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thats the question I don't really want a massive turbo but thought I would put a bigger compressor wheel on my turbo as it needs to be rebuilt aiming for a 200rwkw capability @ around 17-18 psi one of the issues is the vg 30 turbo need a slightly different wheet to achieve the boost I want as my run of ic piping is long we will see. the guy was trying to talk me into a massive job which can be achived with this turbo but I really don't want more than 200 rwkw because I don't want the massive lagg associated with it



I am aiming for 200rwkw, then i will stop.

I will hi-flow my turb's because i wont need to extra gains that i would get from a new turbo.. my my particular case, its not worth the cashola.


yeah skyzr33 killed the turbo I have done 12 000 klms on the conversion already it was finished in october or november cant remember and I'm putting and manual in now as well got an r33 5 speed.

prank the reason for notowanting any more is I don't want to do injectors and have been told with good fuel pressure and an adjustable reg I might get close which I believe. also the car wont be run in that spec every day just at drags etc but will be spending its life mainly on 12 psi.

btw the turbo was second ahand an probably 10- 12 years old.

but is rebuildable :-).

hi flow should be 800 -1k


I know this is a different turbo, but a mate had his CT26 highflowed to a TO4e, on his GT4. I was expecting bigger lag cause it had bigger wheels both sides put in.

But to my supprise it spooled up quicker than the standard one did and pulled much much harder (and could go to 19psi with on worries.

Now I'm not sure if this will be the case with the one you have Meg's, but it might be worth looking into.

Looks like 200rwkw is very easy to get on the highflowed ones (damn I'd love to have 200rwkw 8O ).

BTW: if anyone wants the CT26 of my mates, I'm sure he would get rid of it.


I am aiming for 200rwkw, then i will stop.[/quote:71341c39d3]

LOL -Lets wait and see the results of this statement.

Guys I'm thinking of hi-flowing mine as well. I was going to buy a HKS 2835 (still might one day) but at the moment I'm strapped for cash.

What exactly goes on when they hi-flow a turbo? Just replacing the compresor wheel can't be the whole show.

Also, I've got a really fat cooler sitting on the front which can support serious psi. I wouldn't run it at max boost all the time but how high can I go with a hi-flowed turbo?

To hiflow a turbo they change the wheel or wheels.

and grind out the the housings to accomidate the the biggers wheels and then refit them. my turbo is non ball bearing and it can be rebuilt the ballbearing one can be harder to rebuild.

but basically you can get a t4 using t3 flanges and houseing on my turbo for yours you can get one capable of 450 hp I believe. to get up to these hp figures you will probably need a bigger exhaust wheels as well .as the guy explained you need the cgasses to go out then you can run the higher boost. my turbo will only run to about 16 17 psi but drops off his comment to me was are you running a big cooler and I said yes and hes said thats why you cant hold the high boost because the air has to travel so far from the turbo to the intake and the wheels aren't big enough to push it that far.

hope that helped a bit I gained a greater understanding.

so to my thinking you really need to change both wheels if you want a to run high boost and make power. remember we are dealing with turbo that weren't designed for really high bosst operation like the hks trust etc turbos. but for low boost long life applications.

also take into account that hi flowed turbos aren't as reliable as brand new turbos. ats in melb make a 450 hp turbo for rb25det. but to me thats really only 2220-230 @ the wheels and is $2100 I'd be e looking for bigger hp like you onarun and I don't always think ballbearing is the answer.


a vg 30 turbo is around 3-400 buck and might be a good start rather than modifing your stock one as they aqre really saleable s/hand or to have a spare

ONARUN : Guys I'm thinking of hi-flowing mine as well. I was going to buy a HKS 2835 (still might one day) but at the moment I'm strapped for cash.[/quote:0626651410]

a 2835 wont be a direct bolt on right?? a rb25det has a t3 mount right?? ive heard the 3035's go really well but are $$$

hi-flowing a turbo is the best option in my opinion for those just trying to get the 200 at wheels mark.. afm, injectors all start to die around there anyway.. and the stock rb25det internals start becoming vulnerable around 250 if i recall correctly.. all depends how far u wanna go

No, the 2835 doesn't bolt on & I want the ext wastegate model so at the end of the day I'm getting -turbo, wastegate, head gasket, exhaust manifold and injectors. Very $. That's why I'm considering hi-flowing it. Like you said, it'll take it over the 200 mark and I'll save a stack.

The 3035 goes well but the 3040 even better yet. The 3240 is too laggy, in fact most of the 30 series will produce too much lag. Oddly enough they are not that much more $ than the 2835. Boostmeister has a link in 'For Sale' to this Japanese web site that sells lots of goddies. They had the following prices for the HKS range.

Ethan 33, pay attention.

2540 US$1537

2835 models range from US$1552 to $1709

3037 models range from US$1788 to $1905

3040 US$1866

Not a huge difference there. Just have to figure out which one best matches your needs.

Picking out a turbo is harder than it initially seemed. I've been reading up on compressor maps but at the end of the day you won't really know how a particular turbo will function. With the level of mods that Skylines have, Joe might find that a 2835 was a perfect match while Bob lost power. And it's a pretty expensive exercise to be buying turbo after turbo until you find a good match. This is where a good mechanic can save you lots of headaches.

you other option is to got the us way with t4's etc there are god gains to be had with them as well I have seen to many people spend money on tubos and not benn happy or have been lumbered withte need for more mods Ie injectors afm fuel pump etc.

my belief is if your going to be puttin out more than 170 rw kw you need a big fuel pump.

you have to set a limit.


on a run you can make a t3 the same as a t4 almost.

my advise is don't use your stock tubo get a second hand stuff non ballbearing thing like my vg30 you need big exhaust wheels and compressor wheels try mei and whatsisname bothe have t3/t4 hybrids and they can make around 230 rwkw and cost around 1-2k depending.

the t4's are good but you might need a new manifold . go and talk to a turbo shop and ask what they think along that line the non ball bearing are also rebuild able so if you neeed to you can jsut put a kit through it for around 500 which is much better .Trust only use non ballbearing turbos and even they don't have water lines going to theirs the t 4 also required an external gate where as the t3/t4 hydrid ccan run an internal which is cheaper and tends to keep the cops off you back.

some links

http://www.turboneticsinc.com/ has all the info on t3 and t4's



the link abouve is my favorite jap site you have to digg deep but there is good info with prices as well they use all knid of stuff as well.

as far and any thing else you might want to cnsider a metal head gasket and a thick one at that to drop compression if you want to run bucket loads of boost.

onarun who installed you power fc may be you should have a talk to them as well and tell them you target hp and they can recommend a package.

given a choice between a 2835 and 3037 I would take the 3037 any day.

casue they are the duck's guts and have the most potential the 2835 will really only be good to 450 hp.


I know I'm ramling again but it all help I hope

I know I'm ramling again but it all help I hope[/quote:850043e9fb]

-ONARUN bows down- Thanks

What is the vg30 and what power rating does it have?

I'll talk to mei and watsisname, see what they have to say.

My car hasn't been anywhere but BD4's since stock & I don't plan on taking it anywhere else. However, they could be a bit biased as they are distributors of HKS.

Again, thanks.

the vg 30 is the turbo off the nissan vg30 det engine not the twin turbo one. they are a big t3 and stock they can hit around 180-190 rwkw you put the big wheels in and the skyis the limit trymei's t3/t4 hybrid is based on the vg 30 turbo and he got 210 rwkw @ 14 psi I think and you can do that with out injectors.

as for bd4's your on a good thing there I think.


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