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GReddy pronunciation??

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I've got a new one for some of you guys:

pe·dan·tic (pə-dăn'tĭk)


Characterized by a narrow, often ostentatious concern for book learning and formal rules: a pedantic attention to details.


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I thought Bride was boo-ri-do?... when I say boo-ri-do no-one knows what im talking about... hahahaha I have to explain it is bride and they look at me like 'wtf mate?'

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People... you're all wrong!

It's Rezz here, I'll straighten all this shenannigans out! (hehehe :rofl:)

Ok, Rrrrrready??? (lol)

GReddy: pronouced 'Goo-re-dee' or in English 'Gre-dee' from Japanese 'グレッディ' = 'Goo-re-dee'

A'pex(i): pronouced 'A-peck-koo-soo' or in English 'Aye-pecks' from Japanese 'アッペクス' = 'Ah-pe-koo-soo' - The 'i' IS NOT pronounced.

**Edit: Just because theres a capital 'G' and 'R' in there, doesn't mean anything! This is Japanese limited understanding of the English language remember...

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Yeah thats gr8 guys no one really knows your all just arguing like the guys at work do. Does any one really know?? Dont make me ring Advan performance the big stockists of GReddy parts and ask them...... I say it like gredy cause thats how Kez outa the High Octane DVDS pronounces it and i fiqured all though hes kiwi he would know, allthough the way they say subaru and nissan is really wierd????

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Yeah thats gr8 guys no one really knows your all just arguing like the guys at work do. Does any one really know?? Dont make me ring Advan performance the big stockists of GReddy parts and ask them...... I say it like gredy cause thats how Kez outa the High Octane DVDS pronounces it and i fiqured all though hes kiwi he would know, allthough the way they say subaru and nissan is really wierd????

Yes, I know, thats why I posted above. I've lived in Japan for 5 years and have met with Japanese sales reps from Trust and A'pex (and others) and heard them introduce themselves using the pronunciation I posted above... that enough? lol

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who is they? i assume you are talking about japanese people...

some of your japanese pronounciations are off too.

ps: i believe is G Reddy

sorry, by 'they' i meant the people who invented the name. as some of the names i listed are not jap.

yeh i'm sure they are prob quite off, im just saying what i know, i'm not japanese, but my 'pronounciation key' is just a guide from what i know, its not supposed to be worthy of webber, just contributing to the forum, but i think you get the drift...

its not law either so by all means correct me where im wrong, i'm always happy to be corrected! :)


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I used to say G-Reddy, but I say greddy now. easier and yeah... sounds better lol. And it looks like that's the actual way to pronounce it, given the evidence for...

Lol rezz, I can so see that coming out of thier mouths :P dorreeft!

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It's G-Reddy... Without a doubt. Now do you say G-rex or Grex? We could be here all day if we wanted to analyse exectly what those crazy Jap tuners (and japanese in general) are trying to say!!


Fulllcok Motorsport


It's Gr-ed-dee. :rolleyes: Remember this:

GReddy: pronouced 'Goo-re-dee' or in English 'Gre-dee' from Japanese 'グレッディ' = 'Goo-re-dee'

Theres a correct way to say it, and it would be quite embarrassing if say Tsuchiya were to come to Australia and all these Aussie so-called Japanese car experts start busting out with their own invented pronunciations just because "I can't be farked" or "that sounds stupid..."

One more time (:werd: ) with English pronunciation:

A'pex = Aye-pecks

GReddy = Gr-ed-dee

GREX = Gr-ex

GRACER = Gr-ay-ser (not: 'G-Racer!!!")

Fujitsubo = Foo-jitz-oo-boe (the emphasis is on the 'jitz' part, not: 'Foo-jit-SOO-boe)

Watanabe = Wah-tah-nah-beh... simple. (not: "Wah-tah-nayb"!!)

Tanabe = Tah-nah-beh... as above

5 Zigen = Five Ziggen ('ig' as in 'bigger') In Japanese: 'Goh Ziggen'.

RE Amemiya: Are-Eee Ah-mem-ee-yah

Cefiro = Seh-fee-roe

Hachi-Roku = Hah-chee Roh-koo (not: Roe-koo... US style :D)

Bride = Bree-deh (I suppose 'Breed' would sound better in English... don't say 'Br-eye-d'!!! Thats the epitomy of wrong)

JUN = Joo-n ('oo' as in 'put')

Tommy Kaira = Tommy K-eye-rah (not: 'K-eye-ee-rah')

Tomei = Toe-mey (not: TOMMY!)

Tsukuba = Tsoo-koo-bah

Any more just gimme a yell ;)

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