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Hey Guys,

I own a r34 GTT, if u couldnt guess that from my name, i was wondering if i install a BOV will it sound alright,,,, Considering i got the semi-auto instead of the manual...

will it sound alright or bad...


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i dont really matter bro, lol Why u get a auto one.... lol

Mate it depends what time of BOV u put on. i recently slaped on a Apexi dule champer BOV it make a "flutter" at low reves and a "woosh" at high revs. it sounds mad. But wit an auto, u'll hear the sould when it changes gears automaticly. it should still sound good. have u heard some of the auto VL turbo.. sounds mean.. but they have a dose pipe :)

take it eazy boss

Edited by Dush
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^^^^ Wow that post really sums it up. Installing an after market blow off valve into a car which already has a perfectly good factory one will lose you about 800 IQ points instantly.

Furthermore you will not hear any sound on gear change (in an auto) unless you're lifting off the accelerator at the exact same time the gearbox changes irrespective of what blow off valve you have.

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I got a blitz, same thing nice flutter in low revs, and fair loud pssch when opened up. Changed to a bigger turbo (kicks at 4000 instead of 2800) lost that noise now. :)

I bought my car with it on, probaly wouldn't have bothered otherwise, I like the sound of just cooler but if you like it buy. Personaly I wouldn't bother with a auto especially if it's standard.

Edited by 32brother
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My factory BOV was leakin.. that why it was changed to a better flowing BOV, i donno about ur V-spec bro,, but yea. the release of air that come out of the BOV is only when u take ur foot of the throttle, sorry for the misunderstanding...

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Hmmm, I dunno. the stock BOV in the car only ever sounds when i take my foot of the gas, i cant hear it at all when it changes gear. so if i changed it, wouldnt i only be hearing it when the foot of flooring it?

Yeah, i bought the tiptronic auto becuasse i didnt really wanna spend another 10 grand for the manual...

Im already thinking about changing to a r33 GTR instead.

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