33 gts'

2 . They are pretty reliable, just like all cars, depends on the life it had before you, and how well its been treated and serviced.

3 . Just get a manual, :rofl: can you drive one properly? There is no point in buying an auto r33 if u plan on selling it in a year, its a waste of money, all the transfer fees, and the money you will lose on the car itself.

4 . No, try the trading post :(

Don't know if N/A is the best way to go if you ever plan to sell the car. I have an auto which is leaving Japan in a weeks time.


However, all the mods will be removed from the car and replaced with stock parts. Let me know if you're interested, should be able to organise a deal for you.


Husnu (Hus).

Insurance companys do go on if the car is an import.  Most will go with a big "NO" to comprehensive insurance on grey imports such as the R33.  Your only bet then is insurers like Just Cars insurance.  And comprehensive will still be hideous.

Comprehensive hideous? just cars gave me a policy for unlimited mods for 2746 a year, was previously looking at a wrx and they quoted me 3500 stock!

u will find skylines are the most pocket friendly compared to most other turbo cars when it comes to insurance

just cars is proly the only place to get insuarnce for them if your under 25, i pretty much got laughed at by other places when i said i was 18 and wanted to comp. insure my R33 gts-t.

as for the auto thing, mines auto, i prefer it as opposed to up/down shifting in traffic and stuff constantly, that part comes down to personal preference/practicality, not what everyone else tells you.

and as far as im concerned the 33's are pretty reliable cars, i've never heard of major problems you get with them as opposed to some other turbo imports. also i vouch for allblitz and say if your lookin for an R33 hus' is proly the best bloke in melb. to speak to.

Comprehensive hideous? just cars gave me a policy for unlimited mods for 2746 a year, was previously looking at a wrx and they quoted me 3500 stock!

u will find skylines are the most pocket friendly compared to most other turbo cars when it comes to insurance

Hope your aware that if your mods are illegal and you log a claim they have the right to void your claim.. just pointing out..

I got comp. with just cars for about $2000 on a gts-t.. which is quite good.. mate had a gts series 1, was still a nice car, went pretty quick even though it was N/A..

as for auto's, i'd wait - get a basher for a bit, than save up.. if you want an N/A why not look at other cars like integra's.. less of a hassle..

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