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What happened to free speech? There is no way that prosecution can come from some internet nerd (such as myself) telling random stories.

Just on the persecution comment... that is not entirely true. All forms of publications be it physical or on the internet are legally binding.

Electronic forms of communication such as email, blogs and forum posts all fall into this category. They are just like you putting pen to paper... it is written with your knowledge, and furthermore, it is signed.

Just because it is written under an alias or "screen name" doesn't mean they can't point the finger at you. If enough people know you by your screen name... it's as good as your birth name.

I would think twice before posting anything that's illegal...

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Personally i think the guy is a tosser making empty threats against car enthusiasts.his arrogance is really quite unbeleivable. i wanted to be a copper in the UK until i came here and changed my mind. never met such a self important bunch of twats ever. i love it when they moan about their jobs too, if they get messed up doing it then maybe they shouldnt be doing it in the first place.

kermit. who is not 17 years old.

Just on the persecution comment... that is not entirely true.  All forms of publications be it physical or on the internet are legally binding. 

Electronic forms of communication such as email, blogs and forum posts all fall into this category.  They are just like you putting pen to paper... it is written with your knowledge, and furthermore, it is signed.

Just because it is written under an alias or "screen name" doesn't mean they can't point the finger at you.  If enough people know you by your screen name... it's as good as your birth name.

I would think twice before posting anything that's illegal...

walk upto an officer, tell them you did a burnout and there was hooge smoke.

wow... i'd like to get taken to court over that.

Would be the case of 2005

funny ass thread. Im kacking myself :)

walk upto an officer, tell them you did a burnout and there was hooge smoke.

wow... i'd like to get taken to court over that.

Would be the case of 2005

funny ass thread. Im kacking myself :(

Words spoken are not as binding as words on "paper"... but if you are willing to give your proposal a try, I'd be very interested in the outcome.

personally i think that cops put a little too much effort into catching hoons etc, fund raising by using speed cameras and the like.

It just seems that they cant do this AND be able to lookout for the poor people who are bashed at train stations, raped, killed, shot etc around the place ?

I think you're forgetting that within the police force there are various divisions that are assigned to do different tasks ie. traffic, major incident etc.

We only hear of the guys "doing over" hoons because I'm sure most of us don't come into contact with the other police departments. So one group is doing their job, another group doing theirs etc. It just so happens that one group's work affects us, and another's does not. Therefore I think the general consensus amongst hoons that the cops are spending all their time targetting them is quite unfound.

I also think that on the whole the cops do a fine job as it is. Yes there are those that are arrogant and a bit pig headed, but perhaps you have to be when there are so many back-chatting little pricks out there.

I remeber years ago when i used to get speeding tickets..  They were always done by Mr Fisher!

He's acutaly on the police website - nice to put a face to a name



Ah yes, the famous Mr Fisher, he looks like he certainly eats the pork sword. Brendan, when did you change your name to Chad Fletcher??? :)

True that...

but even still, surely their time could be well spent elsewhere ?

Oh well, i guess they have to do what they have to do.

I think you're forgetting that within the police force there are various divisions that are assigned to do different tasks ie. traffic, major incident etc.

We only hear of the guys "doing over" hoons because I'm sure most of us don't come into contact with the other police departments. So one group is doing their job, another group doing theirs etc. It just so happens that one group's work affects us, and another's does not. Therefore I think the general consensus amongst hoons that the cops are spending all their time targetting them is quite unfound.

I also think that on the whole the cops do a fine job as it is. Yes there are those that are arrogant and a bit pig headed, but perhaps you have to be when there are so many back-chatting little pricks out there.

Just on the persecution comment... that is not entirely true.  All forms of publications be it physical or on the internet are legally binding. 

Electronic forms of communication such as email, blogs and forum posts all fall into this category.  They are just like you putting pen to paper... it is written with your knowledge, and furthermore, it is signed.

Just because it is written under an alias or "screen name" doesn't mean they can't point the finger at you.  If enough people know you by your screen name... it's as good as your birth name.

I would think twice before posting anything that's illegal...

yeah you are probably right. But nothing proves that it is you that wrote the post or not. No-one is identified on here as name/lastname, and who is to say that someone else didnt post this with my already signed-on logon.

That's what passwords are for... as a user of the system I would think that the law would assume that you have a "duty" to ensure that all submissions are from you if it is from an account.

Furthermore, even though there is no first/last name - they'll have a way. I'm sure hackers don't put their real names down. But again, it is their bragging that gets them in trouble.

I'm no expert on the IT laws, but what I'm saying is based on some knowledge, some common sense and some input from the media.

Words spoken are not as binding as words on "paper"...  but if you are willing to give your proposal a try, I'd be very interested in the outcome.

its either they are or they arent.

no need to try it. I live in the western suburbs of Melb.

It probably happens once every hour

So does this mean that the sau users posting heavily in the 'postwhore' threads could actually make money out of it by becoming a police officer and postwhoring from behind a police computer whilst eating krispy kreme donuts?

Cops make me puke!

The 'n00b' thing under "Holland"s username is due to his post count, same as the new RB20DE thing here.

If he is legit, why would he introduce himself as 'Officer' Holland if his rank is Senior Sergeant?

Why is this the first and apparently only post made by an alleged member of the Police? Government/Public Servants are not allowed to represent themselves without permission. You have Public Relations officers and so on. I don't know, I just find it hard to believe that this is legit.

Three cheers for SAU and the fact that most guys here can spell and put together a proper sentence (sory RICE nufin ment buy it)

Can I go to www.carthievesaustralia.com and find out when my suburb is about to be targetted? :P

Call the number he posted, speak to him & ask if it was really him!!! Someone mong could have been caught for speeding/defected etc by a Officer Holland, and just wants to piss him off by doing this.

i think alot of ppl need to bite the bullet when they get done, fair enuf you fang it around and get cought then you deserve to get done, be it your own stupidity that you wernt lookin out for police or just bad luck that they were in someones driveway on the corner you opened it up, cops have it pritty tough, i been to a few partys in high wycombe were the riot squad shows up and in my own opinion i think the cops are to limited as what they can do... there are soo many little 16 17 18 yrolds out there that have no respect for anything, pickin up bricks bottles anything, chuckin it at the cops, and all there alowed to do is stand there with a sheild and a batten, its crap, these little crack heads runnin bein knobs showin off thinkin its cool, the cops should be able to open fire with rubber bullets, let the k9 dogs go,

i just think its pathetic that some people bag cops out so much, but yet if there cars get stolen or house gets trashed then go running to them like little girls... everyone will need the police one day, and alot of them are polite and show respect so why not do the same, sure you get ya bad ones but take it with a grain of salt

I'm with schmiddy.

Imagine being a cop, standing on the riot line in all your gear, having drunk knobs throwing all sorts of crap at you, and your bosses are telling you to just hold the line? Most police are good blokes, they are trying to help and the job pays the bills - when riot police turn up they are making sure things don't get out of control and the general public isn't at risk.

I'd love to see how tough those bottle throwing morons are if the senior officer decided to unleash twenty baton weilding police all wearing helmets, shields and flak jackets... there are a LOT of countries out there where throwing crap at the police would NOT be tolerated and they'd probably Rodney King your ass

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