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Ok well i got bored today with the old silver "SKYLIN" as the paint had worn off the "E"


^^^^ As you can see!


^^^^ Start by removing the rear garnish and using very fine sandpaper remove the existing paint (if any)


^^^^ Then once you have done that get special masking tape which doesnt leave a residue (as its a bitch to scrub off later) and carefully mask around the letters


^^^^ Keep going... its very tedious lol


Finally ... all the letters have been surrounded.. and its ready to undercoat :D


^^^^ I chose to undercoat the letters because i didnt know how well the paint would take to the plastic surface, however in hind sight i probably wouldnt have bothered with this step


^^^^ Here we see that the undercoat is finished.. and we let it sit for approx 2 hours before the paint goes on


^^^^ So that i could get the paint spread across the letters nice and evenly i decided to add extra masking take so that i didnt get any paint on the rest of the garnish

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^^^^ Using a small foam paint brush, spread the paint across the letters nice and evenly


^^^^ Finally all the letters have been painted ... let this dry for a further 1.5 hours before applying another coat if needed....


^^^^ Once the paint had dried carefully get a stanley knife and carefully cut around all the letters seperating the paint from the masking tape


^^^^ Then attach back to car and marvel at how bored you got today


hey ruffls,

I always thought the silver paint was on the INSIDE of that garnish yet you are clearly sandpapering the outside!!!

So am I correct in saying that the silver paint is on the OUTSIDE of that garnish then??

  • 1 month later...

My one doesn't have paint on the outside. But its actually supposed to have a light in it but thanks to the previous owner its been tampered with and i cant get it open to see because they filled the whole thing with contact glue!

But thats a great idea about repainting it. Very tidy job by the way.

will have pics up tomorrow hopefully... i scrapped the blue colour and now im doing it in white to match my car.. and using spray paint so i get a glossy smooth consistant finish, unlike the paint brush which was a shit idea lol


nice job mark - cant say i agree with the blue as colour choice though, i also think it looks better with the S2 garnish.

spray works fine - just as remember to have it really clean and apply light coats as it tends to pool around where the letters are raised.

black is easy - you can tint the background and still throw a neon into it.

did this a few months ago - wanted to keep the silver.

but only had gold paint lying around the house, so thought i'd use that instead.





Man that gold on black looks nice. Real stylish.

All the other black R33's ive ever seen a just covered in stickers.

Im sad to say that i dont think i will be getting my garnish to light up any time soon :(

The things been cramed with contact glue and i just cant get it open.

If anyone has some ideas im listening.

ohk i scraped that stupid blue shit... and i painted it again, but this time i used a spray can

i think it came up really well

heres a link to what it looks like now :D



Is it possible to buy chrome spray? i know that to chrome metal objects, they have to be dipped.. but is it possible to get a spray on chrome that will work on plastic?

What would look really nice, is chrome letters, and the background whatever the colour of the car is.

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