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"104.7......thats so 92' "

i know that i only listen to battle of the sexes on that note how ****ing stupid is that sarah chick :D tripple j all the way the other dude that i car pool to work with listens to 87.6 and i agree alot of the stuff is the goods beau but for some reaon my alpine stereo wont go below 88 i think it is... dodgy station sif have some crappy number...

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At least it tells you WHERE. When they first introduced the cameras, there were seven zones. The first version of the map had ~ 25. Last time I looked there were 54, now there are 60+. I've been keeping an eye on it ever since I almost got caught on a 'deserted' road going a bit quick. And for reference, the cameras have a +/- 320kph capability, a focal length of around 100-150m, and were not designed to be used in the back of a van. They don't auto focus quickly so fast decelleration gives a bad photo. They can tell your speed, however, at a range of over 500m...

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i had a silly incident today on the way to work and almost got done along adelaide ave. was 'having fun' with jimi's bro (davey) and we came across the van. i saw it first on the skids. i think i got away with it though, cause i was behind him. lucky....

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