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Reprogramming Ecu


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Evening everyone..

After having done my dyno run on the weekend i've noticed that my car is running quite rich.. Was also talking to the mechanic there and he was asking about editing the ROM as I had Doodz consult cable + software running while I was on the dyno..

Anyways - got to work today and thought i'd spend the day looking up Programming the EEPROM for the skylines and what you could do..

I've managed to find some software that can do it + some maps or *.adr files which take you to the correct location..

With these I can change the following: (supposedly)





# Variable,Start-Address,X,Y,Map size,value,Map-name



#HIGH/LOW octane Fuel map.

HIGH_FUEL,&H7400,16,16,256,1,High octane Fuel map

REG_FUEL,&H7D00,16,16,256,1,Low octane Fuel map

#HIGH/LOW octane Ignition time map.

HIGH_FIRE,&H7800,16,16,256,1,High octane Ignition time

REG_FIRE,&H7C00,16,16,256,1,Low octane Ignition time

#K required number

K_DATA,&H7F0A,2,1,2,1,K required number

#Void blast-off time

IGN_TIME,&H7F88,1,1,1,1,Void blast-off time

#Feedback control

FB_SWITCH,&H7F91,1,1,1,1,Feedback control

#VQ map

VQ_MAP,&H7A70,16,1,128,1,VQ map

#Fuel/Ignition time TP scale

TP_SCALE_FUEL,&H7AF0,16,1,16,1,TP scale (Fuel)

TP_SCALE_FIRE,&H7B10,16,1,16,1,TP scale (Ignition time)

#Fuel/Ignition time RPM scale

RPM_SCALE_FUEL,&H7B00,16,1,16,50,RPM scale (Fuel)

RPM_SCALE_FIRE,&H7B20,16,1,16,50,RPM scale (Ignition time)


TTP_MAX,&H7E90,16,1,16,1,TTP MAX

TTP_MIN,&H7E80,16,1,16,1,TTP MIN

#TP Limit

AF_LIMIT,&H7960,16,1,16,1,TP Limit

#Acceleration increase volume

#ADD_FUEL,&HE200,16,1,16,1,Acceleration increase volume


REV1_LIMIT,&H7FB4,1,1,1,50,Rev. Limit 1

#Speed Limit

SPEED1_LIMIT,&H7FA5,2,1,1,2,Speed Limit 1

#Add.map 1

ADD_MAP1,&H7B30,16,2,32,1,Water tempe. compensation

#Add.map 2

ADD_MAP2,&H7510,9,1,9,1,Knock delays limit

#Add.map 3

ADD_MAP3,&H7940,16,2,32,1,Idol Ignition/Knock delays limit

#Add.map 4

ADD_MAP4,&H7980,16,2,32,1,Idol stabilization control

#Add.map 5

ADD_MAP5,&H79E3,9,1,9,1,Knock delays limit

#Add.map 6

ADD_MAP6,&H79F5,2,1,2,1,Variable valve timing-on/OFF Rev.(x50rpm)

#Add.map 7

ADD_MAP7,&H7B50,16,1,16,1,Ignition duty voltage

#Add.map 8

ADD_MAP8,&H7B60,16,1,16,1,Ignition duty Rev.

Now after having dumped that out - some people would understand it some won't..

i'm wondering if anyone on ehre does - has done it before - or knows how to..

I'm guessing you'd pull of the data from the ECU than tweak the appropriate hex entrys..

Having a dyno on hand plus consult would let you monitor it.. it's this or buy an Apexi Power FC pretty much..

anyways was wondering what peoples thoughts were..

you'd need an EEPROM burner and that's about it really..

wish I was still at uni - could have borrowed their one.


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There is a lot of info on the net.. try 'rb20det programming' or 'rb20det roms'. There is a good site: www.tangentrix.com/forums/ but it seems to be down at the moment (hopefully not permanently)

You basically solder off the factory EPROM, which is basic to do if you can solder, then you solder in a chip holder in place. Then you can plug in whatever chip you'd like.

A basic eprom programmer device is about $70, and that is all you really need. EPROMS are about $5 each ..

