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Someone Badged My Car!


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If I catch any shit near my car, even thinking about taking the badges, I will break thier fingers, so badly that they will never be able to hold a toothbrush properly again, so every morning, they can be reminded about how that 5 seconds of fun cost them the use of thier fingers!


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i had the realy old skool syline cursive badges on my baby, came out one nite and some lil shit knocked one off, was absolutly pissed, drove the car into the shed and debadge the car my self, screw them, if i cant have neither can they!

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hmm i got a badge story too, my doc had been half-badged since i've got the car, still has the SKYLINE on the left, but has no DOHC-TURBO RS on the right.

Browsed a DR30 link from a dude on the Classic Skylines section and found this site that sells DR30 stuff (engines, exhaust, everything!) I can buy my DOHC-TURBO RS badge for 4000yen, or $50. fcuk. 50 blings on an old skool badge.

Still contemplating. It'll look cool but issit worth it...

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