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hell yah this is going to be big, car is almost packed for the trip down tommrow, i am cruseing down with a few of the NSW guys and where meeting up with the ACT guys along the way just look for the 31 with NSW plats im sure we can help with a an interview and pics :wub:

not that we are gona have mutch to do on friday except drink after we have signed up :D

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Oh, to add some spice, Gavin Strongman, Terry Ashwwod and Rod Markland are going to be giving us a great show of the Nissan Works race Skylines on the Deca Track. On top of that, Gavin has allowed the club to raffle 2 passenger runs in the DR30 (Fondly known as George), of at least 3 laps on Sunday. Worth being there to win these 2 prizes.

hell yah this is going to be big, car is almost packed for the trip down tommrow, i am cruseing down with a few of the NSW guys and where meeting up with the ACT guys along the way just look for the 31 with NSW plats im sure we can help with a an interview and pics :rofl:

not that we are gona have mutch to do on friday except drink after we have signed up :mellow:

Thanks, :no:

For anyone who would be willing to take part in an interview and having there pictures taken with there cars Please PM with your mobile and a rough time you will be in Shepparton. I want to get pic of all the models if possible the more the better.

May also be able to get you deal on printed version of what turns up in the paper and or photographs taken by our photographers.

Hi David Cazz on here is organising this event so she would be the one to talk to. There is a Show and shine on Saturday so there will be plenty of Photo ops, but if you want something for Saturdays edition get in touch with Cazz and drop her a PM.



On behalf the SAU VIC committe we made several attempts to cross promote this event. It was posted in our recent newsletter, it was mentioned at two of our recent meetings, it was covered in our vic general events. The wekeend before was our drift for dummies training day @ deca so this may have impacted attendance a little, as a few were not keen on travelling to shepparton, the next weekend after (I was in this category).

I also saw the contact between your self and the Commitee and replied to some of them also. I also tried to raise interest by asking questions coming up to the event in the main thread (which you saw). We (I) even went to the effort to try and ascertain number of attendances but my questions went un-answered. I even spoke to Libby (as no one else replied to my posts) to try and found out (but later realised she wasn't involved). I feel more interest could have been sparked by posting up event plans for the DECA events, numbers of cars officially booked in and other information indicating numbers. By looking at the main thread as an on-looker it looked like there wasn't much interest (lack of posting) so to most it appeared not many were going. Had someone posted up xyz amount of cars are confirmed, here is what we are doing at deca then it could have helped.

I apologise on SAU's behalf for what you may feel we have done wrong, but I think as a club we did nothing wrong and promoted it quiet well and took reasonable efforts to spread the word.

It's a shame the event didn't spark more interest amongst the SAU boys and girls. Some interesting points there Paul which i can see are quite relevant.

Being the only 33 in attendance, I have to say I was quite disappointed and felt like a bit of an outkast :P That said, the white whale and myself were welcomed by all (except PaulOX,lol), and I had an absolute blast!

You guys missed what would have to have been one of the most enjoyable spectacles I think I will witness in my lifetime. Alas, plenty of 31 members missed the opportunity also cause their soft :D

Anyways, NDSOC are holding a huge event at Phillip Island next year on the Easter weekend. If I am not mistaken, the Gibson cars may well be making another appearance there, and here is hoping Terry and Rod will be keen to iron out some more cobwebs on the old battlers! :D

John & Jez. I genuinely hope that you dont see things that way as its not the case from SAU-Vic.

We've done more than "nothing", in terms of promotion. This is going to be a large post i think...

Firstly, regarding NDSOC & SAU-Vic, there is no issue there. Anyone that thinks there is, quite simply, is making it up. We have members that are in both clubs. Please dont say there are issues as there are none what-so-ever.

Ok, to the people that say we have made no effort, let me show just a few examples of the effort SAU-Vic has gone to for the promotion.

1) Newsletter Advertising - We have put the Skyline Nationals into our Newsletter to make members aware of the event and what it entails

2) General Meetings - We have meetings monthly and the last 3 months we have informed the 60 or so regular attendee's that this event is on etc.

3) Forum Promotion - Below are the threads about the Skyline Nationals or threads it was spoken about in






As you can see, SAU-Vic has engaged in quite a lot of promotion for this event using every avenue availiable to us.

I dont know why a "bomb" would be required considering we made every effort to promote an event.

I would like to know how we as the SAU-Vic Committee could have done more ;)

As the chief organiser of this event, I was promised as much help as I needed from SAU. I would love to talk to those people who made promises to me, coz over the last 3 weeks, I couldn't even get a return email. A few guys turned up on saturday for a look see, but we could have really done with some later model skylines in the line up.

Now just hang on a minute.

SAU-Vic was asked, what... 1.5 weeks away from the Event if we could provide a Clerk of Course for the Motorkhana. Having things like that un-decided a week out from an event isnt really practical and unfortunately we could not helpout in this area due to such late notice.

If i recall thats all were were asked to help out with, did we miss something?

If you want to ask for help 2-3 weeks away from an event if this size that has been in planning for 12-18 months then dont expect much. Its that simple.

We have our own lives to live. We also have other events that require organisation and so on.

Anyways, you have to remember the demographic of Skyline owners in this community aswell.

