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  Shell said:
I saw it.....did you hear some of the comments "this is like the fast & the furious man!" I think these guys maybe hadn't been on a lot of cruises before and were getting a bit over excited, leading to the stupid stuff that happened..

true.......umm i can't remember the part in fast and furious where a guy dies and everyone starts running around in a frenzy, crying. Def. over excited, my guess is that they were a bunch of P Platers who've had their lisence for less than a month.

Meh. At least that guy won't be pulling his handbrake anytime soon.

his mates could quite possibly have been egging him on.

i know when i drive friends places, they expect me to drive like a nutcase for some reason coz they dont have a quick car.

those back seat drivers can be quite infuriating sometimes, really get to your head.

At the end of the day, Responsibility lies with the driver.

been a p plater myself i know what its like having 3 mates sitting beside you cheering and egging :D but most importantly it's you thats driving, and whatever happens you will take responsibility, knowing that fact along with many great examples where idiots kill themselves over the adrenalin rush

to me owning a skyline is personal satisfaction ;) and i take control of my car, not the passengers :)

^^^^^ completly agree man nice point

and also 9 years is way to harsh like other said they should just give him 2 years then make him go aorund to schools for the rest of his life and talk about the " misstake " he made.....

its all good to say ??years is too harsh or not harsh enough, what if it was your family member that was killed...... regardless of events if no one learns from this event then its a waste...

we control the car and our own futures (and potentially others)....

I see drivers all the time, not just P-platers drive recklessly, endangering themselves and other motorists around them. Funny thing is, the majority I've seen driving like idiots were either in family cars, 4WDs or barely roadworthy 20y.o shitboxes.

I believe P-platers are unfairly represented when it comes to the media and road statistics, given the 'young and reckless/inexperienced' stigma that's attached to us.

That accident was a tragedy that could have been avoided.

but simply imposing restrictions on P-platers will not solve the problem altogether. Especially the restrictions brought on by NSW, It's ridiculous.

It seems like a bunch of legislation that was taped together overnight, without much planning, just to appease all the parent groups crying foul that the government wasn't doing a thing to stop the p-plater road toll.

i saw that on the news as well.

i think its a differant story though.. didnt the guy on the news have 20 previous infridgements before he had an accident? not stopping at a red light, not stopping at a stop sign etc etc..

he was still on his p's though... interesting he still had his licence..

two different cases.. intersting why one person would get 2 years, and another 9 however.

I know its a bit silly to state this having not experienced it.. but I am not sure seeing the imprisonment of somebody for such a long time would to do too much to make me feel any better about the situation of having a family member killed in an accident. I would be thinking "well it doesn't really bring them back now does it"

  POOMBAH said:
I see drivers all the time, not just P-platers drive recklessly, endangering themselves and other motorists around them. Funny thing is, the majority I've seen driving like idiots were either in family cars, 4WDs or barely roadworthy 20y.o shitboxes.

I believe P-platers are unfairly represented when it comes to the media and road statistics, given the 'young and reckless/inexperienced' stigma that's attached to us.

That accident was a tragedy that could have been avoided.

but simply imposing restrictions on P-platers will not solve the problem altogether. Especially the restrictions brought on by NSW, It's ridiculous.

It seems like a bunch of legislation that was taped together overnight, without much planning, just to appease all the parent groups crying foul that the government wasn't doing a thing to stop the p-plater road toll.


i recon the most dangerous driving i see on the roads is done by V6 commodores 80% of the time. seems they have the most to prove, for some reason

i drive a commodore myself so im not entirely biased either... tho its not buick powered :cheers:

When someone gets behind the wheel they have to take repsonsibility, the driver is fined if a passenger is not wearing the seatbelt. If they want to behave like an idiot they should drive alone in an empty car park. Nine years is quite harsh but if a family member died in similar circumstances I'd say it isnt enough.

*Just my 2c worth

9 years? Well he had better start dealing with it. How come most people give him the benefit of the doubt, Im sure this would have been presented to the judge about how nice of a person he is and so forth. But the bottom line is that he killed a couple of his mates.

I think we have to stop tolerating this sort of crap and start doing something about it, you give them an inch they will take a mile. In this case the judge is making an example of what will happen.


you really think he is going to go out there again and just drive like a tool once he gets out of jail?

you really think this sends a message to anybody, that *actually changes their behaviour* in the wider community.. course not. A few weeks time same thing will happen again, people will get into the car of some guy they know on occasion can drive a bit stupidly.

Can't prevent these sort of things happening altogether, only train people to be better drivers and lessen the odds. First 1/2 year drivers need to realise that driving is not as easy as those basic driving tests you do to just get a licence and act however you like afterwards.


Thats a fact huh? Well he wont be on the road to do it again for a long while, so yes it will stop him.

So what your saying is - if you go out kill a couple of your mates - the governement will slap your on the wrist, tell you not to do it again and send you back you school for training? Thats not what this argument is about, its about a bloke getting what he deserves, and it should be an example to all who think that they can sherk responsability.


I didn't see the news story, but from the sounds of it they were all idiots.

I think that we should continue to let everyone drive powerful cars, and stop with the police crackdowns.

With the medical advances and general lack of "world" wars these days, we don't have the usual checks and balances on population like we used to. People who should be dying aren't anymore.

Without disease and warfare killing people off, its either going to be famine or stupidity. At least with stupidity culling humanity, its just improving the gene pool.

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