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Hi Christian,

You may well be aware of this but I thought I would mention it anyway as others might find it useful.

I've been having a bit of a fiddle trying to get SAU forum links in posts before the switch to work.

vB uses a syntax like so:


Invision uses a syntax like so:


So if I wanted to follow a link for the old forum like this one:


I would just change it to:


I would suggest running a SQL query to just replace all old vB references using the new syntax.

Unfortunately I haven't worked out how to get links to individual posts working yet. vB uses a syntax that only includes the post number, like so:


Invision seems to use a syntax that calls the thread number and then the post number, like so:


Since you can't get the topic ID from the vB URL I can't see an easy fix.



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The old thread linking is most likely an easy solution.

If this is hosted on a linux system then just symlink showthread.php -> index.php and edit index.php to contain something like

if($t) {
  $showtopic = $t;

Near the top of the index.php file. (Obviously that assumes that register_globals is on).

As for the individual posts, the solution should follow the same idea, but basically if $p then do a lookup through the database to find the thread # linked to that post id, then do a http redirect to index.php?showtopic=<topic_id>&view=findpost&p=<post_id>

Should work - And I agree that making this forum backwards compatible with the old forums links would be a great thing to do! :D

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