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the problem over the month or so i have had it 1 time it wouldn't go out of 1st (this was a while ago) then yesterday it wouln't go out of first and then later on in the day it wouln't go into gear.

anyone know wat could be the problem? it seems to be fine when you turn the car off then on again. Although the power light flashes when you start car. I am guessing it must be a sensor. ANy ideas???

i know most ppl will just say manual conversion but i don't wana untill hte gearbox is complelty gone and untilli have the money.

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well it could be alot of things... your gearbox could well be on its way to being officially rooted.. or you might just need a gearbox oil change. my car did that, i changed the oil and now its fine.. definately eased up on the gear changes too.

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