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Lock Up Your Cars!


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there has been some sort of theiving spree round attadale/bicton/melville area as of late, and I am now one of the victims. I woke up tuesday morning, had a shower, breakfast all the usual shit I do before work. I was about to leave when I realised I couldn't find my keys. I looked all over the house for em thinkin "this is a little strange.." I thought "hmmm...better check in the car ignition"(highly unlikely but nevertheless) I stood there in my carport hoffified to see.........MY CAR WAS GONE!!! "F*CK!!" I thought. Ah well, i'm insured I spose. Shit happens. Man, I have some f*cked up luck.


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They got into my house while I was sleepin and took the keys. Think they new what they were there for. Nothin else was touched inside, just keys takin and gone. Closed the door and everythin.

Sorry to hear that Ben, do you think they broke in for the keys or you just forgot to remove them???

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Sorry to hear. I think its worse when they break into your house and take your keys. When we saw the window open when we woke up, we thought we accidently must have left it open, then reaised we didnt open it in the first place. I was more upset that people had come into my house while i was home asleep. When troys on night duty, i hardly sleep now. I dont think people understand what they are really doing, well.. dont really care about the implications of their actions on the people they are stealing from. My scooter was also stolen and trashed on friday night. This is now the third theft/attempted breakin inside about 4 months. Its becoming rediculous. What is wrong with people out there. There seems to be no respect with teenages and young people these days. Studying teaching, there is now a push for morals and values in the curriculum, I will deffently be pushing them, because obiously teachers and parents havent been enough. I feel sorry for anykid who steals his neighbours texta though, "THATS IT.. SUSPENSION!!!".. Probly slighty over the top, but somthing has to be done.

I think the government has to look at the system as well. Police are doing a good job, dont get me wrong, but different policys need to be put in place concerning stolen cars etc..

When our skyline was stolen, basically, they put it on a list with god knows how many other cars, then.. Unless its a car thats there is maby only 3 in perth, its unlikley to be picked up. The car could drive straight past a cop car, and unless the person is driving suspisiously, or the number plate is recognised from on on their stolen veicle list, they wont check to see if it is a stolen veicle. Maby they could put somthing on the police cars that scans every number plate, transmits the information to a computer that checks if the make of the car and the plate match, or if the car is a reported stolen veicle.

We are attempting at upgrading our security at our house. I sudggest you think about it. Problem is we have a rental, so unless the land son of rajab is willing to do stuff... we are screwed. We have asked for sesor lighting, or a garage door to be installed. We have also just bought a dog.

I could go on forever, i think this is enough. I hope if you get ur car back, things work out for you, and if you dont, they still work out for you. But, its sad because cars are unique, you have fond memories in them, spend alot of time and effort to get them the way you want, the next car, maby even the same make and model, is still not the same as what you had before. It sooths the pain though when you buy somthing even better though!


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The guys doing this are pretty nasty pieces of work.

About 12 months ago, my next door neighbour in COMO had his S15 stolen (very nice car, big stereo, 19s etc). They broke into the house and stole his keys aswell. The saga did not stop here though.... He bought a new '04 WRX, and modded it also. About two months later someone at his gym was selling some 19s cheap, they turned out to be his. When he found out he approached the guy and told him it was his car they stole and he was gonna go to the cops etc.

The guys who stole the car took offence to this and came back to his house and trashed it. They once again tried to steal his wrx but couldn't get past the security code, instead they stole his gf's lancers' wheels and left it resting on the bodykit and wheel hubs out the front.

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f u c k

A real Concern.

People, should start to watch the people following them home.

The guy across the road, his work colleague son had a wrx, same thing happen. Broke in, didn’t find the keys so they came back the next night and tried again.

Evenly, They follow you home at a distance.

I would recommend installing security lights right in the area where your car, sleeps at night. And wire up some personal alarm system, so if it goes off it wakes you up. That way you know when “what the f u c k” is happening.

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This happened to a friend of mine recently.

They woek up to find his brand new work van in the middle of the road and his commodore still there. They must have ran when he can down stairs.

worst part is there was no forced entry and in the morning they found their house key in the front door. They have no idea how they got in and got their keys in the first place.

I always sleep with my keys near me, what else can i do :(

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that sux bad!!!

The guys doing this are pretty nasty pieces of work.

About 12 months ago, my next door neighbour in COMO had his S15 stolen (very nice car, big stereo, 19s etc). They broke into the house and stole his keys aswell. The saga did not stop here though.... He bought a new '04 WRX, and modded it also. About two months later someone at his gym was selling some 19s cheap, they turned out to be his. When he found out he approached the guy and told him it was his car they stole and he was gonna go to the cops etc.

The guys who stole the car took offence to this and came back to his house and trashed it. They once again tried to steal his wrx but couldn't get past the security code, instead they stole his gf's lancers' wheels and left it resting on the bodykit and wheel hubs out the front.

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The key problem people should be noticing here is that vehicle alarms aren't the issue with car thieves these days. The old days where people used to break into cars, disable there alarms and hotwire the car are long gone. Cars are just much too complex these days as you would have to pull the dash to pieces to find the wires required.

3 things that car thieves will do nowadays

1. Smash windows and grab everything they can inside the cabin

2. Jack your car up and steal your rims (buy a tilt sensor)

3. Break into your house and steal your keys and steal your car.

Take some simple precautions to keep your keys in an unobvious place for them to be taken easily. Too many people I know have the habit of leaving them on the front table near the door (looking through the front door shows them easily or on the kitchen bench) which makes it far too easy for thieves looking for an oppotunity. I keep my keys in my bedroom so it would take a fair bit of guts to steal them in front of me while I was sleeping.

Generally the only sort of people capable of disabling alarms and hotwiring cars are people who install alarms and autoelectrians. So don't leave easy oppotunities available and the odds of you having your car stolen are far lower.

My opinon anyway

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Theives shit me!

I never park my car outside

we have a double garage and my car is always locked in one at night....I have left it out twice in teh 2 months I have had it and it scares me everytime :(

I also keep my keys in my room under something.

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