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can anyone help i want to import an r32 not sure what needs to be done for compliance and costs , also all the costs from customs and how to get an import certificate, i read somewhere that you need to own the car for twelve months before you can import, does anyone now a good engineer in the tweed heads area, any help would be great

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There are 3 ways to import an R32.

Via SEVS compliance which will cost about $4k on top of the cost of the car

Via Race/Rally import which cannot be road registered

Via Personal Import which requires you to prove you have owned it overseas for 12 months first.

Realistically the first option is the only one for most people, if you are interested you should talk to one of the major brokers like Prestige motorsport or j spec imports

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yeah, the busniess about having to own the car for 12months means that you are going to import in the peronsal scheme. But you don't nee to do this if you import with SEVS. In terms of getting import 'approval' you need to quilfy for various criteria depending on what scheme you are importing with.

So with SEVS the car needs to not have been in any major accident history, you can't have dents in the car with a depth of more than 20mm (or something like that) and there isn't aloud to be any rust or anything.

If you are going to import through the personal scheme then I think that the main criteria is that you have to have proof that you have owned the car for 12months.

In terms of compliance costs, in SEVS for an r32 it costs around 3-4k. Keeping in mind that at the moment very few workshops are doing r32 SEVS compliance, so you might have to travel pretty far to find one, but I'm sure that the number of workshops will increase in the future.

Costs for customs will vary depending on how much you pay for your car as the main charges with customs are import duty and GST, which are calculated partly on how much you paid for your car in the first place.

Take a look at the J-spec and Prestige mailing lists to get an idea of the overall costs, as the costs of shipping and customs (and compliance) have been included.

There is another way. Prestige and J-spec still have some cars that have import aproval under the 15yr rule, which means that compliance will be a lots cheaper bla bla.. but I'm not sure if there are many left and if they are of reasonable quality.

hope this helps

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