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Cant Enjoy A Decent Cruise Anymore

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There's something satisfying about passing some gronk who speeds, lane changes every 2 minutes, and looks like they're about to burst a vein when you've been in the same lane all along and are about 5km (15minutes) up the road.

Yeah, I love doing that too.

The best one I ever had was driving from Top Ryde out towards Macquarie. Some bloke in an old Falcon was driving like a loon slicing up the traffic and doing a fair whack over the speed limit.

Every now and again I'd just baulk him because he'd been cutting people off with not much space to spare, and in busy traffic. He didn't look too impressed.

With some good lane choosing I still managed to stay ahead of him and disappear at the Macquarie area of North Ryde. He looked like he was about to go berko when he saw me giving him the thumbs up while I was filling my car up at Pymble Shell.

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I may hate all SUVs, but the BMW is definitely the most sporty on the market - even more so than the Porsche, and probably more so than you would maybe think IMO.  That's why some X5 drivers think they are driving a Lotus Elise.  And compared to the Landcruisers and stuff they may have owned before hand it probably feels like a Lotus Elise.

Having said that, you are right in that it is still not as sporty as a bottom of the line BMW 116i hatch, which costs about 1/3 of a top of the line X5.  Compare it to the 130i or 330i and it's a joke.

See attachment for very short (9 seconds, 135 kb) of an X5 on a race track.  It made me laugh - would take some serious balls to do that.

Oh I have no doubt that its sporty, for an SUV. Most of the reviews say that the car handles like a station wagon. Impressive for a high ride height, 2 ton car....but still average in the grand scheme of things.

And that attachment is from 5th Gear, where they ran the X5 against the Cayenne S. The X5 beat it around the race track at Anglesea, but in both Tiff ended up demonstrating the vehicles' off road ability by understeering off the track around one corner and making an excursion through the grass.

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i jsut let them go if they try to race....it's not worth the fines or danger. i've done a little bit of accel to speed limit but once i'm infront i let them do the looser flyby.

my funny story bout lane choosing....

there was a blonde in a z3 roadster who had poorly chosen a lane several times (she jsut kept changing) so as i came past she decided she was going to go infront of me...i slammed my brakes and tooted...and she had the nerve to give me the finger. so i decided to show her how it wasn't nice thing to do. i road her ass for a few metres so she knew then moved into the next lane and gave her a stare...she then tried to cut me off again so i braked a little and slipped into the lane she was in after noticing that it was free for the next 300 metres and mine was going to block up...i then preceeded to drive past and wave nicly to her at about 40kms. loved the look on her spoilt face.

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there was a blonde in a z3 roadster who had poorly chosen a lane several times (she jsut kept changing) so as i came past she decided she was going to go infront of me...i slammed my brakes and tooted...and she had the nerve to give me the finger. so i decided to show her how it wasn't nice thing to do. i road her ass for a few metres so she knew then moved into the next lane and gave her a stare...she then tried to cut me off again so i braked a little and slipped into the lane she was in after noticing that it was free for the next 300 metres and mine was going to block up...i then preceeded to drive past and wave nicly to her at about 40kms. loved the look on her spoilt face.

:lol: That chicks asking for a nice long key scratch on the driver's side...

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And that attachment is from 5th Gear

Yeah I figured the full episode was a bit large to post so I extracted and shrank that section. (If anyone is interested, full episodes of 5th Gear and Top Gear are available on Mininova.org as torrents, as well as full episodes of Best Motoring, Initial D and many others)

As for idiots on the road, my g/f came home the other day and told me she was pulling away from traffic lights (at the front of the queue) in the right hand lane and there was a commodore behind her riding her ass, flashing his high beams and waving at her to move over into the left lane so he could get past.

The whole reason she was in the right lane was because she had to make a right hand turn about 300m after the traffic lights, and it was too busy at that time of day to try and make a lane change between the traffic lights and the turn. It is just unbeleivable how impatient some people are on the roads.

There is nothing better than overtaking these people through superior lane selection!

Nothing except porn.

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That's not even funny.

I don't give a shit how someone drives or parks or offends you it's never ok to f**k with their car over some minor inconvenience.


i've had it done to me...and im 95% sure it was a personal attack, as my TX5 (albeit very shiny, low, and with a nice set of wheels) was parked next to BMW's with 19's XR's etc...and was keyed end to end.

i would've rather they take a swipe at my face, that way I could have been there to level them

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Its because they're incompetent, shiftless bastards who need double the amount of time to do a job as a person who's got 3 working braincells.

