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I've been hearing alot lately about a certain Gas Research system for cars, so that the car runs on LPG. Apparantly, the cars performance doesnt change from when it use to be running on Fuel. Im a V8 enthusiast and would buy a 8 if this system is true, but cant now as i am a student and with the soaring fuel prices id be in a muck. Does anyone know anything about it? Please write if you do.

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Im curently building myself an LPG only RB engine.

Will not be using a gas carby though...

LPG injection is the plan.

Lot of development work to be done yet but its looking very promising (definate proven gain in power/economy)

Only draw back is the price of the injectors/management.

If you work out the cost of even the carby system - how long will it take before you actually save some $$$?

I've been hearing alot lately about a certain Gas Research system for cars, so that the car runs on LPG. Apparantly, the cars performance doesnt change from when it use to be running on Fuel. Im a V8 enthusiast and would buy a 8 if this system is true, but cant now as i am a student and with the soaring fuel prices id be in a muck. Does anyone know anything about it? Please write if you do.

go to www.gasresearch.com.au for the Gas Research website. I have put a gold series carb on my 4.1 crossflow 6cyc XE falcon. The motor was fully rebuit and worked beforehand to suit the gas. It has high compression, high lift cams and bigger inlet valves. I also have an EB falcon on gas too. To my mind the gas research carb is the best out there but they are arounf $1000 for the carb + vapouriser.

Unfortunately it is very rare that you will achieve the same power on gas as petrol. Both of my cars lost power in the conversion. The latest BA falcon can be bought with a factory fitted dedicated LPG system which makes only 150kW compared to the 180kW on petrol.

Whilst it is possible to make more torque than the same engine on petrol the power output cannot be matched. The problem is to do with the greater volume (space) taken up by the LPG per intake stroke because of the higher fuel to air ration required. Fuel has around 8 carbon atoms per molecule and LPG has around 4.

The other problem is that on average kilometers, 20,000 per year, it will take 2 or 3 years to pay for the LPG gas installation system, and thats just a cheap, $1500 conversion. A high performance V8 will need 2 gas carbs.

its not really rare to acheive the same power on gas than petrol, all depends on how it is set up. if your going to get a v8 and put it on gas, well first things first. Make it a straight gas car. Get a proper twin carby setup, or if its injected u will most likely need not 8 but 16 injectors (cause delivery isnt the fastest)

The main reason you dont get as much power on gas as petrol is because of the delivery of it. Thats why in the old carby cars, when its set up, they have twin carbs, you look at a forklift, it doesnt have a standard carb, its got a gas dedicated one. But i've talked to people about it before, and you will most likely need two gas injectors in place of one petrol one. Dont know how true it is. But give gas research a call. There are a few fast turbo's out there running gas research, a vl, an xf falc or something ... running into or close to the 10seconds.

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