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Now, I've never been in a performance v8, and I was wondering about what car gives you that kick in the seat harder?

I'd always imagined that boosting up would facilitate that feeling the most, though in consideration a big torque v8 would have that instant kick when pushed.

Not implying any pathetic engine size war

Yes, boredom has set in whilst waiting for the rebuild

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Yep, i drive the VX SS Ute work car, its bog stock, but feels slow, even though its not... Its just because the power comes on smoothly compared to when a turbo car comes on power.

a mate of mine biult a drag car. 10.25 at calder. he took me for a little ride, and it was little but grate.

it was loud as all f*ck. he stomped on it a little. till around 3500rpm. and that little jolt was like hitting boost in first gear in my stock GTR. (one bar of boost)

after we got out, i mentioned that to him and he made a comment of... imagine that power ten times, and at the drop of a foot all the time....

.....it was nuts!

oh yeah... if anyone was wondering what car it is... its a black ZB fairlane with the plates PROZB.



Hrmmm ive thought of this before but my story goes like this

My mate bought an R33 GTST and he took us in it quite allot for a thrash and i found that it'd kick me into the seat pretty hard (this car was super stock) and at the time he had it i was 100% pro V8 because i was never really exposed to these cars. Anyhow so we went in that afew times then one night we got chopped by a VH V8 commodore (I blame that mainly on his poor driving) but still, the commodore had a car and a half on us and he had a full car!

So anyhow i went in my mates brothers VX SS V8, and i wasnt impressed at all, like you got abit of a kick when you changed gears but it was nothing compared to the skylines constant pushing.

So that changed my perception on V8's a little. Then after years of hearing stories from my dad about my uncles worked XY falcon that he had back in the day snapping his head back every time he changed gears and doing trips which would take half an hour in about 15 minutes (country town)........but that car got written off when he was going to quickly over a hill and got air borne

So anyhow, back up to my uncles house for a visit and hes got him self a BA XR8 Falcon. So i was keen for a ride in that. Out we went, and ill have to say, that it hardly even brang a smile to my face which is what a muscle car should do. I could tell from the way we took the corners that braking in it would be something shocking the only enjoyment was the 200km/h run we did.

But in all my rambling all ive goto say is that the kick in the V8's have been allot different compared to what my mates skyline had. This is where im besides myself all the time though, im always changing my mind about which car to buy, so its still between a GTR R33 and a V8 with an LS1 love them both.

Anyhow take it easy fellas, im making myself sleepy writing this long response


Edited by Dingo

My mate has a R32 GTR and i feel that gives massive kick in the seat once boost comes on (it was boosting around 1.4bar) and i also drive my parents unichipped SS.

The SS can give the same kick at the touch of a throat that the GTR did when it hit boost. I've had so many mates come for rides who have hated v8s but loved their turbo's (one has a worked GSR lancer) and they couldnt believe how much kick it had for a 'almost' stock SS. However, the kick was only when down changing or when jumping onto the accelerator hard. if you accelerate from a stop it gives a little kick and then its pretty constant accelerating with marginal kick.


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