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The actual bulb part can be bought from dick smiths. I bought some instore and some from their online store. I bought twice because I didn't realise how orange they'd look without the blue caps.

Suffice to say, i'm looking for the blue caps now.

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Read this thread, i'm sure I posted it in here somewhere?

And yeah, it lights up a really bright orange. I thought it'd be like a ceiling globe, but it's not.

With the blue caps? I don't know. I've never seen it. I removed the caps to change my dead globes, but they were melted on and ripped without any real effort.

This is why i'm hunting for the blue silicone globe caps. I replaced the light in the hazzard button, and it had a tiny blue cap on it, but it lights up a really nice white. I'm hoping that's the deal with the AC unit too.

I'll keep you posted here, cause I should be receiving a whole AC unit to stuff around with.

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  • 4 weeks later...

found the perfect globe and only 70 cents from repco, or can get from auto elec...

part no 47702 dash globe

pic shows exact same size, removed second blue cap perfectly with a 'precise screwdriver' smallest flathead in the pack, angled down on globe and slowly slide up to top, few mm each time turning around after each time.

fixed hazard light also with a grain of wheat globe as same size also. much harder to fix tho

pic of globes all fixed aswell



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Yeah, those are the "grain of wheat" globes that you can get from Dick Smiths.

Looks like someone's been into your A/C unit with them too... The right-hand side is what mine used to look like without the blue caps on them.

My hazard button turned out a lot whiter than that...

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found the perfect globe and only 70 cents from repco, or can get from auto elec...

part no 47702 dash globe

Nice one Brad,looks like someone finally got lucky with these bulbs!

70c is what i was hoping for!

So repco is where you got them from??Hopefully the sydney stores will also carry these-im gonna call them now.

Just hoping they are the same size on the 32 as the 33.Im sure they wouldnt have gotten THAT much bigger!!

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Yeah, those are the "grain of wheat" globes that you can get from Dick Smiths.

Looks like someone's been into your A/C unit with them too...

This is NOT TRUE.Crappy dick smith does NOT stock this size bulb as has been discussed in this forum countless times before.Their catalogue is wrong.Anyway,I dont even know why people still shop there as its a total rip since they were taken over by woolies. ;)

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This is NOT TRUE.Crappy dick smith does NOT stock this size bulb as has been discussed in this forum countless times before.Their catalogue is wrong.Anyway,I dont even know why people still shop there as its a total rip since they were taken over by woolies.

Not true? I ordered three and got three. Exactly the same size, same length legs, same voltage and wattage. Identical to the dead ones I pulled out.

Since you're so sure of yourself, and because i'm such a blatant liar, i'll stop telling people to go get these globes. =-[


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i found that the bulbs from dick smiths were too small but right size for the hazard light 'grain of wheat' bulbs. Can get the dash globes from auto elec probably for same price instead of waiting. Measure your bulbs from your current A/C should be 4mm wide and about 8mm high i think. You have the blue caps on the old ones? you get them off alright?

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So did you use the same ones for the A/C unit, Brad? I did.. they were identical.

I used smaller ones for the hazard and demister buttons. The smaller ones I got from JayCar, and had yellow pigtails on them. That was the size of the original ones when I pulled them out, so i'm pretty sure i'm correct with the sizes?

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yep thats right, the grain of wheat ones with the yellow pigtails i got from dick smiths tho, same thing just different price im gathering, found that the wheat globe cost more than the dash globe. Just an easier way of getting A/C globe thatn ordering from dick smiths online.

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What i'm saying is:

The hazards were the yellow pigtails (not called grain of wheat)

And my A/C were grain-of-wheat (from dick smiths)

I haven't touched my dash globes yet.

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Not sure how links work here but I found a post of a while ago about how to replace the "grain of wheat" bulbs in the aircon unit.

Hopefully it is shown below. If not, you could always try search.

I read the thread linked by midnight. Have just replaced the bulbs with the "grain of wheat ones from Dick Smith.

Cost was $2.50 for a pair.

1. Take the control unit out

2. Undo the two bulbs with a quarter turn

3. Unwrap the thin wire holding the bulb to the holder that makes the actual "contact"

4. Carefully push a toothpick under the blue condom and roll it around the bulb to separate the rubber from the bulb.

5. Reverse order for new bulbs.

Simple. (Although on the one pictured I left a tiny bit of the blue rubber on the old bulb. I managed to get it off completely intact with the other one.)

Look closely and you can see the wire wrapped around the base of the holder. (This is the replacement globe in place)


El Bee

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Yeppers, I think I was in that post somewhere.

I'm quite quite certain that the "grain of wheat" are the slightly larger globes used in the A/C unit. They have a solid bare wire.

The smaller yellow pigtail globes are for hazard/demister. You have to strip the yellow shielding off, and the wires are stranded.

I have done both, and i'm very sure this is correct. I have just received another second hand A/C unit, all original, with working bulbs and globe caps. They are exactly the same size as the grain of wheat. I suspect that cookie-monster got the wrong globes from Dick Smiths when he asked for "grain of wheat", because the ones I got were the same as the online catalog picture, and identical to what came out of my (unopened) A/C unit.

R33 series 1 and 2 should be the same.

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when i asked for grain of wheat globes they gave me the yellow pigtail wire tiny ones at dick smiths, so depends on who you ask i guess, besides the globes i bought were 70c so better than 2.50 for a pair, hardest part is to get the blue cap off. im sure there is enough help here for anyone needing to do it.

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Ah right.. if you look on dse.com.au and search for "wheat", it comes up with the correct globe.

So it's a case of mistaken identity when you went in and asked for them.

So the answer still stands. Grain of wheat for A/C, 12v yellow pigtail for hazard/demister.

so the actual bulbs are orange? do they turn white with the blue caps on? the original is clear so does that make a difference? been to 2 dick smith stores and they dont have any. know the part no.?

Brad, you know the answer to this now, but i'll mention it for everyone else...

The blue silicone cap (stock) takes the orange glow out of the globe, and makes it a VERY light blue.. almost dead white.

When I did the hazard and demister, the demister now lights up a really nice white.

I'm doing up a proper guide for the DIY area with a spare A/C unit I picked up. Complete with what it looks like with and without the cap, how it looks with LED, and whatever other combo's I can think of.

EDIT: I'm also looking into whether the grain of wheat globes come in different wattages, and what the stock ones are roughly rated at. There is no writing on the stock globe.

Edited by RANDY
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