Most as aged between 18 & 23. Most are at uni and must work friday nights in thier casual jobs for income.

This is why when we have our motorkhana events in Shepp, 90% of entrants come up on the Sat morning.

Hence, the entry/registration requirement of the Friday would have deterred an exceptional number of people without a doubt.

You also have to remember other influences that people outside SAU-Vic might not be aware of...

1) SAU-Vic held a Drift for Dummies training day 2 weekends ago at DECA.

2) SAU-Vic Motorkhana Championship Round 3 is on at DECA, 3 weekends from now.

I think i speak for a lot of people here. Going to Shepparton 3 times in a 5 week period is not be feasible for most.

I certainly was not avaliable to head to Shepparton 3 times in 5 weeks. I think its reasonable to assume that many people are in the same boat as myself.

This is just my views on how i saw things unfold. As i Committee member i dont like to see someone speaking ill of the SAU-Vic, when SAU-Vic gave more than enough advertising and promotion to the event.

Its then upto the people if they decide to go, not the Committee.

Cheers - Ash

SAU-Vic, Events Co-ordinator.

Well spoken Ash ;)

I am going to make a point, that even though it isn't my view/opinion, it is very relavent to the reason why there was such a low attendance from SAU-Vic members. I am not trying to cause an arguement, just stating possible reasons why your attendances were low.

This event was primaraly promoted as; "A Celebration of the Annerversary of the Australian Built R31". To expand on Ash's statement, about the demographic of SAU Vic members: Most members are aged between 18-24, and primarily own later model "imported" Skylines. Even the members that own R31s mainly drive the import version. So to expect these members to drive to Shep. for such an event may not have been ideal. In many people's eyes the Australian Built R31, was purely a family oriantated car, and probably the lowest perfomance optioned vehicle from the Skyline range.

I beleive for an event to be successful, it has to celebrate, and only be promoted, as a "Celebration of ALL Skylines". Events, maps, oriantation, times, etc, have to be freely promoted to the public, so they can judge wether the cost is fessable.

Sorry to hear that this event was not as successful as you had planned it to be, but blaming SAU-Vic for your "short-comings" is a joke! As Ash has mentioned, the committee was only asked to help 2-3 weeks b4 the event. Planning such events in the last 3 weeks of an 18 month promotion is the error of the event organizers, thus the blame falls back only onto yourself. Being a past committee member, i know that SAU-Vic's events are planned months in advance, and these are not even National Events :

I agree with a lot of points with SAU members that it could of sounded like it was only aimed at R31, but it was stipulated in differnet threads that it was for all Skylines. I also agree that there was other events organised very close to it which could have had a huge influence on it, and dont no how you would get around it except by asking SAU not to run events so close, but it has nothing to do with any other club telling you how to run your club, or its events. I would just put it down to a misunderstanding and leave it at that, as everyone there had a fantastic time as it was, and bring on Phillip Island next year.

Edited by R31Heaven

Here here, I agree also. We spoke about this event at EVERY meeting leading up till the event. Cazz, you criticism is unfair and uncalled for. It's no as if we have control over our members and what they want to do, we put it out there and if they are keen they go, simple as that.

I for one was not interested as I'm sure many other people were not, we have FAR too many DECA events up soon as it is and the $$ side of things make it hard. I'd pick an SAU event over an R31 event as I'm sure most of our members would also.

It's nothing personal it's just my first and foremost interest lays with my own club.

Chill out!

I agree with many points people have posted here. I would have loved to come up for this event, but with the already full Sheparton/DECA schedule we have it just wasn't going to happen for me. (Add Dutton-VIC to that list)

But can I make this suggestion for the future:

For any club / person planning future events that they wish the SAU-VIC committee/ Car Club to support and attend. The best way to go about this is to let us know about the event well in advance, and then come along to an SAU General club meeting to discuss in person, and then if required we will ask the indivduals to come along to our committee meetings to work out particulars.

My facts are quite clear. im not wrong at all.

SAU-Vic were asked to help 8 months ago. We said at the time we would where possible/required.

We provided advertising in the forums of:



General Meetings

What more help did you want? Did you ask for anymore?


If you wanted more help, you could have asked. SAU-Vic is not going to come to you. Its your event, your resonsible for the organisation of it.

We wrote our OWN Newsletter articles, our OWN Forum promotion threads for your event.

It was on the SAU-Vic Calendar as are all events. However you miss the key point. Its upto SAU-Vic members to attend.

Member attendance is not Committee responsibility so dont make it out to be so.

SAU-Vic plans events every weekend. If you care to look at the calendar there is not a free weekend in the next 4 months, and its been like this most of 2006.

Why should we plan nothing 4 weeks either side of a one specific event? Thats not catering for the diversity of the membership base, and certainly not what SAU-Vic is about.

SAU-Vic caters for ALL members needs. Not the requirement of specific ones.

If you feel hard done by, so be it. From a Committee point of view we went above & beyond anything that was asked of us.


What on earth are you talking about? Ash was aware of the contact between you and James. I was as well, we all were. You were given plently of replies if I recall correctly. This event was included in our planning, we had it on our calendar, it was on forums several times and spoken about at our meetings.

I still dont understand, what did you expect to happen? We can't force people to come. It's upto people to make their own decision about an event and wether they attend or not

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