Geez it must have taken alot of courage to say that donkey sh*t. If you weren't such a f*cked up little peice of sh*t you'd realise that tradesman work harder than you little desk job fags. Given the chance and the place I'm sure they would take a few braincells out of you top bloke arsed accountants. You'd better watch what you say around here, you're not king of the world f*ck brain.

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Geez it must have taken alot of courage to say that donkey sh*t. If you weren't such a f*cked up little peice of sh*t you'd realise that tradesman work harder than you little desk job fags. Given the chance and the place I'm sure they would take a few braincells out of you top bloke arsed accountants. You'd better watch what you say around here, you're not king of the world f*ck brain.


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Geez it must have taken alot of courage to say that donkey sh*t. If you weren't such a f*cked up little peice of sh*t you'd realise that tradesman work harder than you little desk job fags. Given the chance and the place I'm sure they would take a few braincells out of you top bloke arsed accountants. You'd better watch what you say around here, you're not king of the world f*ck brain.

lol, how is this wanker not banned yet...

gotta be on its way though

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Im a tradesy ... and i can be smart or dumb, just depends what the convo is, i think like most people, if its about something they know, or enjoy, they will be all brainy about it ... say for instance, in you example, an accountant asked me to work all his shit out for a week, i would say, huh. And if i handed that accountant a drawing, some sheets of steel, rhs and pipe and said make that in the drawing, the welder is over there, im sure they would be the same.

No shit slagging on other peoples jobs. ok

and for all those who are ... get a life.

You, and your job isnt the best thing the world has seen. So lets act like a good community and all hug

*starts a group hug*

Who is joining me?


Geez it must have taken alot of courage to say that donkey sh*t. If you weren't such a f*cked up little peice of sh*t you'd realise that tradesman work harder than you little desk job fags. Given the chance and the place I'm sure they would take a few braincells out of you top bloke arsed accountants. You'd better watch what you say around here, you're not king of the world f*ck brain.

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Yeah i agree. No point in bad mouthing the tradies, we all got jobs to do.

Besides, we all pay what they charge, whos the dumb ones them or us ;)

Although i will say there has been more than a few times i've been pissed at them- say you take the morning off work (or a couple of times i've taken a whole day) and they dont turn up, dont even get a courtesy call either. I understand that jobs can take longer, but honestly how friggin hard is it to ring your customers and let them know you'll be a coule of hours...or days, or whatever.

Anyway, wasn't this post about bad drivers??

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I hate it when you rip them to the speed limit then the fly past you well over the speed limit...about 10 seconds later  :lol: Then they think they owned you! I had a excel dude going crazy the other day, passed me at about 110 in a 60 zone then got caught at the lights leading into a 100 zone. I lined up behind him light goes green, I go out around him smashing him to 100 and then keep it at 100..much later he flys past with a triumphant look on his face..total looser I was thinking dude I was behind you then passed you then smashed you by 100 meters or more to 100 yet some how you feel satisfied. Thats when I learned that it doesnt matter what you do they will find some way of thinking that they won so ow I dont even bother.

Just curious.. Was Bunta smoking at the time?

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Geez it must have taken alot of courage to say that donkey sh*t.

Given that quite a few of your posts are of the keyboard warrior type, especially recently, that's rich.

If you weren't such a f*cked up little peice of sh*t you'd realise that tradesman work harder than you little desk job fags.

I never said they didn't work harder. I just said they didn't work as smart(or with any level of competence). Of course they have to work harder, since they can't get the job right the first time and so have to waste time fixing their f**kups.

Given the chance and the place I'm sure they would take a few braincells out of you top bloke arsed accountants.

I don't doubt it. "Violence is the last resort of the incompetent", as they say. Since they can't lucidly argue against my assertion, the fact that they'll "take a few braincells out" just proves me right about how useful these people are.

I do love how you skipped the first message having a go at tradeys, and decided to go straight for me. Maybe its because you didn't get it the first time, and needed two attempts at comprehension before realising what was being said?

Hmm....not getting it right the first time, and acting all aggressive when you (slowly) start interpreting. You're not one of those crazy, van driving 20-30 year old loons who can't show up to a job on time are you?

Edited by scathing
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There are plenty of tradeys out there that have a head on their shoulders. Most of them show up relatively punctually, and don't need to be called up 2 days later when whatever they worked on falls apart.

They're also less likely to go carving up busy traffic in their underbraked and momentum-rich vehicles, since they're also industrious enough to not want to waste time and money in court when they inevitably punt their van or ute into someone's car, nor do they want to have a whole bunch of potential customers see them acting like tools or rubberneck them after they've crashed.

I hoped it was evident enough that I wasn't talking about those kinds of people, but clearly you need to spell it out in monosyballic words sometimes.

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