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Two Quick R32 Gtr Questions.

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I've had a quick look around the forums but can't find exactly what I am looking for.

First, what is the offset for the wheels on an R32 GTR? I desperately need 17" or 18" but I keep getting different stories about what wheels will fit.

Also, does anyone know where I can pick up a reasonable front bar for a 32 GTR? I have been searching for months and I can find a ton of GTR bars for GTS-T's but try finding one for an actual GTR!

Any help appreciated.

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Just to confirm, MrZac from Slidewize concurs BNR32 offset is +12 to +22. There was a thread about this a few weeks ago. Danny, Ronin09 and lwells were all posting interesting bits and pieces but cant seem to find it through a search. I can't remember who but one of the guys was planning on fitting R34 wheels to his R32.

And when you have it all sorted, be sure to make a post in SK's sticky in the Susp,Tyres,Brakes folder! :)

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not long sooty, don't know where it went with the transition though... will zip it and add it as an attachment in a sec.

*note this is a guide - use at your own risk. Always consult a wheel expert before making an offset decision. :P

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