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After hearing a lot of stories about the vic cops, i've been edgy everytime im in the skyline...

so far i've had it for 7 months and have only ever been pulled over once.

i have been tailed quite a few times, but never given them a reason to pull me over, and they havent. Remember i'm a P plater.

the one time i did get pulled over for a rutine breath test...it was all positive. the cop knew the car was over my p/w R33 GTS-T he imformed me of this and that was it, they even wished me a happy and fun night.

i think that if people only ever report bad things about cops it will form a bad opinion of them and cause bad attitudes towards them...which means worse fines if someone says something based on bad cop experiences.

i realise taht not all cops are like the ones i've encountered, but i just think it's worth a mention when we do get a good cop aswell as a bad one.

comments or similar experiences?

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