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Well team, I saw my back mechanic yesterday (professor of Neurosurgery at Monash or somewhere) and he recommends a long overdue rebuild.

I'll be into Epworth early on Friday morning next week for a discectomy to stop the most damaged disc from pinching the nerve that controls my left leg. The latest MRI shows a pretty bad impingement and explains why I keep falling over and losing control of my left leg in right hand corners in the car. I will also get a spacer to stop the upper vertebrae crushing down on the disc as well. I'll be in Epworth for the whole weekend and then transferred by ambulance to RAAF Williams near Laverton to our Military hospital there. I believe I will be in hospitals for up to a week befcore coming home.

The deterioration over the past few months and particularly the last 2 weeks is due to the support muscles crying enough and just shutting down, so there is little support for the area. I now need a cane to walk to stop the nerve pinching.

This is all a result of poor medical care and penny pinching by defence to save a measly $15K for surgery and a bit of paperwork. The turds have subjected me to at least 6 months more suffering than absolutely necessary by taking a wait and see if it settles down approach.

The good news is I should be able to start doing social stuff more reliably and get back on the track. Most importantly, I should be able to be medically upgraded, fight the Army kicking me out and save my pension that I qualify for soon which will be $100K cash on discharge and $20K a year for life. They stand to take this off me as well if I get medically discharged.

So all in all it is a bit of a relief, but I get to stay in Vic a bit longer.

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Do it once and do it right Geoff, only use forged titanium coated lower rear discs and have your spine balanced and crack tested for peice of mind.


On a serious note though, all the best with this, hopefully you will be back close to 100% soon.

geoff all in all we hope to see u feeling better soon :crazy: , as for the army stick em where it fits going doing shit like that ??? its good to c why we pay our taxes for so they can kick people out and not pay them for what they deserve and and they call this be proud tobe australian mmmmm what and where is this country becomeing and leading 2 who knows????

Best of luck Geoff, sounds like you are in good hands. As for the army trying to save bucks - thats just wrong as it has been effecting the quailty of your life. I'm not one to jump on the legal bandwagon but I'd sue the bastards for what they have been putting you thru over the past couple of years!

I've heard too many stories of people getting stooged by the army now. Good luck geoff, it will be good to have you back out and about again.

Will you have to be on some support for a while after the surgery ie crutches or anything like that for a while or will you be able to spear tackel brisby for us soon after the opperation?

:P at spear tackling the the brisbosaurus

I should be about 8 weeks recovering, but I wanna try for the record so I can do a fitness test, get medically upgraded and quit :rofl:

Thanks for all the support. People laugh when I call SAU my extended family, but it's true


You just cant go past a bit of titanium in the back... :rofl:

... i lost approx 25kgs in 10 days with my back injury and surgery:)

You will feel like a new man...but for gods sake dont be you usual bull at a gate during recovery, get a good occuptational therapist and work with them and you will be like new by December:)

Good luck Geoff!

Be sure to let us know your visiting hours so we can bring you beer and porn to aid your recovery :rofl:

And no matter how much adamantium or unobtainium they put in your new back... you cannot stop those Brisbosaurus spear tackles :P

Good luck with the rebuild Geoff.

Do you think they could do something about the asthetics while you are in????

But in all seriousness, the missus and I wish you all the best for your recovery.

Walking with a cane?? Very Distinguished Geoff, Very Distinguished.


Know how you feel, G. I had the same problem , but with the right leg. I would come home from work in agony, and curl up on the lounge floor in a foetal position for up to 2 hours before the pain would subside.

Problem for me was it took 18 months to work out what the problem was, and get it fixed. I had the op done on a Wednesday afternoon, and was home Sunday night. Then about 3 weeks later I was allowed to go back to work (that was the really boring bit- there is only so much daytime tele a man can take!)

Anyway, good luck with the op. Enjoy the pain killer on the first night (supp-type).

Cheers all. Going to make this one stick, run it in properly and get my money from the stealing bastards.

Painkillers?? Currently sponsored by Panadeine Forte, Mersyndol and Tamarzipan with a little Tramadol thrown in. Imagine if I get pulled over for a drug test. Another evil import driving danger putting us ALL at risk.

No way I'm letting you guys near me on the RAAF base. I'll end up in the lockup and you'll ogle the cute RAAFie chicks that work there.

Better stronger faster.........

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