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Hey all,

Just a quick question. I know the 33 GTST doesn't have an air temp sensor, but if I had an R34 GTR intercooler, would I be able to plug the temp sensor into the Power FC somehow so it could display on the controller?

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in theory yes but theres no where to plug the air temp sensor in the ecr33 powerfc. wire #40 on the bnr33/bnr34 ecu is air temp sensor but on ecr33 wire #40 is something else so you cant obviously plug it in. at least im sure its #40 from my memory. ive been wanting to do this for some time now, theres a thread on it search and find it. sydneykid did it but he had an er34 powerfc and its wire #40 is the airtemp wire so it worked, but on ecr33 powerfc #40 is something else

what im saying is the ecr33 pfc may have the air temp code to show it on the hand controller but the ecu may not actually read the value anywhere or it could be a case they moved the input to another wire that is not documented and if you tap it onto the correct wire it will start working. the only way is tral and error with your pfc on the floor and an airtemp sensor hooked up and start tapping pins that dont have wires attached

i have looked over the workshop manual the ecr33 pinout does not have the airtemp sensor wire # and nor does it have it as a standard feature. the er34 and bnr34 do. so the only hope you have with ecr33 is for every wire that is not labelled on the workshop or pin out diagram tap an airtemp sensor onto it and see if the value comes up on the airtemp monitor on the hand controller. you can tap the water temp signal and bridge it to any unused wire and hope for the best. the water temp voltage should be in the same range as the airtemp value.

the problem being there are inherent risks with doing so, i could blow up the pfc ??

http://members.dodo.com.au/paul/diagrams/rb25det-pinout.pdf is the ecr33 pinout

wire #36 on bnr34 pinout is airtemp sensor. wire #36 on the ecr33 is nothing. i cut the water temp wire on the ecr33 harness and before i went further i double checked what i had done and it seemed ok. i turned power to ACC and the hand controller still printed Water temp and a value so i had obviously cut some other wire, it was at that stage i aborted the whole thing. if you feel game give it a crack. once you work out what pin # on the ecr33 the airtemp sensor is (assuming the ecr33 powerfc will accept it and read it) getting a working airtemp sensor is easy

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