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Hi everyone, quick question about my climate control unit. When it's on 18C (manual setting) it blows cold air, all good, but when i turn the dial to raise the temp it starts blowing hot air i.e. on 19C and above it's like the heater is on. So I can be freezing or cooking, no in between. I'm guessing it's stuffed, does anyone elses do this? Is it likely to be the unit in the dash thats all bad (something electrical perhaps) or could it be anything else before I spend the $350 I was quoted for another dash unit?


Edited by deano_33
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Check the little pipe that sucks air in from the dash to check the temp. On the '33 its a little circle grille near the ashtray (from memory). Not sure where it is on the stag yet. But make sure its not blocked or bent etc as it will misread temperatures.

Does that make sense?

Update: Got another climate control unit from wreckers ($350), didn't fit, different plugs on the back, same number of pins but just slightly different so don't fit. I guess the S1 and S2 stageas are different there. Wrecker is going to try to find one from a S2, don't fancy my chances though. Might have to try Nissan, can't imagine what it would cost......

Had a look at the temp sensor (to the left of the steering column?), seems OK but I don't think that would be the problem seeing as the problem is the same in auto or manual mode?

Hmm, might have to live with it for a while.

Edited by deano_33

My Stagea does exactly the same thing. I just assumed that it might have been sensing that the cabin temp was already less than 19 degrees, so it actually started blowing in hot air to bring it up to that temperature. 19 degrees inside a car with no sun shining in through the windows would actually be quite cool, wouldn't it? But now that I think of it, the times that I have tried it and it has done this have actually been at night. I'll try it again tomorrow, when the outside temp is 36 degrees with 110% humidity and see what happens. Hmmmmmmm

I think the problem could be the thermistor (thermally sensitive resistor) behind the cluster surround.

Try to replace this part first and see how that goes(few dollars i assume), because if it is old it could be sensing mega wrong resistances... and also being the "control" unit of the whole climate sensing idea..



Also, it may be dusty, so give it a good blow to get dust off (insulation)

Okay Alexcim I'll have a look, thanks for going to the effort of marking the pic!

Auto/torque converter has pooed itself though in the meantime - feels like a slipping clutch in a manual and can hear metal on metal sound, not good. Getting this attended to atm.

Might be a stupid question, but have you run the diags on the climate control to see what error it comes up with ?


No, not a stupid question. You get it into diag mode by holding down the off button and turning the car on right? I tried it and lots of crap comes up, how do you interpret what displays on the screen?

No, not a stupid question. You get it into diag mode by holding down the off button and turning the car on right? I tried it and lots of crap comes up, how do you interpret what displays on the screen?


Have a look at page 31 of this doc, it's probably the same as the R33 (fingers crossed).



I thought that if the A/C is in Maunal, the Compressor doesn't come on unless you push the 'A/C' button.

If that is the case, if you select a temp that is lower than the outside, outside air will blow in. If you select a temp warmer than outside, the air will be diverted through the heater.

Does this sound correct?

  • 2 weeks later...

I think mine assumes it's always hot outside, I have to set it to around 25 or 26 degrees to keep myself warm...

Oh, and when adjusting stuff, how do you press the "Hot" button when the Stagea has a dial instead? Do you just turn it up to a warmer temp?

Hey, isn't there a button you can press so that it displays outside temperature?

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