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They use a red filter over the flash at night time so the driver’s night vision isn’t reduced.

Trust me, when they take your picture of your car, the number plate is a white Haze/glare... its when the put the photograph to its opposite colours i.e. showing the negative of it, that is when they read you numbers on your number plate nice and clear.

Does anyone know of any license plate protectors to protect it from radical bright random flashes which occur on the side of the road?

if u guys dont know this site, u can thank me later but have a read everyweek it will save u and ur well loved lincense.

these are the official speed cam locations, u dont know what tme they "erect" it up for raping. but its worth a notice of caution when driving on the listed roads.

u can get plates covers but cops WILL RAPE u more if they see it, they work 100% but they are very obvious. PS this post did not come from me :rolleyes:


  re2 said:
why didnt we get it from you..  

Why would you get in trouble

And does anyone know any other method of protection other than radar detectors

Apparently spray a whole can of hair spray over the plate was something that used to work! don't myself, not tried.

  re2 said:
And does anyone know any other method of protection other than radar detectors

erm .... don't speed? :rolleyes: Or at least stay within 5 to 10 km/hr of the speed limit.

And as for 140 km/hr in an area that is either 60 or 70 km/hr, that is just madness and you deserve all you get. You could easily kill innocent people doing that, as well as youself - keep it on the track. (To admit you don't even know the speed limit, shows you had no intention of even trying to stay near the limit.)

Just thought you might like some grumpy-old-git input!


radar detectors are good but useless if ur doing 20km over or more, i got one its pretty shit, gives me about 20-50m notice, usually 2-3 sec to slow down b4 i see one in sight, im planning to upgrade it once i have money. any1 wanna buy it :rolleyes: whistler 1670.

all speed cam are Ka band, hard to pick up, lowed powered, always planted around bends, and pointed at low height ( usually at ur front plate where its highly reflective) soo u either get alot of false alarm for good radar detectors or shit range for cheapers ones. ;)

  33Spec2 said:
........they can make so much money from ppl going 80 instead of 70

thats what shits me is that I have been caught on 70 roads doing 80

its a good clean number, 80....I hate 70 roads with a passion :)

  mike68 said:
The cameras are set at the speed limit plus 10%.  ie  80km/h zone camera set at 88km/h, 100km/h zone camera set at 110km/h.  Then 1km/h gets droped off the recorded speed to allow for any allegation of camera error.

Keep your speed under the the 10% and you'll be right.

or... you could always do the speed limit in the FIRST PLACE!!!

was just done a few days ago, doing around 76 in a 60 zone :S

all because I wanted to get back at an arsehole in a 4wd tail gating me for the past 5km, so I decided to put some distance between me and him... 200 meters later red flash.

I can only guess 3 points and $150?

  33Spec2 said:
yeh red is wat they use at nite

south street is 70 most of the way then 60 down near freo

there is ALWAYS a speed camera on south street just up from Karel Ave exit i should no coz i passed that way everyday to work so youd have to be stupid to think they wouldnt put speed cameras on south st especially seeing as they can make so much money from ppl going 80 instead of 70

dam i go to murdoch uni nearly everyday in my s13 and have never spotted a camera near karel ave, or on south street for that matter, musta not be concentrating enough.

but without a roe hwy overpass, and all that construction, south street is so spammed with trucks u hardly get over 30k's anyway. :P

  philta said:
if u guys dont know this site, u can thank me later but have a read everyweek it will save u and ur well loved lincense.

these are the official speed cam locations, u dont know what tme they "erect" it up for raping. but its worth a notice of caution when driving on the listed roads.

u can get plates covers but cops WILL RAPE u more if they see it, they work 100% but they are very obvious. PS this post did not come from me :P


Sorry..what's with the + sign next to some locations?

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