To write the EPROM data (modify the factory tuning), there are quite a few editors out there... romeditor, zcontrol, livedit, etc

I will be investigating it soon... mainly to boot off the factory speed limiter, and boost cut..

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Cheers guys - yeah i've been taking a look at some stuff.. i've got the romedit - i'll have to look into a eeprom burner - where would be the best place to get one from + you need the correct eeprom chips..

i'd probably download the original - push the image onto a new one.. than test it and work from there..

You can modify your fuel ignition maps according to RPM or Throttle Position so i'm guessing I could therefore change the Air Fuel ratios by dropping the values of the fuel in the map over an area..

Similar to an apexi I would have thought..

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I'm now currently trying to get my hands on the Romeditor 3 - latest version..

aparently the R33 ones are quite hard.. but I think if I can get my hands on a spare ecu maybe.. or maybe just the cips..

not a huge fan of pulling mine apart lol..

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Well i've taken a look at the S13 .bin files - the file I posted above is for Romeditor so that it knows how to load stuff up..

What you do i'm guessing is you edit all your maps - your low and high octane fuel maps and so forth.. save a bin file.. than write it to the chip..

This is pretty straight forward - but might have some hicups - such as fcuking your ECU/eeprom chip.

In Romeditor V2.5 which is for Honda's you are able to check what the Air/Fuel ratios are - which would be very nice.. as you could tune the mapping to an appropriate value..

I'm still wondering if this is really all worth it - or whether you just get an Apexi with the PC software for $1500..

One advantage I can see is you can control the amount of boost - as you should have direct control over the solenoid like an IEBC.

more to come as I find it..

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Yeah i'm guessing if I get that and also a EEPROM reader/burner should be able to do some stuff..

I've also got my hands on the calumsult sourcecode - so i'll be making some modifications to that and hopefully - if I can wrap my head around it - add things like checking hicas and a couple of other features not implemented..

we'll see how it goes..

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Ossh - did you watch whilst he tuned the car? I'd like to hear from someone who actually KNOWS what happens.

At this point im trying to workout if this is how you do it:

1. Hookup consult port to notebook

2. Set global injector timing and ignition settings, and as you move through the rev range workout which settings are most appropriate for each area, adjusting for knock etc.

3. Enter this data into the appropriate software to create ignition and fuel maps and create a ROM.

4. Using an EEPROM burner, create a new chip.

5. Plonk into ECU and drive away.

Im most interested in how you can use a consult cable and the relevant software in order to establish a tune, as Id like to know if you can ONLY set global settings. This is the area I dont have alot of understanding in.

Wondering mostly, if you can essentially use the consult port and the laptop to "emulate" the ecu, so you run your custom maps youve created, to test them, and then later burn them onto chips once youve established they are correct.

If this is incorrect, how are the other people who are reprogramming RB20 ECUs doing it?

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dyno it.. work out parts that need attention, modify, put chip back in.. would be a fiddly process.

There are "romulators" which would basically allow you to tune realtime. Put ribbon into slot, this goes off to laptop, you can alter in realtime. When you get what you want, you burn off on EPROM, and put this into ECU. Would save heaps of time.

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It was already on my car when i bought it but i downloaded the bin thru my consult and compared the bin. His re-chip removed the AFM limit, speed limit, upped the rev cut (too high IMHO), and added some timing in the lower rev-range.

You just de-solder the old chip, solder a 28pin socket in, then burn a new chip and pop it in to place. You can't re-program via consult.

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Duncan - have you had this done???

Got quoted $595 including tuning. Not bad.

He said to come in and he'll show me what he does. not sure how hard it is for him to change the tune if I go and change something though like bigger turbo or something at a latter date..have to see.

But a lot cheaper than PFC!

Edited by benl1981
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I think Duncan would be talking about the R32 GTR ECU..

I've got no problem with charging for the tuning, which requires knowledge.. but charging $200-$300 for just chipping it is a bit rich.. as its about a 30min job and just requires the use of a soldering iron.

I guess I had better do it rather than just talking about it ... have to buy a burner and things. Even if that costs me $100, I'm still saving money..

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